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Created October 28, 2008 18:05
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dm panda installation note
# There are some old db files around. Need to wipe out.
rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/*
# Install mysql and xfs related libraries.
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
apt-get install -y xfsprogs mysql-server libmysql-ruby libmysqlclient15-dev
# Create and attach volume to /vol using the example below
# Stop mysql, move /var/live/mysql to /vol , create new config, and start it up again.
# Follow the below url for further detail.
# Follow to grab panda.
# NOTE: Instead of getting stable, check out dm.
cd /var/local/www
git clone git://
cd panda
git checkout dm
# At configuration, we now need database.yml. Default is set to use mysql.
cd /var/local/www/panda/config
cp database.yml.example database.yml
# I also used file system as video store in this example. Here are the diff of panda_init.rb
# NOTE: Make sure you add your own EC2 instance at p[:videos_domain]
diff panda_init.rb.example panda_init.rb
< p[:videos_store] = :s3
< p[:videos_domain] = ""
< p[:s3_videos_bucket] = "S3_BUCKET"
> #p[:videos_store] = :s3
> #p[:videos_domain] = ""
> #p[:s3_videos_bucket] = "S3_BUCKET"
< # p[:videos_store] = :filesystem
< # p[:videos_domain] = "localhost:4000/store"
< # p[:public_videos_dir] = Merb.root / "public" / "store"
> p[:videos_store] = :filesystem
> p[:videos_domain] = ""
> p[:public_videos_dir] = Merb.root / "public" / "store"
# Adding symlink of local video store to EBS volume
mkdir /vol/store
ln -s /vol/store /var/local/www/panda/public/store
# Need to redeploy some of frozen gems.
cd /var/local/www/panda
bin/thor merb:gems:redeploy
# Setup database.
# NOTE: Since we froze all the gems, need to use "bin/rake" rather than "rake"
# NOTE: Since we now have database environment dependency, need to specify "-e production"
bin/rake db:create MERB_ENV=production
bin/rake db:automigrate MERB_ENV=production
# Follow to upload flash player, create profile&user.
# NOTE: No need to create SimpleDB domains, if you use mysql
# NOTE: No need to create S3 bucket, if you use local video store.
bin/merb -i -e production
Store.set('player.swf', 'public/player.swf')
Store.set('swfobject2.js', 'public/javascripts/swfobject2.js')
Store.set('expressInstall.swf', 'public/expressInstall.swf')
u =
u.login = 'admin' = 'email@mydomain'
Profile.create!(:title => "Flash video SD", :container => "flv", :video_bitrate => 300, :audio_bitrate => 48, :width => 320, :height => 240, :fps => 24, :position => 0, :player => "flash")
# This should be it!! retart nginx and startup merb via god
/etc/init.d/nginx restart
cd /var/local/www/panda
god load panda.god
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