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Last active September 28, 2020 19:00
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Save malchak/7575842 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Solutions to Find Missing Number in Array.
# Question:
# Suppose you have an array of 99 numbers.
# The array contains the digits 1 to 100 with one digit missing.
# Write four different algorithms to compute the missing number.
# Two of these should optimize for low storage and two of these should optimize for fast processing.
# (Keep in mind, there are no duplicates and the array is not already sorted.)
# Notes:
# These Solitions are listed based on performace, from fastest to slowest.
# Currently Ruby does not have a standard method for measuring memory optimization
# (like PHP has for example), however, the Performance Benchmark results are shown
# at the end of this document.
# Solution 1: Arithmetic Series - **** OPTIMAL SOLUTION ****
# 1. Resource
# 2. This equation quickly finds sum of our expected series of numbers (1-100).
# 3. Because, in our case, we have number missing, we need to alter the equation by
# by adjusting the increments up by 1.
# 4. Once we've stored the arithmetic sum, we simply find the array sum,
# and subtract.
# 5. The difference between the two represents the number in the series that is missing.
def arithmetic_find_missing(array)
arithmetic_sum = (array.length + 1) * (array.length + 2) / 2
actual_sum = array.reduce(:+)
arithmetic_sum - actual_sum
# Solution 2: Basic iteration -
# 1. Sort existing array.
# 2. Iterate over the array.
# 3. If the difference between consecutive indecies is not
# equal to 1, the missing number is equal to the value
# of the current index + 1.
# 4. Return the missing number.
def iteration_find_missing(array)
array.each do |i|
if array[i + 1] - array[i] != 1
puts array[i] + 1
if array[i + 1] - array[i] != 1 && array.last == 100
return 1
elsif array[i + 1] - array[i] != 1 && array.first == 1
return 100
# Solution 3: Comparison -
# 1. Sort the array.
# 2. Create a new array of all numbers contained within
# the range of our current array.
# 3. Total the sum of all numbers within each array.
# 4. The difference between the sums is equalivalent
# to the missing number, which was removed from our
# original array.
# 5. If however, we get a difference of 0, then the missing number
# is either the first or last number within our range.
def comparison_find_missing(array)
new_array = (array.first..array.last).to_a
new_array_total = new_array.reduce(:+)
array_total = array.reduce(:+)
missing = new_array_total - array_total
if missing == 0 && array.last == 100
missing = 1
elsif missing == 0 && array.first == 1
missing = 100
# Solution 4:
# 1. This uses a simple ruby compare functionality. Beacuse the range is given
# in the problem, it's not optimal, but we can hard code the data range
# into our method.
def simple_ruby_missing(array)
(1..100).to_a - array
# Algorithm Tests -
test_array = (1..100).to_a
test_array.delete rand(100)
puts arithmetic_find_missing(test_array)
puts iteration_find_missing(test_array)
puts comparison_find_missing(test_array)
puts simple_ruby_missing(test_array)
#Speed/Performance Tests
require 'benchmark'
Benchmark.bmbm do |x|"Solution #1") { arithmetic_find_missing(test_array) }"Solution #2") { iteration_find_missing(test_array) }"Solution #3") { comparison_find_missing(test_array) }"Solution #4") { simple_ruby_missing(test_array) }
# Benchmark Results, Testing Runtime (in seconds)
# user system total real
# Solution #1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 0.000012)
# Solution #2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 0.000028)
# Solution #3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 0.000030)
# Solution #4 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 0.000046)
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nice gist check this one...

def missing_number(array)
     total = array.last * (array.last + 1)/2
    total - array.inject(:+)

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