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maksadbek / System
Created April 18, 2016 11:43 — forked from vasanthk/System
System Design Cheatsheet

#System Design Cheatsheet

Picking the right architecture = Picking the right battles + Managing trade-offs

##Basic Steps

  1. Clarify and agree on the scope of the system
  • User cases (description of sequences of events that, taken together, lead to a system doing something useful)
    • Who is going to use it?
    • How are they going to use it?
maksadbek /
Created April 24, 2016 17:27 — forked from beshkenadze/
Тестовое задание для Ruby-разработчика


Реализовать на Ruby с использованием Rails приложение со следующим функционалом:

  1. Регистрация / авторизация пользователей.
  2. Создание портфеля акций (5-6 акций достаточно) для пользователя: стандартный CRUD.
  3. Данные должны скачиваться с Yahoo Finance.
  4. Сделать вывод графика "стоимость портфеля от времени" за 2 последних года по выбранным в п.2 акциям.


maksadbek / gist:f9f4cb120da991b5634b966c29748d25
Created May 8, 2016 14:51 — forked from rygorous/gist:e0f055bfb74e3d5f0af20690759de5a7
A bit of background on compilers exploiting signed overflow
Why do compilers even bother with exploiting undefinedness signed overflow? And what are those
mysterious cases where it helps?
A lot of people (myself included) are against transforms that aggressively exploit undefined behavior, but
I think it's useful to know what compiler writers are accomplishing by this.
TL;DR: C doesn't work very well if int!=register width, but (for backwards compat) int is 32-bit on all
major 64-bit targets, and this causes quite hairy problems for code generation and optimization in some
fairly common cases. The signed overflow UB exploitation is an attempt to work around this.
package main
import (
// A quick experiment with Channels and React
// this needs more thinking
// but might be useful as a starting point.
import React from 'react'
import { render } from 'react-dom'
import { chan, go, timeout, take, put, putAsync, buffers } from 'js-csp';
import { add, assoc, curry, compose, map, mapObjIndexed, max, pluck, prop, reduce } from 'ramda'
const initialState = {
maksadbek / keyboardcapture.go
Created December 30, 2016 18:18 — forked from obonyojimmy/keyboardcapture.go
go lang keyboard capture
package main
import (
//~ "time"
maksadbek / lexer.go
Created February 7, 2017 13:19 — forked from rhysd/lexer.go
package lexer
import (
maksadbek / interviewitems.MD
Created March 21, 2017 08:58 — forked from amaxwell01/interviewitems.MD
My answers to over 100 Google interview questions

##Google Interview Questions: Product Marketing Manager

  • Why do you want to join Google? -- Because I want to create tools for others to learn, for free. I didn't have a lot of money when growing up so I didn't get access to the same books, computers and resources that others had which caused money, I want to help ensure that others can learn on the same playing field regardless of their families wealth status or location.
  • What do you know about Google’s product and technology? -- A lot actually, I am a beta tester for numerous products, I use most of the Google tools such as: Search, Gmaill, Drive, Reader, Calendar, G+, YouTube, Web Master Tools, Keyword tools, Analytics etc.
  • If you are Product Manager for Google’s Adwords, how do you plan to market this?
  • What would you say during an AdWords or AdSense product seminar?
  • Who are Google’s competitors, and how does Google compete with them? -- Google competes on numerous fields: --- Search: Baidu, Bing, Duck Duck Go
maksadbek / lmdb.tcl
Created April 30, 2017 13:04 — forked from antirez/lmdb.tcl
LMDB -- First version of Redis written in Tcl
# Copyriht (C) 2009 Salvatore Sanfilippo <>
# All Rights Reserved
# - cron with cleanup of timedout clients, automatic dump
# - the dump should use array startsearch to write it line by line
# and may just use gets to read element by element and load the whole state.
# - 'help','stopserver','saveandstopserver','save','load','reset','keys' commands.
# - ttl with milliseconds resolution 'ttl a 1000'. Check ttl in dump!
maksadbek / learn.lua
Created July 5, 2017 09:06 — forked from tylerneylon/learn.lua
Learn Lua quickly with this short yet comprehensive and friendly script. It's written as both an introduction and a quick reference. It's also a valid Lua script so you can verify that the code does what it says, and learn more by modifying and running this script in your Lua interpreter.
-- Two dashes start a one-line comment.
Adding two ['s and ]'s makes it a
multi-line comment.
-- 1. Variables and flow control.