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Created September 22, 2016 20:08
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  • Save makthrow/facb5b3122c0f8fb7ab76bbe69e6a90c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// TODO: iOS9.0 - rewrite using Photos framework
let request = PHAssetChangeRequest.creationRequestForAssetFromVideo(atFileURL: outputFileURL)
}, completionHandler: { (success, error) in
if !success { NSLog("error creating asset: \(error)") }
// ALAssetsLibrary().writeVideoAtPath(toSavedPhotosAlbum: outputFileURL, completionBlock: {
// (assetURL:URL!, error:NSError!) in
// if error != nil{
// print(error)
// }
// do {
// try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: outputFileURL)
// } catch _ {
// }
// if backgroundRecordId != UIBackgroundTaskInvalid {
// UIApplication.shared.endBackgroundTask(backgroundRecordId)
// }
// })
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