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Created March 25, 2014 18:06
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REST Api Documentation with Swagger
* Rest web service for operate the admin details
* @author dinuka
@Path("/" + APINames.ADMIN)
@Api(value = "/" + APINames.ADMIN, description = "Rest api for do operations on admin", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public class AdminAPI {
private UriInfo context;
private static final String ACCEPT_HEADERS = "accept";
private HttpHeaders headers;
private HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest;
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
@Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
@ApiOperation(value = "Get specific admin", httpMethod = "GET", notes = "Fetch the admin user details", response = Response.class)
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Given admin user found"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Given admin user not found"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error due to encoding the data"),
@ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "Bad request due to decoding the data"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Pre condition failed due to required data not found") })
public Response getAdmin(
@ApiParam(value = "user_name of admin", required = true) @PathParam("userName") String userName) {
AdminService adminService = AppContext.getInstance().getBean(AdminService.class);
try {
String adminData = "";
// process the JSON type request
if (headers.getRequestHeaders().get(ACCEPT_HEADERS).contains(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) {
adminData = adminService.getAdmin(EncoderDecoderType.JSON, "{user_name:\"" + userName + "\"}");
// TODO: Need to process the XML type requests
if (adminData != "") {
return Response.ok().entity(adminData).build();
} else {
return Response.status(404).build();
} catch (EncodingException e) {
return Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).build();
} catch (DecodingException e) {
return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).build();
} catch (RequiredDataNotFoundException e) {
return Response.status(Status.PRECONDITION_FAILED).build();
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!--Specify the local deployment or openshift -->
<servlet-name>Jersey Servlet</servlet-name>
<servlet-name>Jersey Servlet</servlet-name>
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