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Created July 9, 2018 17:17
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makoto@Makotos-MacBook-Air: [~/work/blockparty - (coverage)] $ myth -x contracts/Conference.sol
==== Integer Overflow ====
Type: Warning
Contract: Unknown
Function name: _function_0x05f203d9
PC address: 543
A possible integer overflow exists in the function `_function_0x05f203d9`.
The addition or multiplication may result in a value higher than the maximum representable integer.
In file: contracts/GroupAdmin.sol:33
function revoke(address[] oldAdmins) public onlyOwner{
for(uint i = 0; i < oldAdmins.length; i++){
for (uint j = 0; j < admins.length; ++i) {
if (admins[j] == oldAdmins[i]) {
admins[j] = admins[admins.length - 1];
emit AdminRevoked(oldAdmins[i]);
==== Integer Overflow ====
Type: Warning
Contract: Unknown
Function name: _function_0x1e3c9352
PC address: 1206
A possible integer overflow exists in the function `_function_0x1e3c9352`.
The addition or multiplication may result in a value higher than the maximum representable integer.
In file: contracts/GroupAdmin.sol:22
function grant(address[] newAdmins) public onlyOwner{
for(uint i = 0; i < newAdmins.length; i++){
emit AdminGranted(newAdmins[i]);
==== Integer Overflow ====
Type: Warning
Contract: Unknown
Function name: _function_0x31ae450b
PC address: 1463
A possible integer overflow exists in the function `_function_0x31ae450b`.
The addition or multiplication may result in a value higher than the maximum representable integer.
In file: contracts/GroupAdmin.sol:50
function getAdmins() view public returns(address[]){
// todo: include owner;
return admins;
==== Integer Overflow ====
Type: Warning
Contract: Unknown
Function name: changeName(string)
PC address: 1639
A possible integer overflow exists in the function `changeName(string)`.
The addition or multiplication may result in a value higher than the maximum representable integer.
In file: contracts/Conference.sol:236
function changeName(string _name) external onlyOwner noOneRegistered{
name = _name;
==== Integer Overflow ====
Type: Warning
Contract: Unknown
Function name: changeName(string)
PC address: 1645
A possible integer overflow exists in the function `changeName(string)`.
The addition or multiplication may result in a value higher than the maximum representable integer.
In file: contracts/Conference.sol:236
function changeName(string _name) external onlyOwner noOneRegistered{
name = _name;
==== Exception state ====
Type: Informational
Contract: Unknown
Function name: _function_0x05f203d9
PC address: 3200
A reachable exception (opcode 0xfe) has been detected. This can be caused by type errors, division by zero, out-of-bounds array access, or assert violations. This is acceptable in most situations. Note however that `assert()` should only be used to check invariants. Use `require()` for regular input checking.
In file: contracts/GroupAdmin.sol:36
==== Exception state ====
Type: Informational
Contract: Unknown
Function name: _function_0x14bfd6d0
PC address: 4065
A reachable exception (opcode 0xfe) has been detected. This can be caused by type errors, division by zero, out-of-bounds array access, or assert violations. This is acceptable in most situations. Note however that `assert()` should only be used to check invariants. Use `require()` for regular input checking.
In file: contracts/GroupAdmin.sol:11
address[] public admins
==== Integer Overflow ====
Type: Warning
Contract: Unknown
Function name: _function_0x1e3c9352
PC address: 4253
A possible integer overflow exists in the function `_function_0x1e3c9352`.
The addition or multiplication may result in a value higher than the maximum representable integer.
In file: contracts/zeppelin/ownership/Ownable.sol:1
* @title
==== Integer Overflow ====
Type: Warning
Contract: Unknown
Function name: _function_0x31ae450b
PC address: 4759
A possible integer overflow exists in the function `_function_0x31ae450b`.
The addition or multiplication may result in a value higher than the maximum representable integer.
In file: contracts/GroupAdmin.sol:52
return admins
==== Integer Overflow ====
Type: Warning
Contract: Unknown
Function name: _function_0x31ae450b
PC address: 4761
A possible integer overflow exists in the function `_function_0x31ae450b`.
The addition or multiplication may result in a value higher than the maximum representable integer.
In file: contracts/GroupAdmin.sol:52
return admins
==== Transaction order dependence ====
Type: Warning
Contract: Unknown
Function name: withdraw()
PC address: 5265
A possible transaction order independence vulnerability exists in function withdraw(). The value or direction of the call statement is determined from a tainted storage location
In file: contracts/Conference.sol:142
==== Dependence on predictable environment variable ====
Type: Warning
Contract: Unknown
Function name: clear()
PC address: 5637
In the function `clear()` the following predictable state variables are used to determine Ether recipient:
- block.timestamp
In file: contracts/Conference.sol:220
==== Integer Overflow ====
Type: Warning
Contract: Unknown
Function name: _function_0x05f203d9
PC address: 9232
A possible integer overflow exists in the function `_function_0x05f203d9`.
