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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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var FleetTest = struct {
FleetName string
Trackers []string
[]string{"106206", "107749", "107699"},
var testFleet Fleet = Fleet{
Id: "202",
Update: map[string]Pos{
"106206": Pos{
Id: 106206,
Longitude: 69.145340,
Owner: "Ozodbek",
Number: "01 S 775 JS",
Name: "Lacetti",
Latitude: 41.260006,
Direction: 47,
Speed: 10,
Sat: 9,
Time: "2015-04-21 17:59:59",
Ignition: 0,
GsmSignal: -1,
Battery: 14293,
Seat: 1000,
BatteryLvl: -1,
Fuel: 0,
FuelVal: 0,
MuAdditional: "",
Customization: "",
Additional: "additional",
Action: 2,
"107749": Pos{
Id: 107749,
Latitude: 41.260006,
Longitude: 69.245811,
Owner: "Odil",
Number: "Acer Test",
Name: "Personal Acer",
Direction: 243,
Speed: 0,
Sat: 99,
Time: "2015-03-26 13:29:06",
Ignition: 0,
GsmSignal: -1,
Battery: 5900,
Seat: 1000,
BatteryLvl: -1,
Fuel: 0,
FuelVal: 0,
MuAdditional: "",
Customization: "",
Additional: "additional",
Action: 2,
"107699": Pos{
Id: 107699,
Longitude: 69.245926,
Latitude: 41.293530,
Owner: "Odil",
Number: "01 048 QA",
Name: "PersonalAndroid",
Direction: 225,
Speed: 10,
Sat: 99,
Time: "2015-04-01 18:00:13",
Ignition: 0,
GsmSignal: -1,
Battery: 4500,
Seat: 1000,
BatteryLvl: -1,
Fuel: 0,
FuelVal: 0,
MuAdditional: "",
Customization: "a:1:{s:9:fillcolor;s:7:#993300;}",
Additional: "",
Action: 2,
var testUsr []Usr = []Usr{
Login : "oldmin",
Fleet : "666",
Trackers : []string{"1", "2", "3"},
Login: "testLogin",
Fleet: "testFleet",
Trackers: []string{"4","5","6"},
for _, x := range FleetTest.Trackers {
rc.Do("SADD", "fleet"+":"+FleetTest.FleetName, x)
// add mock user
jusr, err := json.Marshal(testUsr[0])
if err != nil {
func PushRedis(fleet Fleet) (err error) {
"package": "rcache",
for k, x := range fleet.Update {
jpos, err := json.Marshal(x)
if err != nil {
"package": "rcache",
"error": err.Error(),
return err
rc.Do("RPUSH", config.DS.Redis.TPrefix+":"+k, jpos)
err := PushRedis(testFleet)
if err != nil {
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