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Malcolm Barrett malcolmbarrett

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#set.seed(123) # Set seed for reproducibility
fit_models <- function(n = 100) {
# Step 2: Create 10 predictors, some of which are noisy or highly correlated
x1 <- rnorm(n)
x2 <- rnorm(n)
x3 <- rnorm(n)
x4 <- rnorm(n)
title: "Untitled"
format: html
jupyter: python3
#| label: setup
#| include: false
import pandas as pd
# or use Posit Cloud
# or use Posit Cloud
# or use Posit Cloud
# or use Posit Cloud
# `letters` contains the 26 letters of the English alphabet
# data.frames will recycle `letters` twice to match the length of `a` (52)
  a = 1:52,
  b = letters
#>     a b
#> 1   1 a
#> 2   2 b
rhc <- readr::read_csv("")
rhc$swang1 <- factor(rhc$swang1, levels = c("No RHC", "RHC"))
psModel <- glm(
formula = swang1 ~ age + sex + race + edu + income + ninsclas +
cat1 + das2d3pc + dnr1 + ca + surv2md1 + aps1 + scoma1 +
wtkilo1 + temp1 + meanbp1 + resp1 + hrt1 + pafi1 +
paco21 + ph1 + wblc1 + hema1 + sod1 + pot1 + crea1 +
bili1 + alb1 + resp + card + neuro + gastr + renal +
meta + hema + seps + trauma + ortho + cardiohx + chfhx +
# Hello,
# Can anyone help me: I want just to have line plot but when I plot it looks like so as it is indicated in the picture. I am using the following code:
# Plot the 7th graph for Google mobility. Recreation & Retail
USAMobility <- USAMobility %>%
PLOT7 <- USAMobility %>%
ggplot(aes(x=date, y=retail_and_recreation_percent_change_from_baseline)) +
"panes": {
"quadrants": [
"tabSet1": [
use_custom_build <- function(file) {
build_pane_active <- has_buildtype()
bail_out <- check_buildtype()
if (bail_out) {
file_chmod(file, "+x")
# Prepare a question about this code and post it on the RStudio Community thread listed in the assignment.
# 1. Ask a clear question about the code in English. Tell us what you expect and what is happening.
# 2. Use the reprex package to create an example in R.
# Your reprex should be something that I can copy and paste on my machine and run right away.
# Do NOT just share a screenshot of your RStudio session.
# Consider these questions while preparing your reprex:
# What do we expect this code to do, and what is happening?
# Are the data accesible? Do we need to use the diabetes dataset, or will a built-in dataset do?
# Is every part of this code necessary to show the problem?
# remotes::install_github("malcolmbarrett/cidata")
# fit ipw model for a single bootstrap sample
fit_ipw <- function(split, ...) {
# get bootstrapped data sample
.df <- analysis(split)