The addition or multiplication may result in a value higher than the maximum representable integer.
In file: contracts/Conference.sol:6
contract Conference is Destructible, GroupAdmin {
string public name;
uint256 public deposit;
uint public limitOfParticipants;
uint public registered;
uint public attended;
bool public ended;
bool public cancelled;
uint public endedAt;
uint public coolingPeriod;
uint256 public payoutAmount;
string public encryption;
mapping (address => Participant) public participants;
mapping (uint => address) public participantsIndex;
bool paid;
struct Participant {
string participantName;
address addr;
bool attended;
bool paid;
event RegisterEvent(address addr, string participantName, string _encryption);
event AttendEvent(address addr);
event PaybackEvent(uint256 _payout);
event WithdrawEvent(address addr, uint256 _payout);
event CancelEvent();
event ClearEvent(address addr, uint256 leftOver);
/* Modifiers */
modifier onlyActive {
modifier noOneRegistered {
require(registered == 0);
modifier onlyEnded {
/* Public functions */
* @dev Construcotr.
* @param _name The name of the event
* @param _deposit The amount each participant deposits. The default is set to 0.02 Ether. The amount cannot be changed once deployed.
* @param _limitOfParticipants The number of participant. The default is set to 20. The number can be changed by the owner of the event.
* @param _coolingPeriod The period participants should withdraw their deposit after the event ends. After the cooling period, the event owner can claim the remining deposits.
* @param _encryption A pubic key. The admin can use this public key to encrypt pariticipant username which is stored in event. The admin can later decrypt the name using his/her private key.
constructor (
string _name,
uint256 _deposit,
uint _limitOfParticipants,
uint _coolingPeriod,
string _encryption
) public {
if (bytes(_name).length != 0){
name = _name;
} else {
name = 'Test';
if(_deposit != 0){
deposit = _deposit;
deposit = 0.02 ether;
if (_limitOfParticipants != 0){
limitOfParticipants = _limitOfParticipants;
limitOfParticipants = 20;
if (_coolingPeriod != 0) {
coolingPeriod = _coolingPeriod;
} else {
coolingPeriod = 1 weeks;
if (bytes(_encryption).length != 0) {
encryption = _encryption;
* @dev Registers with twitter name and full user name (the user name is encrypted).
* @param _participant The twitter address of the participant
* @param _encrypted The encrypted participant name
function registerWithEncryption(string _participant, string _encrypted) external payable onlyActive{
emit RegisterEvent(msg.sender, _participant, _encrypted);
* @dev Registers with twitter name.
* @param _participant The twitter address of the participant
function register(string _participant) external payable onlyActive{
emit RegisterEvent(msg.sender, _participant, '');
* @dev The internal function to register participant
* @param _participant The twitter address of the participant
function registerInternal(string _participant) internal {
require(msg.value == deposit);
require(registered < limitOfParticipants);
participantsIndex[registered] = msg.sender;
participants[msg.sender] = Participant(_participant, msg.sender, false, false);
* @dev Withdraws deposit after the event is over.
function withdraw() external onlyEnded{
require(payoutAmount > 0);
Participant participant = participants[msg.sender];
require(participant.addr == msg.sender);
require(cancelled || participant.attended);
require(participant.paid == false);
participant.paid = true;
emit WithdrawEvent(msg.sender, payoutAmount);
/* Constants */
* @dev Returns total balance of the contract. This function can be deprecated when refactroing front end code.
* @return The total balance of the contract.
function totalBalance() view public returns (uint256){
return address(this).balance;
* @dev Returns true if the given user is registered.
* @param _addr The address of a participant.
* @return True if the address exists in the pariticipant list.
function isRegistered(address _addr) view public returns (bool){
return participants[_addr].addr != address(0);
* @dev Returns true if the given user is attended.
* @param _addr The address of a participant.
* @return True if the user is marked as attended by admin.
function isAttended(address _addr) view public returns (bool){
return isRegistered(_addr) && participants[_addr].attended;
* @dev Returns true if the given user has withdrawn his/her deposit.
* @param _addr The address of a participant.
* @return True if the attendee has withdrawn his/her deposit.
function isPaid(address _addr) view public returns (bool){
return isRegistered(_addr) && participants[_addr].paid;
* @dev Show the payout amount each participant can withdraw.
