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Created January 3, 2016 18:02
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Vectorized version of percentile
import numpy as np
from numpy import asarray, add, rollaxis, sort, arange
def percentile(a, q, limit=None, interpolation='linear', axis=None,
out=None, overwrite_input=False):
Compute the qth percentile of the data along the specified axis.
Returns the qth percentile of the array elements.
a : array_like
Input array or object that can be converted to an array.
q : array_like in the range of [0,100]
Percentile to compute which must be between 0 and 100 inclusive. If
`q` is an array, its dimensions are added at the start of the result.
limit : tuple, optional
Tuple of two scalars, the lower and upper limits within which to
compute the percentile. Values outside of this range are ommitted from
the percentile calculation. None includes all values in calculation.
interpolation : {'linear', 'lower', 'higher', 'midpoint'}, optional
This optional parameter specifies the interpolation method to use,
when the desired quantile lies between two data points `i` and `j`:
* linear: `i + (j - i) * fraction`, where `fraction` is the
fractional part of the index surrounded by `i` and `j`.
* lower: `i`.
* higher: `j`.
axis : int, optional
Axis along which the percentiles are computed. The default (None)
is to compute the median along a flattened version of the array.
out : ndarray, optional
Alternative output array in which to place the result. It must
have the same shape and buffer length as the expected output,
but the type (of the output) will be cast if necessary.
overwrite_input : bool, optional
If True, then allow use of memory of input array `a` for
calculations. The input array will be modified by the call to
median. This will save memory when you do not need to preserve
the contents of the input array. Treat the input as undefined,
but it will probably be fully or partially sorted.
Default is False. Note that, if `overwrite_input` is True and the
input is not already an array, an error will be raised.
percentile : ndarray
A new array holding the result (unless `out` is specified, in
which case that array is returned instead). If the input contains
integers, or floats of smaller precision than 64, then the output
data-type is float64. Otherwise, the output data-type is the same
as that of the input.
See Also
mean, median
Given a vector V of length N, the qth percentile of V is the qth ranked
value in a sorted copy of V. A weighted average of the two nearest
neighbors is used if the normalized ranking does not match q exactly.
The same as the median if ``q=50``, the same as the minimum if ``q=0``
and the same as the maximum if ``q=100``.
>>> a = np.array([[10, 7, 4], [3, 2, 1]])
>>> a
array([[10, 7, 4],
[ 3, 2, 1]])
>>> np.percentile(a, 50)
>>> np.percentile(a, 0.5, axis=0)
array([ 6.5, 4.5, 2.5])
>>> np.percentile(a, 50, axis=1)
array([ 7., 2.])
>>> m = np.percentile(a, 50, axis=0)
>>> out = np.zeros_like(m)
>>> np.percentile(a, 50, axis=0, out=m)
array([ 6.5, 4.5, 2.5])
>>> m
array([ 6.5, 4.5, 2.5])
>>> b = a.copy()
>>> np.percentile(b, 50, axis=1, overwrite_input=True)
array([ 7., 2.])
>>> assert not np.all(a==b)
>>> b = a.copy()
>>> np.percentile(b, 50, axis=None, overwrite_input=True)
a = asarray(a)
if limit:
a = a[(limit[0] <= a) & (a <= limit[1])]
if overwrite_input:
if axis is None:
sorted = a.ravel()
sorted = a
sorted = sort(a, axis=axis)
if axis is None:
axis = 0
# The new axes should be added at the front:
sorted = rollaxis(sorted, axis, 0)
q = asarray(q)
q = q.reshape(q.shape + (1,))
q = q / 100.0
if (q < 0).any() or (q > 1).any():
raise ValueError("percentile must be either in the range [0,100]")
Nx = sorted.shape[0]
index = q * (Nx - 1)
# round fractional indices according to interpolation method
if interpolation == 'lower':
index = np.floor(index).astype(np.intp)
elif interpolation == 'higher':
index = np.ceil(index).astype(np.intp)
elif interpolation == 'linear':
pass # keep index as fraction and interpolate
raise ValueError("interpolation can only be 'linear', 'lower' "
"or 'higher'")
if index.dtype == np.intp:
i = index
indexer = (i, Ellipsis)
weights = array(1)
sumval = 1.0
i = index.astype(np.intp) + arange(2)
indexer = (i, Ellipsis)
weights = index - i[...,::-1]
weights[..., 0] *= -1
weights.shape = weights.shape + (1,) * (sorted.ndim - 1)
sumval = weights.sum(i.ndim-1) # numerical accuracy reasons?
# Use add.reduce in both cases to coerce data type as well as
# check and use out array.
res = add.reduce(sorted[indexer] * weights, axis=i.ndim-1, out=out)
res /= sumval
return res
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