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Created July 7, 2024 06:32
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"categories": [
"name": "Restaurants",
"prompts": [
"The bustling ambiance of a busy restaurant, with clinking glasses, cutlery, and muffled conversations.",
"The sound of a waiter taking an order, with pen scribbling on a notepad and polite chatter.",
"The sizzle of food being cooked on a hot grill, accompanied by the sound of a spatula flipping.",
"Diners chatting and laughing, with background music playing softly.",
"The clattering of dishes being washed in the kitchen, with water running and dishes clinking.",
"A coffee machine brewing and steaming, with cups clinking and orders being called out.",
"The sound of a cash register ringing up a bill, with the drawer opening and closing.",
"Footsteps of waitstaff moving quickly across a tiled floor.",
"The pop of a wine cork being removed, followed by the glugging sound of wine being poured.",
"The ambient noise of outdoor dining, with distant traffic, birds, and chatter."
"name": "Parks",
"prompts": [
"The serene sounds of a city park, including birds chirping, children playing, and leaves rustling in the wind.",
"Footsteps on a gravel path, with occasional bicycle bells ringing.",
"A dog barking and playing fetch, with owners calling out and laughing.",
"The sound of a fountain splashing, with water trickling and flowing.",
"People having a picnic, with the rustle of blankets and the clinking of picnic baskets.",
"The distant hum of a lawnmower, with the occasional snip of hedge clippers.",
"A playground filled with children laughing, swings creaking, and slides whooshing.",
"The gentle rustle of leaves as a breeze blows through the trees.",
"A family flying a kite, with the sound of fabric flapping and joyful exclamations.",
"Joggers running by, with rhythmic footsteps and labored breathing."
"name": "Industrial",
"prompts": [
"The intense noises of an industrial site, with machinery clanking, metal grinding, and engines humming.",
"The beeping of forklifts moving pallets, with reversing alarms and engine noises.",
"The sound of welding, with electrical crackling and metal sizzling.",
"Heavy machinery operating, with the thumping and grinding of gears.",
"The sound of a crane lifting and moving heavy objects, with chains clinking and motors whirring.",
"A factory assembly line, with rhythmic stamping, clicking, and conveyor belts moving.",
"The hiss of steam escaping from pipes, with the background hum of generators.",
"The clatter of metal tools being used, with hammering and drilling.",
"Warning alarms blaring intermittently, with safety announcements in the background.",
"The sound of a pneumatic drill breaking up concrete, with loud, repetitive impacts."
"name": "School",
"prompts": [
"The lively environment of a school hallway during class change, with students chatting and lockers closing.",
"The sound of a school bell ringing, signaling the start or end of a class period.",
"A classroom filled with students, with the murmur of voices and the rustle of paper.",
"Teachers giving instructions, with the sound of chalk on a blackboard or markers on a whiteboard.",
"Footsteps echoing in a gymnasium, with the bounce of basketballs and whistles blowing.",
"The sound of a cafeteria during lunch, with trays clattering, students talking, and utensils clinking.",
"Children playing on a playground, with swings creaking and kids laughing.",
"The rustle of backpacks being opened and closed, with zippers zipping and books being shuffled.",
"A school bus arriving and departing, with the sound of doors opening and closing and the engine rumbling.",
"A library's quiet ambiance, with the soft turning of pages and the occasional whisper."
"name": "Office",
"prompts": [
"The quiet buzz of an office space, featuring typing keyboards, printers working, and occasional phone rings.",
"The sound of a coffee machine brewing, with cups clinking and quiet chatter among colleagues.",
"Footsteps on a carpeted floor, with the soft hum of air conditioning in the background.",
"The click of a computer mouse, with the tap of keys and the whir of a computer fan.",
"A meeting room with people discussing, flipping through papers, and the occasional cough.",
"The sound of a photocopier, with paper shuffling and the machine's hum.",
"A phone conversation, with one side of the conversation audible and occasional beeps of buttons.",
"Office chairs rolling on the floor, with the squeak of wheels and creak of the chairs.",
"The rustle of paper as documents are organized, stapled, and filed.",
"The sound of an office door opening and closing, with greetings and farewells exchanged."