* @return The amount each participant can withdraw.
function payout() view public returns(uint256){
if (attended == 0) return 0;
return uint(totalBalance()) / uint(attended);
/* Admin only functions */
* @dev Ends the event by owner
function payback() external onlyOwner onlyActive{
payoutAmount = payout();
ended = true;
endedAt = now;
emit PaybackEvent(payoutAmount);
* @dev Cancels the event by owner. When the event is canceled each participant can withdraw their deposit back.
function cancel() external onlyOwner onlyActive{
payoutAmount = deposit;
cancelled = true;
ended = true;
endedAt = now;
emit CancelEvent();
* @dev The event owner transfer the outstanding deposits if there are any unclaimed deposits after cooling period
function clear() external onlyOwner onlyEnded{
require(now > endedAt + coolingPeriod);
uint leftOver = totalBalance();
emit ClearEvent(owner, leftOver);
* @dev Change the capacity of the event. The owner can change it until event is over.
* @param _limitOfParticipants the number of the capacity of the event.
function setLimitOfParticipants(uint _limitOfParticipants) external onlyOwner onlyActive{
limitOfParticipants = _limitOfParticipants;
* @dev Change the name of the event. The owner can change it as long as no one has registered yet.
* @param _name the name of the event.
function changeName(string _name) external onlyOwner noOneRegistered{
name = _name;
* @dev Mark participants as attended. The attendance cannot be undone.
* @param _addresses The list of participant's address.
function attend(address[] _addresses) external onlyAdmin onlyActive{
for( uint i = 0; i < _addresses.length; i++){
address _addr = _addresses[i];
emit AttendEvent(_addr);
participants[_addr].attended = true;
==== Integer Overflow ====
Type: Warning
Contract: Unknown
Function name: _function_0x05f203d9
PC address: 9234
A possible integer overflow exists in the function `_function_0x05f203d9`.
The addition or multiplication may result in a value higher than the maximum representable integer.
In file: contracts/Conference.sol:6
contract Conference is Destructible, GroupAdmin {
string public name;
uint256 public deposit;
uint public limitOfParticipants;
uint public registered;
uint public attended;
bool public ended;
bool public cancelled;
uint public endedAt;
uint public coolingPeriod;
uint256 public payoutAmount;
string public encryption;
mapping (address => Participant) public participants;
mapping (uint => address) public participantsIndex;
bool paid;
struct Participant {
string participantName;
address addr;
bool attended;
bool paid;
event RegisterEvent(address addr, string participantName, string _encryption);
event AttendEvent(address addr);
event PaybackEvent(uint256 _payout);
event WithdrawEvent(address addr, uint256 _payout);
event CancelEvent();
event ClearEvent(address addr, uint256 leftOver);
/* Modifiers */
modifier onlyActive {
modifier noOneRegistered {
require(registered == 0);
modifier onlyEnded {
/* Public functions */
* @dev Construcotr.
* @param _name The name of the event
* @param _deposit The amount each participant deposits. The default is set to 0.02 Ether. The amount cannot be changed once deployed.
* @param _limitOfParticipants The number of participant. The default is set to 20. The number can be changed by the owner of the event.
* @param _coolingPeriod The period participants should withdraw their deposit after the event ends. After the cooling period, the event owner can claim the remining deposits.
* @param _encryption A pubic key. The admin can use this public key to encrypt pariticipant username which is stored in event. The admin can later decrypt the name using his/her private key.
constructor (
string _name,
uint256 _deposit,
uint _limitOfParticipants,
uint _coolingPeriod,
string _encryption
) public {
if (bytes(_name).length != 0){
name = _name;
} else {
name = 'Test';
if(_deposit != 0){
deposit = _deposit;
deposit = 0.02 ether;
if (_limitOfParticipants != 0){
limitOfParticipants = _limitOfParticipants;
limitOfParticipants = 20;
if (_coolingPeriod != 0) {
coolingPeriod = _coolingPeriod;
} else {
coolingPeriod = 1 weeks;
if (bytes(_encryption).length != 0) {
encryption = _encryption;
* @dev Registers with twitter name and full user name (the user name is encrypted).
* @param _participant The twitter address of the participant
* @param _encrypted The encrypted participant name
function registerWithEncryption(string _participant, string _encrypted) external payable onlyActive{
emit RegisterEvent(msg.sender, _participant, _encrypted);
* @dev Registers with twitter name.
