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Last active January 6, 2024 20:52
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proposal of the Nix syntax, Nis

I propose "Nis", a new syntax for Nix.

Nix's syntax has a couple of issues. Its function invocation syntax breaks in arrays, which is fairly serious. It also involves a lot of semicolons. Neither of these things are necessary.

Nix version:

  outputs = inputs: let
    username = "mako";
    defaultHostname = "yoga";
    forHost = hostname: numberOfPears: moreConfig:
      inputs.nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
        modules = [
          (import ./harware-configuration.nix)
            fruitBowl = { pears = numberOfPears; };
            inherit username;
            inherit hostname;
    in {
      nixosConfigurations = {
        yoga = forHost defaultHostname (4 + 2)*3 {};

Nis version:

  outputs = (inputs): let
    username = "mako"
    defaultHostname = "yoga"
    forHost = (hostname numberOfPears moreConfig):
        modules = [
            fruitBowl = { pears = numberOfPears }
            inherit username
            inherit hostname
    in {
      nixosConfigurations = forHost(defaultHostname (4 + 2)*3 {})

Those are the benefits. The only drawback is a potential to leave programmers a more confused when they first encounter a function that returns a function being used as if it were a function of two parameters, as a result of not having forceably introduced to the curried function signature syntax in the process of learning the syntax, but I was already pretty confused when I encountered an immediate call into a returned function, so I'm not sure how much difference this will make.

The parser's a little bit more complex, but you only have to write it once, and I might be the one who does it, and I don't mind doing it.

Whether a nix code file uses the nis or nix syntax can generally be determined from the file extension of the import. import will be easy to adapt.

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