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Created June 13, 2019 15:23
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tmux to screen cheatsheet
Screen to tmux cheatsheet
Note: tmux 1.9 has mouse support!
You can toggle it on and off with c-M/m
+-tmux initialization--------------------------+
| Create session: tmux new-session -s SessName |
| List session: tmux list-sessions | tmux ls|
| Join session: tmux attach-session | tmux a |
| Detach session: C-d | |
|Command |screen|tmux |
|Esc |C-a |C-q |
|(C)reate tab |C-c |C-c |
|n(A)me tab |C-A |C-A |
|(N)ext tab |C-n |C-n, C-right, C-tab|
|(P)rev tab |C-p |C-p, C-left |
|Switch to tab id| |C-1, C-2, .. |
|Kill tab |C-x |C-x (close) |
|(D)etach |C-d |C-d |
|Split win horz |C-S |C-- |
|Split win vert | |C-| |
|show win ID # | |C-# |
|Navigate win | |C-up, C-down, C-tab|
|Jump to win ID #| |C-j, # |
|(L)ast tab | |C-l |
|Toggl Mous suprt| |C-M, C-m |
|V. Grow win | |C-> (think ‘bigger)|
|V. Shrink win | |C-< (think ’smaller|
|H. Grow win | |C-\ slash points |
|H. Shrink win | |C-/ toward directn|
|—---------Advanced win mgmt—---------------|
|Zoom/Unzoom | | |C-z (think maximize|
|Break window out| |C-! (turn win->tab)|
|Find Window | |C-f, name-to-find |
|(re)-Layout wins| |C-space |
+-Session mgmt (advanced)----------------------+
| Switch session: C-s | |
| Rename session: C-S | |
| Create session C-:new (inside tmux)| |
** these are called panes in tmux jargon
*** you can see a list of all key bindings at any time with C-?.
Last modified 2015-03-26
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