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Last active April 25, 2018 13:10
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a = ['a', 'c', 'd', '']
b = ['b', 'c', 'd', '']
compare(a,a) # 0
compare(a,b) # -1
compare(b,a) # 1
a = ['a', 'c', 'd', '']
b = ['c', 'd', '']
compare(a,b) # -1
a = ['c', 'd', '']
b = ['a','c', 'd', '']
compare(a,b) # -1
def compare_equal(a,b)
return 0 if a == [''] && b == ['']
a_head = a[0]
a_tail = a[1..-1]
b_head = b[0]
b_tail = b[1..-1]
result = compare_equal(a_tail, b_tail)
return result if result != 0
if result == 0
a_head <=> b_head
def compare(a,b)
length = [a.length, b.length].min
a_tail_start = a.length - length
b_tail_start = b.length - length
a_tail = a[a_tail_start..-1]
b_tail = b[b_tail_start..-1]
result = compare_equal(a_tail, b_tail)
# a and b are in the same domain level
return result if result != 0
# a is sub domain of the b
return -1 if a_tail_start != 0 || b_tail_start != 0
# a and b are exactly the same
return 0
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