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Created August 25, 2022 16:27
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"How to use Algolia as a game engine debugging tool in Rust" Example #3
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize, Serializer};
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime};
use urlencoding;
// The credentials data
const ALGOLIA_AGENT: &str = "Algolia DataSender for Rust Dev (0.0.1)";
// The reqwest client type used by the library
type ClientType = reqwest::blocking::Client;
// Generates unique IDs to use as ObjectIds
pub struct IdGenerator {
prefix: String,
idx: i32,
impl IdGenerator {
pub fn new(prefix: String) -> Self {
IdGenerator { prefix: prefix, idx: 0 }
pub fn new_from_time() -> Self {
let now = SystemTime::now();
let prefix = format!("{:?}", now.duration_since(std::time::UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap_or_default());
pub fn next_i32(&mut self) -> i32 {
let idx = self.idx;
self.idx += 1;
pub fn next_string(&mut self) -> String {
let next_id = self.next_i32();
format!("{}_{}", self.prefix.as_str(), next_id)
pub struct AlgoliaSender {
app_id: String,
api_key: String,
index_name: String,
data_buffer: Vec<String>,
client: ClientType,
id_generator: IdGenerator,
impl AlgoliaSender {
pub fn new(app_id: &str, api_key: &str, index_name: &str) -> Self {
AlgoliaSender {
app_id: String::from(app_id),
api_key: String::from(api_key),
index_name: String::from(index_name),
data_buffer: vec![],
client: ClientType::new(),
id_generator: IdGenerator::new_from_time(),
pub fn add_item<T>(&mut self, v: &T)
T: Serialize,
match serde_json::to_string(v) {
Ok(serialized) => {
Err(_) => {}
// Sends items to the ingestion endpoint in a batch job
pub fn send_items(&mut self) {
let index_name = self.index_name.clone();
// Sends items to the ingestion endpoint in a batch job
pub fn send_items_to_index(&mut self, index_name: &str) {
// convert a pre-serialized JSON object into a request object for a batch request
fn build_batch_request_entry(id: &String, data: &String) -> Option<String> {
if data.len() <= 2 {
return None;
// Skip the opening curly brace and inject our objectID into the already serialized object
let remaining_data:String = data.chars().skip(1).collect();
Some(format!("{{\"action\":\"updateObject\",\"body\":{{\"objectID\":\"{}\",{}}}", id, remaining_data))
// wrap the individual requests into a batch
fn wrap_batch_request_entry(rows: &Vec<String>) -> String {
format!("{{\"requests\":[{}]}}", rows.join(","))
// wrap the data
let data = wrap_batch_request_entry(
.filter_map(|entry: &String| -> Option<String> { build_batch_request_entry(&self.id_generator.next_string(), entry) })
// get the URI for the index
let uri = self.uri_for_index(index_name);
let uri_with_client = format!("{}?x-algolia-agent={}", uri, ALGOLIA_AGENT);
let res = self
.header("x-algolia-api-key", self.api_key.as_str())
.header("x-algolia-application-id", self.app_id.as_str())
match res {
Err(_) => {}
Ok(resp) => {
let status = resp.status();
let body = resp.text().unwrap_or_default();
if status != 200 {
// log the problem for now
println!("ERROR while sending to Algolia: {}\n {}", status, body);
// TODO: this clean is tricky to place, as we want to keep unsent data, but it may accumulate to very large amounts
// returns a full URI for an index name and the current app
fn uri_for_index(&self, index_name: &str) -> String {
// build the URI for the batch
let host = format!("{}", self.app_id.to_lowercase());
let path = format!("/1/indexes/{}/batch", urlencoding::encode(index_name));
format!("https://{}{}", host, path)
#[derive(Serialize, Debug)]
struct Float3 {
x: f32,
y: f32,
z: f32,
fn main() {
// The credentials data
const APP_ID: &str = "";
const INDEX_NAME: &str = "";
const API_KEY: &str = "";
let mut sender = AlgoliaSender::new(APP_ID, API_KEY, INDEX_NAME);
sender.add_item(&Float3 {
x: 5.1,
y: 5.2,
z: 5.3,
sender.add_item(&Float3 {
x: 6.1,
y: 6.2,
z: 6.3,
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