"name": "Urban",
"prompts": [
"The dynamic soundscape of a busy city street, including car horns, people walking, and distant sirens.",
"The sound of a subway station, with trains arriving and departing, and announcements over the PA system.",
"The ambient noise of a bustling market, with vendors shouting and customers haggling.",
"Construction noises, with the sounds of jackhammers, drills, and heavy machinery.",
"The hum of traffic, with the occasional honk and the sound of engines accelerating.",
"Street performers playing music, with clapping and coins dropping into a hat.",
"The sound of pedestrians crossing the street, with crosswalk signals and chatter.",
"Ambulances and police cars passing by, with their sirens blaring.",
"The distant roar of airplanes flying overhead, mingling with city sounds.",
"Nightlife sounds, with people laughing, music from bars, and the occasional shout."
"name": "Ocean",
"prompts": [
"The calming sounds of ocean waves crashing on the shore, with distant seagulls and a gentle breeze.",
"The sound of a boat gently rocking, with water lapping against the hull and creaking wood.",
"Dolphins clicking and whistling, with splashes as they breach the water.",
"The distant roar of a large wave crashing, with the hiss of receding water.",
"Footsteps on wet sand, with the occasional squawk of a nearby seagull.",
"The sound of a lighthouse horn blowing, with the soft lapping of waves in the background.",
"Children playing on the beach, with laughter and the sound of a beach ball being hit.",
"The gentle hum of a distant ship's engine, with the clinking of buoys in the water.",
"A scuba diver's bubbles rising to the surface, with the muffled sound of underwater currents.",
"The rustle of palm trees in the wind, with the distant call of tropical birds."
"name": "Nature",
"prompts": [
"The peaceful ambiance of a forest, with birds singing, leaves rustling, and a babbling brook nearby.",
"The sound of wind blowing through tall grass, with the occasional chirp of insects.",
"A river flowing gently, with the sound of water cascading over rocks.",
"The distant howl of a wolf, with crickets chirping and an owl hooting.",
"Footsteps on a forest floor, with twigs snapping and leaves crunching underfoot.",
"The croak of frogs in a pond, with the buzz of mosquitoes and the splash of fish jumping.",
"A waterfall crashing into a pool below, with the sound of mist and spray.",
"The distant rumble of thunder, with the patter of rain on leaves.",
"The sound of a campfire crackling, with the occasional pop of wood and the rustle of camping gear.",
"A meadow filled with the sound of bees buzzing, birds singing, and a light breeze blowing."
"name": "Weather",
"prompts": [
"The intense sound of a thunderstorm, featuring heavy rain, thunderclaps, and gusty winds.",
"The gentle patter of raindrops on a window, with distant thunder and the occasional drip from the eaves.",
"A blizzard with howling winds, the crunch of snow underfoot, and the distant call of a winter bird.",
"The rustle of autumn leaves in a strong wind, with the occasional gust lifting leaves into the air.",
"The sound of hailstones hitting a metal roof, with irregular patterns and loud impacts.",
"A gentle summer rain shower, with the soft patter of raindrops and the distant rumble of thunder.",
"The sound of a clear, sunny day, with birds chirping, a gentle breeze, and the rustle of leaves.",
"The eerie silence before a storm, with the distant rumble of thunder and the rustle of leaves.",
"The sound of a strong wind blowing through trees, with branches creaking and leaves rustling.",
"The patter of raindrops on an umbrella, with the splashing of puddles and distant thunder."
"name": "Foley",
"prompts": [
"A series of slow, deliberate footsteps crunching on a gravel path.",
"The sound of someone quickly rifling through a stack of papers.",
"A heavy wooden door creaking open slowly, followed by a soft thud as it closes.",
"A glass bottle shattering on a hard tile floor.",
"The subtle sound of a jacket being put on, with fabric rubbing against itself.",
"A metallic key turning in an old, slightly rusty lock, followed by the click of the door unlocking.",
"Several coins dropping onto a wooden surface, clinking as they settle.",
"The sound of a large book being opened, with pages being turned rapidly.",
"Slow, irregular water drips falling into a small puddle in a quiet room.",
"A single, loud hand clap echoing in a small, empty room."
