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Created May 17, 2022 02:31
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ESP-C3-32S AHTX0 test
import adafruit_ahtx0
from adafruit_datetime import datetime
from adafruit_requests import Session
import board
from busio import I2C
from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction
from socketpool import SocketPool
from ssl import create_default_context
from time import monotonic, sleep
from wifi import radio
from secrets import secrets
except ImportError:
print('Be sure to setup for wifi secrets!')
# Setup an LED
def setup_led(led_pin):
led = DigitalInOut(getattr(board, led_pin))
led.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
# Ensure the LED is off
led.value = False
return led
# Blink an LED
def blink_led(led_pin = 'LED_WHITE'):
led = leds[led_pin]
led.value = not led.value
led.value = not led.value
# Setup I2C and AHT20 sensor
i2c = I2C(board.IO7, board.IO8)
sensor = adafruit_ahtx0.AHTx0(i2c)
# Setup the LEDs available on this board
leds = dict(zip(led_pins, map(lambda led_pin: setup_led(led_pin), led_pins)))
# Connect to the WiFi network
radio.connect(secrets['wireless_name'], secrets['wireless_password'])
# Create socket pool
pool = SocketPool(radio)
# Create requests Session object
requests = Session(pool, create_default_context())
last = monotonic()
while True:
# Only check once per second
if monotonic() - last < 1:
last = monotonic()
now =
# Every 15 minutes, sample the sensor
if now.minute % 15 == 0 and now.second == 0:
data = { 'temperature': sensor.temperature, 'humidity': sensor.relative_humidity }
res ='', data=data)
print('Response from API:', res.json())
# Every 30 seconds blink the LED
if now.second % 30 == 0:
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