* @param _participant The twitter address of the participant
function register(string _participant) external payable onlyActive{
emit RegisterEvent(msg.sender, _participant, '');
* @dev The internal function to register participant
* @param _participant The twitter address of the participant
function registerInternal(string _participant) internal {
require(msg.value == deposit);
require(registered < limitOfParticipants);
participantsIndex[registered] = msg.sender;
participants[msg.sender] = Participant(_participant, msg.sender, false, false);
* @dev Withdraws deposit after the event is over.
function withdraw() external onlyEnded{
require(payoutAmount > 0);
Participant participant = participants[msg.sender];
require(participant.addr == msg.sender);
require(cancelled || participant.attended);
require(participant.paid == false);
participant.paid = true;
emit WithdrawEvent(msg.sender, payoutAmount);
/* Constants */
* @dev Returns total balance of the contract. This function can be deprecated when refactroing front end code.
* @return The total balance of the contract.
function totalBalance() view public returns (uint256){
return address(this).balance;
* @dev Returns true if the given user is registered.
* @param _addr The address of a participant.
* @return True if the address exists in the pariticipant list.
function isRegistered(address _addr) view public returns (bool){
return participants[_addr].addr != address(0);
* @dev Returns true if the given user is attended.
* @param _addr The address of a participant.
* @return True if the user is marked as attended by admin.
function isAttended(address _addr) view public returns (bool){
return isRegistered(_addr) && participants[_addr].attended;
* @dev Returns true if the given user has withdrawn his/her deposit.
* @param _addr The address of a participant.
* @return True if the attendee has withdrawn his/her deposit.
function isPaid(address _addr) view public returns (bool){
return isRegistered(_addr) && participants[_addr].paid;
* @dev Show the payout amount each participant can withdraw.
* @return The amount each participant can withdraw.
function payout() view public returns(uint256){
if (attended == 0) return 0;
return uint(totalBalance()) / uint(attended);
/* Admin only functions */
* @dev Ends the event by owner
function payback() external onlyOwner onlyActive{
payoutAmount = payout();
ended = true;
endedAt = now;
emit PaybackEvent(payoutAmount);
* @dev Cancels the event by owner. When the event is canceled each participant can withdraw their deposit back.
function cancel() external onlyOwner onlyActive{
payoutAmount = deposit;
cancelled = true;
ended = true;
endedAt = now;
emit CancelEvent();
* @dev The event owner transfer the outstanding deposits if there are any unclaimed deposits after cooling period
function clear() external onlyOwner onlyEnded{
require(now > endedAt + coolingPeriod);
uint leftOver = totalBalance();
emit ClearEvent(owner, leftOver);
* @dev Change the capacity of the event. The owner can change it until event is over.
* @param _limitOfParticipants the number of the capacity of the event.
function setLimitOfParticipants(uint _limitOfParticipants) external onlyOwner onlyActive{
limitOfParticipants = _limitOfParticipants;
* @dev Change the name of the event. The owner can change it as long as no one has registered yet.
* @param _name the name of the event.
function changeName(string _name) external onlyOwner noOneRegistered{
name = _name;
* @dev Mark participants as attended. The attendance cannot be undone.
* @param _addresses The list of participant's address.
function attend(address[] _addresses) external onlyAdmin onlyActive{
for( uint i = 0; i < _addresses.length; i++){
address _addr = _addresses[i];
emit AttendEvent(_addr);
participants[_addr].attended = true;
==== Integer Overflow ====
Type: Warning
Contract: Unknown
Function name: changeName(string)
PC address: 9318
A possible integer overflow exists in the function `changeName(string)`.
The addition or multiplication may result in a value higher than the maximum representable integer.
In file: contracts/Conference.sol:6
contract Conference is Destructible, GroupAdmin {
string public name;
uint256 public deposit;
uint public limitOfParticipants;
uint public registered;
uint public attended;
bool public ended;
bool public cancelled;
uint public endedAt;
uint public coolingPeriod;
uint256 public payoutAmount;
string public encryption;
mapping (address => Participant) public participants;
mapping (uint => address) public participantsIndex;
bool paid;
struct Participant {
string participantName;
address addr;
bool attended;
bool paid;
event RegisterEvent(address addr, string participantName, string _encryption);
event AttendEvent(address addr);
event PaybackEvent(uint256 _payout);
event WithdrawEvent(address addr, uint256 _payout);
event CancelEvent();
event ClearEvent(address addr, uint256 leftOver);
/* Modifiers */
modifier onlyActive {
modifier noOneRegistered {
require(registered == 0);
modifier onlyEnded {
/* Public functions */
* @dev Construcotr.
* @param _name The name of the event
* @param _deposit The amount each participant deposits. The default is set to 0.02 Ether. The amount cannot be changed once deployed.
* @param _limitOfParticipants The number of participant. The default is set to 20. The number can be changed by the owner of the event.
