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Last active December 26, 2015 09:08
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Austin Malerba, CS I,
Creates a "box" with square dimensions box size. A file containing "blocks", square in dimensions, is read and the blocks
are fit into the box in first-fit, descending order. If a block does not fit in the box, it is discarded and the next
block is tried. Unfilled elements of the box are marked by zeroes.
def create_box(boxsize):
Creates list of lists with dimensions determined by the user where each
element is 0.
Returns this list, box.
box=[[0 for column in range(boxsize)] for row in range(boxsize)]
return box
def print_box(box,boxsize):
Prints box in grid formation.
Parameters:box (list) - list of lists square in dimensions. boxsize
(int) - represents the dimensions of the box
for row in range(boxsize):
for column in range(boxsize):
print(box[row][column],end=" ")
def get_blocks():
Prompts user for block file, which it opens and reads. Creates a list, blocks,
containing the blocks in the file.
Returns blocks (list).
block_file=input("Enter name of block file:")
for line in open(block_file):
blocks += line.split()
for index in range(len(blocks)):
return blocks
def sort_blocks(blocks):
Sorts list in decreasing order.
Parameters: blocks (list)- unsorted list of blocks
Preconditions:blocks unsorted
Postconditions:blocks still unsorted
Returns sorted_blocks (list)- list of blocks sorted in decreasing order
return sorted_blocks
def check_fit(box, block, row, column):
Checks if a block fits for one location in the box.
Parameters:box (list)- list of lists. block (int)- size of block to be
checked. row (int)- row to be checked. column (int)- column to be checked.
Returns False if block does not fit.
Returns True if block does fit.
if row+block>len(box) or column+block>len(box):
return False
for row_index in range(row,row+block):
for column_index in range(column,column+block):
if box[row_index][column_index]!=0:
return False
return True
def check_all_spots(box,block):
Calls check_fit for all locations in box, starting in top left and ending
in bottom right.
Parameters:box (list)- list of lists. block (int)- size of block being
Returns row,column if block fits.
Returns False if block does not fit at any location.
for row in range(len(box)):
for column in range(len(box)):
if check_fit(box,block,row,column)==True:
return row,column
return False
def update_box(box,block,row,column):
Swaps block for zeros in box.
Parameters: box (list)- list of lists. block (int)- size of block being
checked. row (int) row where block should be entered. column (int)- column
where block should be entered (starting with top left of block).
Preconditions:box contains n blocks
Postconditions:box contains n+1 blocks
Returns updated box.
for row_spot in range(row,row+block):
for column_spot in range(column,column+block):
return box
def check_all_blocks(box,blocks,boxsize):
Checks fit for all blocks in block file. If the blcok does not fit, the
block is added to the list unpacked_blocks. If the block does fit, the box
is updated.
Parameters:box (list)- list of lists square in dimensions.blocks (list)-
sorted list of blocks available. boxsize (int)- represents the dimensions
of the box.
Preconditions:box all zeros
Postconditions:box has been updated to final state
Returns box (the updated box), and unpacked_blocks (list of unpacked blocks)
for block in blocks:
if check_all_spots(box,block)==False:
return box,unpacked_blocks
def count_zeros(box):
Checks each element in the box and, if it equals zero, adds one to
Parameters: box (list):list of lists square in dimensions.
Returns total_zeros
for row in box:
for column in row:
if column==0:
return total_zeros
def main():
Prompts user for box size, calls create_box(), calls get_blocks, calls
sort_blocks(),calls check_all_blocks,prints box, free spaces, and list of
unpacked blocks.
boxsize=int(input("Enter size of box:"))
print("Free Spaces:",count_zeros(box))
print("Unpacked blocks:",unpacked_blocks)
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