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maksar /
Last active July 4, 2021 18:47

I was employed in Itransition for 15+ years, started as Junior developer, currently in VPE and SCO positions. Still write code (have tons of experience in Ruby/Rails and Java/Kotlin stacks) daily, but not for a full time. Proficient with DevOps (terraform) on AWS and deployment in general (chef, ansible, bash), love to configure and automate CI/CD servers (TeamCity mainly, but GitHub actions will kill it), all per projects (bots, utils) are getting deployed with NixOps (to keep me sane). Other activities in a company: SDLC processes, ISO certifications, tons of code reviews, developer's career schema, project audits, vulnerability scanning, automation activities.

I don't have a lot of experience with Haskell and want to get it. However, I wrote some thinks in Haskell:

  • Facebook chat bot interacting with a company's AD with LDAP (polysemy, QuickCheck, hspec, servant-client, servant-server, aeson, lens, haskeline, nix flakes)
  • JIRA parsing and aggregation (servant-client, template haskell, aeson, relude, att

Расширяемые функциональные эффекты против объектно-ориентированных интерфейсов.

С большим опозданием, продолжаю цикл статей про WP бота. Ссылки на предыдущие части: 1, 2 3 и 4. Сегодня, впрочем как обычно, речь пойдет про очедную функциональную дичь ;).

Столпом ООП является инкапсуляция (каждый раз тянет по английски это слово с i начать), которая про "сокрытие реализации". Даже самому начинающему программисту известно, что достигается инкапсуляция в mainstream языках программирования при помощи interface-ов. Я постараюсь показать совершенно иной способ инкапсуляции – экзистенциальные эффекты.

Что за а

def except(input)[]) { |(_e, i), r| r << (r.last || 1) * ( ? 1 : input[i - 1]) }
def solution(input)
except(input).zip(except(input.reverse).reverse).map { |pair| pair.inject(:*) }
def solution(input)
log_sum = { |i| Math.log10(i) }.sum { |i| (10**(log_sum - Math.log10(i))).round }
def solution(input)
log_sum = { |i| Math.log10(i) }.sum { |i| (10**(log_sum - Math.log10(i))).round }
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Copyright:
# A sneaky wrapper around Rubocop that allows you to run it only against
# the recent changes, as opposed to the whole project. It lets you
# enforce the style guide for new/modified code only, as opposed to
# having to restyle everything or adding cops incrementally. It relies
# on git to figure out which files to check.
maksar /
Created June 6, 2017 08:11 — forked from demonbane/
Create a Fluid-style app launcher for single-window Chrome instances on OSX
echo "What should the Application be called (no spaces allowed e.g. GCal)?"
read inputline
echo "What is the url (e.g."
read inputline
require 'set'
class Workflow
def initialize(steps_config)
@steps_config = steps_config
@current_step = 0
@votes = { }
def approve(actor)
permissionProducer : Producer Permission
permissionProducer =
let permission i = case i of
1 -> VOTE
2 -> FORCE
_ -> NONE
in permission <| rangeInt 0 2
userProducer : Producer User
userProducer =
maksar / sample.feature
Created January 26, 2014 21:29
Feature: Identification process
Given following EGRUL source configuration
| step | suspicious_threshold | identification_threshold |
| 1 | 0 | 90 |
| 2 | 65 | 90 |
And following attributes weights
| inn | kpp | ogrn | okpo | short_name | full_name |
| 90 | 10 | 90 | 85 | 5 | 5 |
And following priorities