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Created April 19, 2022 13:59
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Redis remove keys
import redis
from itertools import zip_longest
import click
from tqdm import tqdm
from time import sleep
MAX_TTL = 90 * 24 * 60 * 60
def connect(host, port, db, password):
if password:
raise Exception("No password is supported")
r = redis.StrictRedis(host=host, port=port, db=db)
return r
# iterate a list in batches of size n
def batcher(iterable, n):
args = [iter(iterable)] * n
return zip_longest(*args)
def db_size(redis_cli, db_number):
keyspace ="keyspace")
if not keyspace:
print("Redis is empty")
return 0
return keyspace[f"db{db_number}"]["keys"]
@click.option("--host", "host", help="Redis host", default=REDIS_HOST)
@click.option("--db", "db", help="Redis DB", default=8)
@click.option("--port", "port", help="Redis Port", default=6379)
@click.option("--password", "password", help="Redis source password", default=None)
@click.option("--pattern", help="Pattern can be tda-* or the prefix of the keys you want to check", default="search-*")
@click.option("--ttl", help="TTL in days to clean old redis keys - Not Used", default=30)
@click.option("--delete", help="Delete old keys", is_flag=True)
def cleaner(host, db, port, password, pattern, ttl, delete):
r = connect(host, port, db, password)
total_keys = db_size(r, db)
print(f"We have {total_keys} in DB {db}")
pbar = tqdm()
total_deletes = 0
for keybatch in batcher(r.scan_iter(pattern), BATCH_SIZE):
to_delete = []
for key in keybatch:
key_ttl = r.ttl(key)
if key_ttl > MAX_TTL:
if delete and to_delete:
tqdm.write(f"Keys to delete {len(to_delete)}")
total_deletes += len(to_delete)
tqdm.write(f"Total keys deleted {total_deletes}")
total_keys = db_size(r, db)
print(f"We have {total_keys} in DB {db}")
print(f"We have deleted {total_deletes} keys in DB {db}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# To run the script first:
# > unset PIP_INDEX_URL
# then > pip install click tqdm redis (depend on which machine you are running the script, redis may be installed)
# once that is done just execute the command
# python --host --db --port --password --pattern --delete
# Remember if you add a pattern you need the *, search* or details*,
# otherwise it will try to search for just the word and the script won't copy anything
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