This technique helps validate arbitrary conditions in deeply nested structures without writing additional code — with the help of Haskell Generics.
It boils down to this pattern:
validate :: a 'Raw -> Validation (ErrorMap es) (a 'Valid)
getError :: HasError e es => ErrorMap es -> e
If you are interested in how to achieve this, read on.
Say you are developing a REST API that accepts some business-data in JSON. Of course, this data must be checked for correctness. There are actually three levels to this:
- Correctness of JSON syntax — i.e. quotes, brackets and so on;
- Correctness of JSON schema — i.e. objects with required fields, arrays of a required item type;
- Correctness of data itself — constraints like "this number should be positive" or "this string should have exactly these possible values", that are not expressible in JSON specification alone.
The first two levels are already handled by aeson
library and its FromJSON
typeclass. How could we
incorporate third one there as well?
Let's focus on a simple constraint: positive integers. We could define a newtype with a FromJSON
instance like this:
newtype PositiveInt = PositiveInt Int deriving (Eq, Show)
instance FromJSON PositiveInt where
parseJSON v = do
n <- parseJSON v
if n > 0
then pure $ PositiveInt n
else fail "Expected positive integer!"
Here we offload all work to existing Int
parser and then check its result.
At first glance, we're good. However, let's look at the error message in case there are two
s in our business type:
data Business
= Business
{ foo :: PositiveInt
, bar :: PositiveInt
, baz :: String
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON Business
wrong :: ByteString
wrong = "{ \"foo\": -42, \"bar\": -256, \"baz\": \"noes\" }"
Now, what happens when we try to parse it?
λ> eitherDecodeStrict @Business wrong
Left "Error in $.foo: Expected positive integer!"
We get an error, but it reports only the first field with a problem. There are two improvements we would like to make over this scenario:
- Collect all validation errors that are present in the data;
- Represent errors with something more structured than strings.
In this post, I'll present a possible solution that covers both these points and at the same time is sufficiently generic in both data and error types.
This is a literal Haskell file. Here's how to load in GHCi (adapt for other build tools if not using stack):
$ stack ghci --package markdown-unlit --package typerep-map --package validation --package containers --ghci-options='-pgmL markdown-unlit'
Some extensions and imports
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableSuperClasses #-}
module Validation where
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Kind
import Data.Map.Strict (Map, singleton, unionWith)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
import Data.Type.Bool
import Data.Type.Equality
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits
import Type.Reflection (Typeable, typeRep)
import Data.TMap (TMap)
import qualified Data.TMap as TMap
import Data.Validation (Validation (..))
The simplest way to represent validation would be to define a function like this one:
validate :: a -> Bool
It is obvious that this is not good Haskell — this function can't guarantee that un-validated data is not passed to business-logic functions later on.
Instead, we turn to the spirit of the great "Parse, don't validate"
post. Following it, we must discriminate "raw" and "valid" data in our types. One obvious way is to
use type-level tags through DataKinds
data Validity = Raw | Valid
To store errors, we must embed our data into some Functor
. To be able to collect
errors from all locations independently we need an Applicative
. Standard choice is
So, assuming our errors are of some type e
, we may write this type for validation function:
-- Here 'a' has kind "Validity -> Type".
validate :: a 'Raw -> Validation e (a 'Valid)
Therefore, if business logic only accepts a 'Valid
, then code that glues transport layer and business
layer would have to pattern-match on Validation
constructors and do some error handling in case
the data was invalid. This approach ensures that the business code never gets invalid data.
But how do we choose this type "e
"? As we are developing a generic mechanism, we would not like to
limit user's ability to use custom error types. Moreover, we would like to combine validations of
different types in the same data type.
It looks like our e
has to store values of an arbitrary number of unknown types. There is a nice
package that provides just that interface: typerep-map
We can use the TMap
type defined there. It is a map whose keys are types and values are values of
those types. In other words, it can map Int
to 42
, String
to "foo"
and so on — all in
one map.
Next take on our validate
validate :: a 'Raw -> Validation TMap (a 'Valid)
There is still a problem — now we don't know what types of errors the validation may produce,
but that information should be perfectly recoverable from the type "a
Let's deal with this problem in two steps. First of all, we need to annotate the TMap
type-level tag of types that are actually 100% present in the map. For that we use a newtype
newtype ErrorMap (es :: [Type]) = ErrorMap TMap
deriving (Show)
Next, we define a type class for all things that can be validated:
class Validable (es :: [Type]) (a :: Validity -> Type) | a -> es where
validate :: a 'Raw -> Validation (ErrorMap es) (a 'Valid)
The crucial moment here is the functional dependency "a -> es
". It specifies that for every type a
there is only one possible set of errors es
. Using this information GHC will always be able to
infer correct types just from the call to validate
A side note — to be able to use Applicative
instance for Validation
type, our ErrorMap es
must have a Semigroup
intance. And to write such an instance we require each e
in es
to be
as well. The code for the instance is not very interesting:
instance Semigroup (ErrorMap es)
-- | Match the head of the list of error types and require it to be 'Semigroup' (to combine) and
-- 'Typeable' (to be able to store in a 'TMap')
instance (Semigroup (ErrorMap ts), Semigroup t, Typeable t) => Semigroup (ErrorMap (t ': ts)) where
(<>) (ErrorMap l) (ErrorMap r) = coerce $ (<>) @(ErrorMap ts) (coerce res) (coerce r)
-- Here we combine the two values, always push the result into first argument and then
-- recurse to the rest of types with the second argument unchanged.
