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Created December 6, 2010 21:06
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Get info on ChurChur Metro buses within a lat/long boundary
require 'rubygems'
require 'net/http'
require 'json'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
# Lat long boundaries
# Around the casino
# Home
xmin = 172.70836114883423
ymin = -43.49851108428091
xmax = 172.71934747695923
ymax = -43.49546022227689
params = {
'geometry' => "#{xmin},#{ymin},#{xmax},#{ymax}",
'geometryType' => 'esriGeometryEnvelope',
'inSR' => '4326',
'spatialRel' => 'esriSpatialRelIntersects',
'relationParam' => '',
'objectIds' => '',
'where' => '',
'time' => '',
'returnCountOnly' => 'false',
'returnIdsOnly' => 'false',
'returnGeometry' => 'true',
'maxAllowableOffset' => '',
'outSR' => '',
'outFields' => 'Name,PlatformTa,RoadName,PlatformNo,Routes,Lat,Long',
'f' => 'pjson'
# GET request for stop info:
res = Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse(''), params)
json = JSON.parse(res.body)
#puts json.inspect
json['features'].each do |stop|
attr = stop['attributes']
loc = stop['geometry']
puts "#{attr['Name']} - #{attr['RoadName']} (#{attr['PlatformNo']} = #{attr['PlatformTa']})"
puts " #{attr['Routes']}"
puts " latlong=#{attr['Lat']},#{attr['Long']}"
# Get the real time arrival info
#res = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse("{attr['PlatformTa']}"))
#puts res
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open("{attr['PlatformTa']}"))
fmt = "%7s | %-40s | %3s"
puts fmt % ['Route', 'Destination', 'ETA']
puts '--------+------------------------------------------+----'
doc.css('#divXML table.tableET tbody tr').each do |tr|
route,dest,eta = tr.css('td')
if route and dest and eta
puts fmt % [route.content,dest.content,eta.content]
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