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Last active March 15, 2018 18:23
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Save makevoid/edcb65b679ddbd8c69fd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
BitSwitch Intel Edison sample using Node.js - #bitcoin #bitswitch #iot #edison #automation #relay #io - video:
/*jslint node:true, vars:true, bitwise:true, unparam:true */
/*jshint unused:false */
/*global */
var mraa = require('mraa');
var request = require('request') //
var _ = require('underscore') // docs:
var addr2watch = '1PzTDHe2GKjv2sHHKoN4Gbu2njLtekkYHh' // bitcoin address to watch
var loop_time = 1000 // ms (check every second)
var balance = null
var relayPin = new mraa.Gpio(12)
var reset_loops = 0
var light_is_on = false
var reset_after = 30 // seconds
var check_balance = function(){
// this version uses direct api - but I could've used, blockcypher, etc... prefer the ones that don't require an access keys
request(''+addr2watch, function (error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
var satoshi = parseInt(body)
var btc = satoshi*Math.pow(10, -8)
// this is the simplest approach, just check if the balance if different
// you could check if the price is increased by X amount or better if you got a transaction exactly of x btc
if (balance && balance != btc)
if (light_is_on)
reset_loops += 1
balance = btc
if (reset_loops >= reset_after) {
reset_loops = 0;
light_is_on = false;
_.delay(check_balance, loop_time) // this is like setTimeout(check_balance, loop_Time)
var activate = function() {
console.log("Address balance changed, new one is:", balance, "BTC")
console.log("Let there be light!")
light_is_on = true
relayPin.write(0) // set the relay pin to low, this will trigger the relay!
var main = function() {
console.log('MRAA Version: ' + mraa.getVersion());
relayPin.write(1); // I have my relay as normally closed (NC). otherwise, if it's normally open (NO) you have to invert the 0 and 1 in all the .write() calls
console.log("BitEdison initialized - v0.1.0 - watching address:", addr2watch)
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makevoid commented Oct 1, 2015

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