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Created May 27, 2024 00:34
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ieee_754 implementation in python
def float_to_binary_32(f):
Converts a 32-bit floating-point number to its binary representation.
f (float): The floating-point number to encode.
str: The binary representation of the floating-point number.
# For 32-bit float, we manually handle the sign, exponent, and mantissa
# by extracting integer and decimal parts and computing the binary representation.
# Then, we adjust the exponent and mantissa to fit the IEEE 754 format.
# Finally, we concatenate the sign, exponent, and mantissa to get the binary string.
if f == 0.0:
return '0' * 32
sign = '1' if f < 0 else '0'
f = abs(f)
integer_part = int(f)
decimal_part = f - integer_part
integer_binary = bin(integer_part)[2:]
decimal_binary = ''
while decimal_part != 0:
decimal_part *= 2
if decimal_part >= 1:
decimal_binary += '1'
decimal_part -= 1
decimal_binary += '0'
binary_representation = integer_binary + '.' + decimal_binary
exponent = 0
if '.' in binary_representation:
exponent = binary_representation.index('.') - 1
binary_representation = binary_representation.replace('.', '')
binary_representation = binary_representation.rstrip('0')
exponent_binary = bin(127 + exponent)[2:].zfill(8)
mantissa = binary_representation[1:].ljust(23, '0')
return sign + exponent_binary + mantissa
def binary_to_float_32(binary):
Converts a binary representation to a 32-bit floating-point number.
binary (str): The binary representation of the floating-point number.
float: The decoded floating-point number.
# For 32-bit float, we extract the sign, exponent, and mantissa from the binary string.
# Then, we compute the floating-point number by applying the formula based on IEEE 754 format.
sign = int(binary[0])
exponent = int(binary[1:9], 2) - 127
mantissa = 1 + sum(int(binary[i]) * 2**(-i+8) for i in range(9, 32))
if exponent == -127:
if mantissa == 0:
return 0.0
return (-1) ** sign * mantissa * 2**(-126)
if exponent == 128:
if mantissa == 0:
return float('inf') if sign == 0 else float('-inf')
return float('nan')
return (-1) ** sign * mantissa * 2**exponent
def float_to_binary_64(f):
Converts a 64-bit floating-point number to its binary representation.
f (float): The floating-point number to encode.
str: The binary representation of the floating-point number.
# For 64-bit float, the process is similar to 32-bit float but with a larger mantissa.
# We manually handle the sign, exponent, and mantissa,
# adjust them to fit the IEEE 754 format, and concatenate to get the binary string.
if f == 0.0:
return '0' * 64
sign = '1' if f < 0 else '0'
f = abs(f)
integer_part = int(f)
decimal_part = f - integer_part
integer_binary = bin(integer_part)[2:]
decimal_binary = ''
while decimal_part != 0:
decimal_part *= 2
if decimal_part >= 1:
decimal_binary += '1'
decimal_part -= 1
decimal_binary += '0'
binary_representation = integer_binary + '.' + decimal_binary
exponent = 0
if '.' in binary_representation:
exponent = binary_representation.index('.') - 1
binary_representation = binary_representation.replace('.', '')
binary_representation = binary_representation.rstrip('0')
exponent_binary = bin(1023 + exponent)[2:].zfill(11)
mantissa = binary_representation[1:].ljust(52, '0')
return sign + exponent_binary + mantissa
def binary_to_float_64(binary):
Converts a binary representation to a 64-bit floating-point number.
binary (str): The binary representation of the floating-point number.
float: The decoded floating-point number.
# For 64-bit float, we extract the sign, exponent, and mantissa from the binary string.
# Then, we compute the floating-point number using the formula based on IEEE 754 format.
sign = int(binary[0])
exponent = int(binary[1:12], 2) - 1023
mantissa = 1 + sum(int(binary[i]) * 2**(-i+11) for i in range(12, 64))
if exponent == -1023:
if mantissa == 0:
return 0.0
return (-1) ** sign * mantissa * 2**(-1022)
if exponent == 1024:
if mantissa == 0:
return float('inf') if sign == 0 else float('-inf')
return float('nan')
return (-1) ** sign * mantissa * 2**exponent
def main():
examples = [3.14, 123.456, -0.001]
for example in examples:
binary_encoded_32 = float_to_binary_32(example)
decoded_32 = binary_to_float_32(binary_encoded_32)
binary_encoded_64 = float_to_binary_64(example)
decoded_64 = binary_to_float_64(binary_encoded_64)
print(f"Original: {example}")
print(f"32-bit Encoded: {binary_encoded_32}, Decoded: {decoded_32}")
print(f"64-bit Encoded: {binary_encoded_64}, Decoded: {decoded_64}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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