values = mapMaybe (TMap.lookup @t) [l, r]
-- We can't do just @foldr (<>) mempty values@ because we only have a Semigroup.
res = case values of
[] -> l
(e:[]) -> TMap.insert e l
(e1:e2:es) -> TMap.insert (e1 <> foldl (<>) e2 es) l
-- | Base case -- both maps should be empty here.
instance Semigroup (ErrorMap '[]) where
(<>) l _ = l
And lastly, we need a function to extract one type of error from the map:
-- HasErrorC will be defined later.
getError :: forall (e :: Type) (es :: [Type]). (Typeable e, HasErrorC e es) => ErrorMap es -> e
getError (ErrorMap em) =
case TMap.lookup @e em of
Just x -> x
Nothing -> error $ "ErrorMap.getError: impossible missing type " <> show (typeRep @e)
Let's first make a couple of simple instances for Validable
type class. These instances will have
to store their errors in an ErrorMap
, so we introduce one
as a wrapper of
one :: Typeable e => e -> ErrorMap '[e]
one e = ErrorMap $ e
Start with PositiveInt
s. For
that, we must choose how to represent errors. For the purpose of this post, a simple Map
with field
names will suffice:
-- Int tagged with its field name.
newtype PositiveInt (field :: Symbol) (v :: Validity) = PositiveInt Int deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
-- Collect wrong numbers per field name.
newtype PositiveIntErrors = PositiveIntErrors (Map String [Int]) deriving (Eq, Show)
-- To accumulate all wrong numbers in one list.
instance Semigroup PositiveIntErrors where
(<>) = coerce $ (unionWith @String @[Int]) (<>)
instance KnownSymbol field => Validable '[PositiveIntErrors] (PositiveInt field) where
validate (PositiveInt n)
| n > 0 = pure $ PositiveInt n
| otherwise = Failure $ one $ PositiveIntErrors $ singleton (symbolVal @field Proxy) [n]
Let's see how it works:
pn1 = PositiveInt @"age" 42
pn2 = PositiveInt @"age" (-5)
pn3 = PositiveInt @"age" (-10)
pn4 = PositiveInt @"height" (-256)
λ> validate pn1
Success (PositiveInt 42)
λ> let Failure es = validate pn2 in getError @PositiveIntErrors es
PositiveIntErrors (fromList [("age",[-5])])
As expected, one number is validated without problems. Now let's try to validate a list of them:
λ> let Failure es = traverse validate [pn1, pn2, pn3] *> validate pn4 in getError @PositiveIntErrors es
PositiveIntErrors (fromList [("age",[-5,-10]),("height",[-256])])
Notice that our grouping worked: we have separate reports for "age" and "height" fields. And that all errors are collected.
Now we can write validation for a String with a fixed number of possibilities in the same spirit:
newtype EnumString (v :: Validity) = EnumString String deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance Validable '[[String]] EnumString where
validate (EnumString s)
-- For demonstration we keep the list of errors static, but of course it can be on type-level as
-- well.
| s `elem` ["foo", "bar", "baz", "enterprise"] = pure $ EnumString s
| otherwise = Failure $ one [s]
es1 = EnumString "foo"
es2 = EnumString "noes"
Confirm that it works:
λ> let Failure es = traverse validate [es1, es2] in getError @[String] es
Now let's use GHC's Generic
mechanism to make validators for compound data types automatically. In
our Generic code we would need to change the tag from 'Raw
to 'Valid
, therefore we actually need
a typeclass called Generic1
, which is the same as Generic
, but for types of kind k -> Type
First we make a type class GValidable
, which is Validable
for Generic data:
class GValidable (es :: [Type]) (g :: Validity -> Type) | g -> es where
gvalidate :: g 'Raw -> Validation (ErrorMap es) (g 'Valid)
Here g
is expected to be Rep1 a
for some type a :: Validity -> Type
. Using that, we can add
default implementation for our Validable
class Validable (es :: [Type]) (a :: Validity -> Type) | a -> es where
validate :: a 'Raw -> Validation (ErrorMap es) (a 'Valid)
default validate :: (Generic1 a, GValidable es (Rep1 a)) => a 'Raw -> Validation (ErrorMap es) (a 'Valid)
validate = fmap to1 . gvalidate . from1
Next comes the usual Generic stuff: matching on constructors and fields and leveraging already
existing Validable
Here's the code, with an explanation for each instance:
-- 'Rec1 a' is a field with kind `Validity -> Type`. To validate it, we must turn to its `Validable`
-- instance.
