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Created March 15, 2022 12:39
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TheMovieDB Example in RealHTTP
public class MovieDBTest: XCTestCase {
/// The shared client with their settings.
private lazy var client: HTTPClient = {
client = HTTPClient(baseURL: "")
// it will happens value to each call.
client.queryParams = [
.init(name: "api_key", value: "<API KEY>"),
.init(name: "language", value: "IT-it")
return client
/// Get the ranking for each category.
func test_getRankingInAllCategories() async throws {
let region: Rankings.List.Region = .Italy
for category in Rankings.List.Category.allCases {
print("Getting \(category.rawValue)...")
let page = try await client.fetch(Rankings.List(category: .upcoming, region: region))
print("\(page.results.count) movies in \(category.rawValue) of \(region.rawValue)")
/// Search for a movie.
func test_searchMovie() async throws {
let data = try await client.fetch(Movies.Search("Godfather", year: 1972))
print("\(data.results.count) movies found")
// MARK: - RequestConvertible
/// APIResourceConvertible is a protocol which describe the result
/// of a service with their expected output object and the function
/// which generate a valid executable request.
public protocol APIResourceConvertible {
associatedtype Result: Decodable
func request() -> HTTPRequest
public extension HTTPClient {
/// Execute async fetch of a APIResourceConvertible resource.
/// - Parameter convertible: object to execute.
/// - Returns: Type-safe output described by the protocol.
func fetch<T: APIResourceConvertible>(_ convertible: T) async throws -> T.Result {
let result = try await fetch(convertible.request())
return try result.decode(T.Result.self)
public enum Rankings {}
public enum Movies {}
// MARK: - Search Movies Resource
public extension Movies {
struct Search: APIResourceConvertible {
public typealias Result = MoviesPage
var query: String
var includeAdult: Bool = false
var year: Int?
public init(_ query: String, year: Int? = nil) {
self.query = query
self.year = year
public func request() -> HTTPRequest {
HTTPRequest {
$0.method = .get
$0.path = "/search/movie"
$0.addQueryParameter(name: "query", value: query)
$0.addQueryParameter(name: "include_adult", value: String(includeAdult))
if let year = year {
$0.addQueryParameter(name: "year", value: String(year))
// MARK: - Ranking Resource
public extension Rankings {
struct List: APIResourceConvertible {
public typealias Result = MoviesPage
public enum Category: String, CaseIterable {
case upcoming
case popular
case topRated = "top_rated"
public enum Region: String {
case Italy = "IT"
case USA = "US"
public var category: Category
public var region: Region
public var page = 1
public func request() -> HTTPRequest {
HTTPRequest {
$0.method = .get
$0.path = "/movie/\(category.rawValue)"
$0.addQueryParameter(name: "region", value: region.rawValue)
$0.addQueryParameter(name: "page", value: String(page))
// MARK: - MoviesPage
/// This describe the standard output for movies for TheMovieDB API Service.
public struct MoviesPage: Codable {
var results: [Movie]
var page: Int
var totalPages: Int
var totalResults: Int
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case page, results
case totalPages = "total_pages"
case totalResults = "total_results"
// MARK: - Movie
/// A single movie with their most important properties.
public struct Movie: Codable {
var title: String?
var id: Int
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case title, id
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