"name": "Fantasy",
"prompts": [
"The mystical sound of a magic spell being cast, with swirling energies and a sparkling finish.",
"The roar of a dragon, with the flapping of massive wings and a fiery breath.",
"The ethereal chime of a fairy's wings, with delicate, twinkling sounds.",
"The clatter of armor as a knight draws their sword, with the metallic ring of the blade.",
"The eerie whisper of a ghost, with a haunting, echoing voice.",
"The bubbling of a witch's cauldron, with occasional pops and hisses.",
"The majestic sound of a unicorn galloping, with the soft thud of hooves and a magical shimmer.",
"The clash of swords in a fantasy battle, with grunts and the ringing of steel.",
"The sound of an ancient forest, with mythical creatures rustling and distant, magical melodies.",
"The whoosh of a magical portal opening, with a deep hum and a flash of light."
"name": "Humans",
"prompts": [
"The diverse sounds of a crowded marketplace, with people talking, laughing, and shouting.",
"The sound of a baby crying, with a parent trying to soothe them.",
"A group of friends laughing and chatting at a party, with background music playing.",
"The clapping and cheering of an audience at a live performance.",
"The murmur of voices in a library, with occasional whispers and shushing.",
"The sound of a conversation in a quiet room, with clear dialogue and occasional pauses.",
"The sound of a crowd at a sports event, with cheering, chanting, and the occasional whistle.",
"The chatter of coworkers in an office, with phones ringing and printers working.",
"The sound of a debate, with raised voices and lively discussion.",
"The sound of people walking through a busy airport, with announcements and luggage rolling."
"name": "Devices",
"prompts": [
"The digital beeps and boops of various electronic devices, including computers and mobile phones.",
"The whirr and click of a camera taking pictures.",
"The sound of a computer booting up, with fans spinning and the startup chime.",
"The hum of a microwave oven running, with the ding when it's finished.",
"The sound of a television being turned on, with static and channel switching.",
"The click of a remote control, with the beep of the device responding.",
"The ringtone of a smartphone, with various tones and vibrations.",
"The sound of a video game console starting up, with menu navigation sounds.",
"The beep of a washing machine finishing its cycle, with the hum of the motor.",
"The click and whirr of a printer, with the sound of paper being fed through."
"name": "Sci-Fi",
"prompts": [
"The futuristic sound of a spaceship engine, with a deep hum and occasional high-pitched whines.",
"The zap of a laser gun firing, with a quick, sharp sound.",
"The sound of a teleportation device, with a whoosh and a brief flash of energy.",
"The hum of advanced machinery in a high-tech laboratory.",
"The eerie, echoing sound of a deep space communication signal.",
"The mechanical clanking and whirring of a robot moving.",
"The sound of a force field activating, with a shimmering, pulsating noise.",
"The whoosh of a flying car passing by, with a sleek, aerodynamic sound.",
"The beeps and boops of a futuristic control panel being operated.",
"The sound of an alien landscape, with strange creatures and otherworldly noises."
"name": "Horror",
"prompts": [
"The eerie creak of an old, abandoned house, with distant, unsettling noises and a chilling atmosphere.",
"The sudden, sharp scream of someone in terror.",
"The sound of footsteps echoing in a dark, empty corridor.",
"The slow, menacing creak of a door opening in the dead of night.",
"The whisper of ghostly voices, with a haunting, ethereal quality.",
"The scraping of metal on metal, with a shrill, grating sound.",
"The distant howl of a wolf, with an ominous, foreboding tone.",
"The sound of heavy breathing, with a sense of fear and panic.",
"The sudden crash of something falling in a dark, empty room.",
"The eerie, ambient sounds of a haunted forest, with rustling leaves and distant whispers."
"name": "Animals",
"prompts": [
"The vibrant sounds of a jungle, with various animal calls and insects buzzing.",
"The roar of a lion, with deep, powerful vocalizations.",
"The chirping of birds in a forest, with a variety of species creating a symphony.",
"The howl of a wolf, with a mournful, haunting quality.",
"The sound of a dog barking, with playful yips and deep growls.",
"The purring of a cat, with a soothing, rhythmic sound.",
"The sound of cows mooing in a field, with occasional bells and footsteps.",
"The trumpeting of an elephant, with a loud, resonant call.",
"The croaking of frogs in a pond, with a chorus of ribbits and splashes.",
"The chatter of monkeys in a jungle, with playful screeches and rustling leaves."