instance (Validable es a) => GValidable es (Rec1 (a :: Validity -> Type)) where
gvalidate (Rec1 a) = Rec1 <$> validate a
-- ':.:' denotes composition of two types, 'a :: Validity -> Type' and 'f :: Type -> Type'. This
-- instance enables validation of 'GValidable' fields embedded in any 'Traversable' functor like lists.
instance (Traversable f, GValidable es a, Semigroup (ErrorMap es)) => GValidable es (f :.: a) where
gvalidate (Comp1 as) = Comp1 <$> traverse gvalidate as
-- 'Rec0' is a field of "simple" type, which requires no validation.
instance GValidable '[] (Rec0 (a :: Type)) where
gvalidate (K1 a) = K1 <$> pure a
-- The next three instances are to unwrap Generic's metadata wrappers for data types and fields.
instance GValidable e a => GValidable e (S1 meta a) where
gvalidate (M1 a) = M1 <$> gvalidate a
instance GValidable e a => GValidable e (C1 meta a) where
gvalidate (M1 a) = M1 <$> gvalidate a
instance GValidable e a => GValidable e (D1 meta a) where
gvalidate (M1 a) = M1 <$> gvalidate a
There is only one instance left to do — the one for :*:
, data type fields in Generic
representation. But there is a problem: we can't just write it like this:
instance (GValidable es a, GValidable es b) => GValidable es (a :*: b) where
since such instance will force error types of all fields to be the same. Instead, we would like to have a union of two independent error type sets. For that, we turn to Type Families.
This one will check if error set es
contains the type e
-- O(n) in the length of 'es'.
type family HasError (e :: Type) (es :: [Type]) :: Bool where
HasError e (e ': _) = 'True
HasError e (_ ': es) = HasError e es
HasError e '[] = 'False
-- 'HasError' packed as as 'Constraint'.
type family HasErrorC (e :: Type) (es :: [Type]) :: Constraint where
HasErrorC e es =
If (HasError e es)
( () :: Constraint )
(TypeError ('Text "No error of type " :<>: 'ShowType e :<>: 'Text " in the list " :<>: 'ShowType es))
And this one will merge two lists of errors, keeping the result set deduplicated:
-- O(n*m)
type family MergeErrors (e1 :: [Type]) (e2 :: [Type]) :: [Type] where
MergeErrors '[] e2 = e2
MergeErrors (e ': es) e2 =
If (HasError e e2)
(MergeErrors es e2)
(e ': MergeErrors es e2)
And now we are ready to make the instance:
instance (GValidable es1 a, GValidable es2 b, es3 ~ MergeErrors es1 es2, Semigroup (ErrorMap es3)) => GValidable es3 (a :*: b) where
gvalidate (l :*: r) = (:*:) <$> coerce (gvalidate @es1 l) <*> coerce (gvalidate @es2 r)
The trick is to use coerce
to "widen" error set of gvalidate @es1
to es3
, and the same for
. Since we define es3 ~ MergeErrors es1 es2
, we always know that es1
is a subset of es3
and coercion is safe — we don't lose any data in the map.
Now it's time to put our Generic implementation to test. Let's define a record using PositiveInt
and EnumString
data Example (v :: Validity)
= Example
{ age :: PositiveInt "age" v
, height :: PositiveInt "height" v
, tags :: [EnumString v]
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Generic1)
deriving instance Validable '[PositiveIntErrors, [String]] Example
ex :: Example 'Raw
ex = Example (PositiveInt (-42)) (PositiveInt (-23)) [EnumString "foo", EnumString "noes", EnumString "lala"]
Now we can validate this type and see that errors of all types are collected correctly:
λ> let Failure es = validate ex
λ> getError @PositiveIntErrors es
PositiveIntErrors (fromList [("age",[-42]),("height",[-23])])
λ> getError @[String] es
As I said in the beginning, the purpose of this library is to validate input data in JSON. For that I propose this workflow:
- Make
instance for the type with'Raw
deriving instance FromJSON (Example 'Raw)
- Make
instance for that type. - Use
a 'Valid
in business logic functions.
We've created a validation framework that is generic both in the types of errors that can be reported and in the types of data that can be validated.
If this approach gains some interest, I'll package it as a library and upload to Hackage.