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Last active August 9, 2022 15:04
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# Conntect to Azure AD
# Get the Enterprise Application for GitHub Enterprise with EMU
$githubEMUenterpriseApp = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -Filter "Displayname eq 'GitHub Enterprise Managed User'"
# Get all groups you want to assign, based on their name
$groups = Get-AzureADGroup -all $true | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -like "Dev*"} | Select displayname,objectid
# Loop through all groups and assign them to your Enterprise Application Role
# Approles[1] Billing Manager
# Approles[2] User
# Approles[3] Enterprise Owner
ForEach ($group in $groups) {
Try {
New-AzureADGroupAppRoleAssignment -ObjectId $group.ObjectId -PrincipalId $group.ObjectId -Id $githubEMUenterpriseApp.Approles[2].id -ResourceId $githubEMUenterpriseApp.ObjectId -ErrorAction Stop
GroupName = $group.displayname
AppliciationAssigned = $true
catch {
GroupName = $group.displayname
AppliciationAssigned = $false
# Credit goes to LazyAdmin Ruud for his helpful blog post on
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