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Last active January 13, 2016 03:52
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Gun Violence Scatter Plot

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This is a scatter-plot of NRA contributions vs Firearms Deaths per 100K people. Notice TX & TN. I like how CA & NY are right near the $20K for NRA contributions. Contributions are mostly at the state level e.g. state candidates.

Summary: Below are links to datasets regarding NRA contributions & Gun-deaths per 100K people for each state. The intuition I'm going for is this: "what if NRA contributions & Gun deaths are related"

  1. NRA Contributions:
  2. Gun Deaths:
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 3 should actually have 1 column, instead of 2 in line 2.
State Contributions Deaths
Alaska 0 2.24
Arizona 2,772 3.53
California 17,000 3.25
Colorado 100 1.51
Delaware 100 3.09
Georgia 3,750 3.93
Hawaii 5,250 0.07
Illinois 18,000 1.14
Indiana 3,050 3.29
Iowa 14,753 0.71
Kansas 8,650 2.78
Louisiana 2,796 10.16
Maine 5,000 0.9
Michigan 800 5.06
Minnesota 500 0.82
Mississippi 12,500 7.46
Missouri 7,350 4.64
Montana 2,534 0.76
Nevada 15,500 3.07
New Mexico 4,500 2.98
New York 18,000 4.12
North Carolina 3,750 3.87
North Dakota 7,500 0.93
Ohio 3,600 3.54
Oklahoma 500 3.64
Oregon 11,250 1.05
Pennsylvania 21,812 3.97
Rhode Island 13,875 0.57
South Carolina 500 5.41
South Dakota 2,500 0.68
Tennessee 41,596 3.92
Texas 42,250 2.91
Utah 10,000 0.97
Vermont 3,500 0.75
Virginia 11,500 2.58
Washington 68,300 1.25
West Virginia 1,500 2.87
Wisconsin 21,325 1.47
State Contributions Deaths
Alaska 0 2.24
Arizona 2772 3.53
California 17000 3.25
Colorado 100 1.51
Delaware 100 3.09
Georgia 3750 3.93
Hawaii 5250 0.07
Illinois 18000 1.14
Indiana 3050 3.29
Iowa 14753 0.71
Kansas 8650 2.78
Louisiana 2796 10.16
Maine 5000 0.9
Michigan 800 5.06
Minnesota 500 0.82
Mississippi 12500 7.46
Missouri 7350 4.64
Montana 2534 0.76
Nevada 15500 3.07
New Mexico 4500 2.98
New York 18000 4.12
North Carolina 3750 3.87
North Dakota 7500 0.93
Ohio 3600 3.54
Oklahoma 500 3.64
Oregon 11250 1.05
Pennsylvania 21812 3.97
Rhode Island 13875 0.57
South Carolina 500 5.41
South Dakota 2500 0.68
Tennessee 41596 3.92
Texas 42250 2.91
Utah 10000 0.97
Vermont 3500 0.75
Virginia 11500 2.58
Washington 68300 1.25
West Virginia 1500 2.87
Wisconsin 21325 1.47
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* value accessor - returns the value to encode for a given data object.
* scale - maps value to a visual display encoding, such as a pixel position.
* map function - maps from data value to display value
* axis - sets up axis
// setup x
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// console.log(d);
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