"name": "Booms",
"prompts": [
"A powerful, earth-shaking explosion, with deep, resonant bass and a sharp initial blast.",
"The distant boom of thunder, with a rumbling, echoing sound.",
"The sound of a cannon firing, with a loud, explosive report.",
"The crash of a large object hitting the ground, with a resonant thud.",
"The explosive boom of a fireworks display, with a sharp crack and a lingering echo.",
"The sound of a bomb detonating, with a massive, concussive blast.",
"The impact of a meteor hitting the earth, with a ground-shaking boom.",
"The sound of a demolition explosion, with a series of rapid, powerful blasts.",
"The roar of a rocket launch, with a deep, powerful boom and a long, trailing rumble.",
"The sound of a volcanic eruption, with a massive, earth-shattering boom and a roar."
"name": "Braams",
"prompts": [
"A deep, dramatic braam sound, perfect for creating tension and impact in a trailer.",
"A powerful, resonant braam with a metallic edge, suitable for sci-fi scenes.",
"A haunting, atmospheric braam with a sense of foreboding and dread.",
"An aggressive, punchy braam with sharp, staccato elements.",
"A dark, ominous braam with deep, rumbling bass.",
"A cinematic, orchestral braam with layered brass and strings.",
"A futuristic, synthetic braam with a pulsating, electronic feel.",
"A massive, earth-shaking braam with heavy distortion and reverb.",
"A mysterious, eerie braam with subtle, haunting undertones.",
"A high-energy, dynamic braam with rapid buildups and sudden drops."
"name": "Risers",
"prompts": [
"A suspenseful riser, gradually building in intensity and culminating in a powerful climax.",
"A dramatic, orchestral riser with swelling strings and brass.",
"A futuristic, electronic riser with pulsating synths and a sharp crescendo.",
"A dark, eerie riser with dissonant tones and a chilling climax.",
"A high-energy riser with rapid percussion and a powerful drop.",
"A mysterious, atmospheric riser with ethereal sounds and a gradual buildup.",
"A cinematic riser with layered sound effects and a dramatic finale.",
"A tension-building riser with increasing tempo and intensity.",
"A sci-fi riser with otherworldly sounds and a futuristic climax.",
"An explosive riser with heavy distortion and a thunderous finish."
"name": "Whooshes",
"prompts": [
"A swift, aerodynamic whoosh, perfect for emphasizing fast movement or transitions.",
"A dramatic, cinematic whoosh with a powerful, sweeping sound.",
"A futuristic, electronic whoosh with a high-pitched, synthetic feel.",
"A dark, eerie whoosh with an ominous undertone.",
"A high-energy whoosh with rapid, staccato elements.",
"A mysterious, atmospheric whoosh with subtle, haunting qualities.",
"A cinematic whoosh with layered sound effects and a dynamic sweep.",
"A tension-building whoosh with increasing intensity and a sharp finish.",
"A sci-fi whoosh with otherworldly sounds and a futuristic vibe.",
"An explosive whoosh with heavy reverb and a dramatic impact."
"name": "Drones",
"prompts": [
"A low, continuous drone, providing an eerie and unsettling background ambiance.",
"A deep, resonant drone with a sense of foreboding and tension.",
"A futuristic, electronic drone with pulsating, synthetic tones.",
"A dark, atmospheric drone with haunting, dissonant elements.",
"A cinematic drone with layered soundscapes and a dramatic feel.",
"A mysterious, ambient drone with subtle, ethereal qualities.",
"A powerful, rumbling drone with heavy bass and reverb.",
"A tension-building drone with increasing intensity and complexity.",
"A sci-fi drone with otherworldly sounds and a futuristic atmosphere.",
"A meditative drone with soothing, continuous tones and a calming effect."
"name": "Impacts",
"prompts": [
"A sharp, resonant impact sound, like a heavy object hitting a solid surface with force.",
"A powerful, cinematic impact with deep bass and a dramatic echo.",
"A metallic impact with a sharp, clanging sound and reverberation.",
"A futuristic impact with synthetic elements and a crisp finish.",
"A dark, ominous impact with heavy distortion and a deep thud.",
"A high-energy impact with rapid, staccato elements and a dynamic burst.",
"A tension-building impact with increasing intensity and a sudden drop.",
"A sci-fi impact with otherworldly sounds and a futuristic feel.",
"An explosive impact with heavy reverb and a thunderous crash.",
"A haunting impact with eerie, dissonant tones and a chilling echo."
