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Created February 6, 2020 05:57
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Example of type-level validation in python
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Generic, Optional, TypeVar
class Raw:
class Valid:
V = TypeVar("V", Raw, Valid)
T = TypeVar("T")
class Validable(Generic[V, T]):
def __init__(self, a: T):
self.a = a
def validateAge(x: Validable[Raw, int]) -> Optional[Validable[Valid, int]]:
if x.a > 0:
return Validable(x.a)
return None
class Input(Generic[V]):
name: str
age: Validable[V, int]
def from_json(json: dict) -> "Input[Raw]":
def validateInput(x: Input[Raw]) -> Optional[Input[Valid]]:
vAge = validateAge(x.age)
if vAge is None:
return None
return Input(, vAge)
def business(x: Input[Valid]) -> None:
data = {"name": "foo", "age": -5}
inp = Input.from_json(data)
# reveal_type(inp)
# note: Revealed type is 'val.Input[val.Raw]'
# business(inp)
# error: Argument 1 to "business" has incompatible type "Input[Raw]"; expected "Input[Valid]"
vInp = validateInput(inp)
if vInp is not None:
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