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Created January 3, 2012 09:42
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Scala版Buri構想・・・第一版 rev10
class Sample01 extends FunSuite {
import sburi._
import scala.reflect.BeanInfo
class Sample01Entity(
var id:Long = 0 ,
var name : String = "" ,
var status : String = "")
class Sample01EntityPersistentPlugin extends PersistentPlugin[Sample01Entity,Long] {
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
val repo = new HashMap[Long,Sample01Entity]
var idGen = 0;
def setStatus(e :Sample01Entity , state : String) {
e.status = state
def save(e :Sample01Entity) = {
if( == 0) {
idGen += 1 = idGen
repo += ((,e))
def getStatus(e :Sample01Entity) :Option[String] = {
e.status match {
case null => None
case "" => None
case status => Some(status)
def get(id:Long) : Option[Sample01Entity] = {
class Process01 extends BuriBuilder("process01") {
type IdType = Long
type Entity = Sample01Entity
val persistent = new Sample01EntityPersistentPlugin()
import sburi.TransitBuilder._
val actStart = StartActivity("Start")
val processAct = new Activity("Process") with Procedure[Entity] {
override def process(entity: Entity) = {
// any process
val statusAct = new Activity("保存済み") with Status with UseUpdate with UseDelete
this += actStart -> List(processAct,statusAct) >>
{(e:Entity,act:Option[String]) =>
act match {
case None => statusAct
case Some("pass") => statusAct
case _ => processAct
this += processAct -> statusAct
object Process01 {
val procecss01 = new Process01 buildBuri
def apply() : Buri[Sample01Entity,Long] = procecss01
test("flow test 01") {
val entity = new Sample01Entity(1,"","")
assert(entity.status == "保存済み" , "status eq 保存済み")
assert(entity.status == "保存済み" , "status eq 保存済み")
assert(entity.status == "Delete" , "status eq Delete")
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