* @param _coolingPeriod The period participants should withdraw their deposit after the event ends. After the cooling period, the event owner can claim the remining deposits.
* @param _encryption A pubic key. The admin can use this public key to encrypt pariticipant username which is stored in event. The admin can later decrypt the name using his/her private key.
constructor (
string _name,
uint256 _deposit,
uint _limitOfParticipants,
uint _coolingPeriod,
string _encryption
) public {
if (bytes(_name).length != 0){
name = _name;
} else {
name = 'Test';
if(_deposit != 0){
deposit = _deposit;
deposit = 0.02 ether;
if (_limitOfParticipants != 0){
limitOfParticipants = _limitOfParticipants;
limitOfParticipants = 20;
if (_coolingPeriod != 0) {
coolingPeriod = _coolingPeriod;
} else {
coolingPeriod = 1 weeks;
if (bytes(_encryption).length != 0) {
encryption = _encryption;
* @dev Registers with twitter name and full user name (the user name is encrypted).
* @param _participant The twitter address of the participant
* @param _encrypted The encrypted participant name
function registerWithEncryption(string _participant, string _encrypted) external payable onlyActive{
emit RegisterEvent(msg.sender, _participant, _encrypted);
* @dev Registers with twitter name.
* @param _participant The twitter address of the participant
function register(string _participant) external payable onlyActive{
emit RegisterEvent(msg.sender, _participant, '');
* @dev The internal function to register participant
* @param _participant The twitter address of the participant
function registerInternal(string _participant) internal {
require(msg.value == deposit);
require(registered < limitOfParticipants);
participantsIndex[registered] = msg.sender;
participants[msg.sender] = Participant(_participant, msg.sender, false, false);
* @dev Withdraws deposit after the event is over.
function withdraw() external onlyEnded{
require(payoutAmount > 0);
Participant participant = participants[msg.sender];
require(participant.addr == msg.sender);
require(cancelled || participant.attended);
require(participant.paid == false);
participant.paid = true;
emit WithdrawEvent(msg.sender, payoutAmount);
/* Constants */
* @dev Returns total balance of the contract. This function can be deprecated when refactroing front end code.
* @return The total balance of the contract.
function totalBalance() view public returns (uint256){
return address(this).balance;
* @dev Returns true if the given user is registered.
* @param _addr The address of a participant.
* @return True if the address exists in the pariticipant list.
function isRegistered(address _addr) view public returns (bool){
return participants[_addr].addr != address(0);
* @dev Returns true if the given user is attended.
* @param _addr The address of a participant.
* @return True if the user is marked as attended by admin.
function isAttended(address _addr) view public returns (bool){
return isRegistered(_addr) && participants[_addr].attended;
* @dev Returns true if the given user has withdrawn his/her deposit.
* @param _addr The address of a participant.
* @return True if the attendee has withdrawn his/her deposit.
function isPaid(address _addr) view public returns (bool){
return isRegistered(_addr) && participants[_addr].paid;
* @dev Show the payout amount each participant can withdraw.
* @return The amount each participant can withdraw.
function payout() view public returns(uint256){
if (attended == 0) return 0;
return uint(totalBalance()) / uint(attended);
/* Admin only functions */
* @dev Ends the event by owner
function payback() external onlyOwner onlyActive{
payoutAmount = payout();
ended = true;
endedAt = now;
emit PaybackEvent(payoutAmount);
* @dev Cancels the event by owner. When the event is canceled each participant can withdraw their deposit back.
function cancel() external onlyOwner onlyActive{
payoutAmount = deposit;
cancelled = true;
ended = true;
endedAt = now;
emit CancelEvent();
* @dev The event owner transfer the outstanding deposits if there are any unclaimed deposits after cooling period
function clear() external onlyOwner onlyEnded{
require(now > endedAt + coolingPeriod);
uint leftOver = totalBalance();
emit ClearEvent(owner, leftOver);
* @dev Change the capacity of the event. The owner can change it until event is over.
* @param _limitOfParticipants the number of the capacity of the event.
function setLimitOfParticipants(uint _limitOfParticipants) external onlyOwner onlyActive{
limitOfParticipants = _limitOfParticipants;
* @dev Change the name of the event. The owner can change it as long as no one has registered yet.
* @param _name the name of the event.
function changeName(string _name) external onlyOwner noOneRegistered{
name = _name;
* @dev Mark participants as attended. The attendance cannot be undone.
* @param _addresses The list of participant's address.
function attend(address[] _addresses) external onlyAdmin onlyActive{
for( uint i = 0; i < _addresses.length; i++){
address _addr = _addresses[i];
emit AttendEvent(_addr);
participants[_addr].attended = true;
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