"name": "Weapons",
"prompts": [
"The loud report of a gunshot, followed by the echo and a shell casing hitting the ground.",
"The metallic clank of a sword being drawn from its sheath.",
"The rapid fire of a machine gun, with a staccato burst of bullets.",
"The explosive sound of a grenade detonating, with a powerful blast.",
"The swish and thud of an arrow being fired and hitting its target.",
"The clashing of swords in a battle, with grunts and the ring of steel.",
"The zap of a laser gun, with a quick, high-pitched discharge.",
"The boom of a cannon firing, with a deep, resonant report.",
"The mechanical click of a firearm being cocked and loaded.",
"The sound of a melee weapon hitting, with a dull thud and impact."
"name": "Transport",
"prompts": [
"The rhythmic clatter of a train on tracks, combined with the occasional horn and station announcements.",
"The roar of a jet engine during takeoff, with a powerful rumble.",
"The sound of a car engine starting, with the turn of the key and the engine revving.",
"The beep and whoosh of a subway door opening and closing.",
"The clatter of a bicycle chain, with the whir of wheels spinning.",
"The hum of a boat motor, with water splashing against the hull.",
"The sound of a helicopter flying overhead, with the whir of rotor blades.",
"The rumble of a bus engine, with the hiss of air brakes and doors opening.",
"The roar of a motorcycle accelerating, with the revving of the engine.",
"The gentle swish of a hot air balloon's burner firing, with the sound of the balloon inflating."
"name": "Household",
"prompts": [
"The everyday sounds of a household, including dishes being washed, doors closing, and a vacuum cleaner running.",
"The click and whirr of a washing machine starting a cycle.",
"The hum of a refrigerator, with occasional clicks and pops.",
"The sound of a microwave beeping and the door opening.",
"The clatter of pots and pans being moved in the kitchen.",
"The buzz of an electric toothbrush, with the sound of bristles brushing.",
"The squeak of a door hinge, with the door opening and closing.",
"The sound of a light switch being flipped on and off.",
"The rustle of a newspaper being folded and pages being turned.",
"The gentle sound of a clock ticking, with the occasional chime."
"name": "Percussion",
"prompts": [
"The crisp, rhythmic sound of a drum kit being played with precision and energy.",
"The sharp crack of a snare drum, with a quick, resonant hit.",
"The deep, booming thud of a bass drum, with a powerful, low-frequency sound.",
"The rapid, staccato roll of a snare drum, with a crisp, precise rhythm.",
"The metallic ring of a hi-hat cymbal, with a sharp, cutting sound.",
"The mellow thud of a tom-tom drum, with a rounded, resonant tone.",
"The rapid clatter of a drumstick on a rimshot, with a crisp, sharp sound.",
"The soft, muted thump of a mallet on a drumhead.",
"The vibrant crash of a cymbal, with a bright, shimmering sound.",
"The rhythmic tap of a drumstick on a wooden block, with a sharp, percussive tone."
"name": "Cymbals",
"prompts": [
"The sharp, shimmering crash of a cymbal, with a long, ringing sustain.",
"The soft, delicate sound of a brushed cymbal, with a subtle, swishing tone.",
"The rapid, staccato clatter of a hi-hat cymbal being played.",
"The powerful, resonant ring of a ride cymbal, with a bright, clear tone.",
"The muted, controlled tap of a cymbal being choked.",
"The vibrant, energetic crash of a splash cymbal, with a quick, bright sound.",
"The dark, rich sound of a china cymbal, with a complex, resonant tone.",
"The rapid, rhythmic tap of a cymbal being played with drumsticks.",
"The soft, gentle ring of a finger cymbal, with a high-pitched, clear tone.",
"The dynamic, expressive sound of a cymbal roll, with a gradual build and bright finish."
"name": "Synth",
"prompts": [
"A rich, evolving synth pad, perfect for creating a lush, atmospheric background.",
"A sharp, cutting synth lead, with a high-pitched, piercing tone.",
"A deep, resonant synth bass, providing a solid foundation and groove.",
"A bright, arpeggiated synth sequence, with a rhythmic, melodic pattern.",
"A smooth, gliding synth lead, with a fluid, expressive quality.",
"A futuristic, robotic synth sound, with metallic, synthetic tones.",
"A soft, ambient synth pad, with gentle, ethereal textures.",
"A dynamic, pulsating synth rhythm, with a driving, energetic feel.",
"A dark, ominous synth drone, with deep, rumbling bass and eerie overtones.",
"A bright, shimmering synth pluck, with a crisp, percussive attack and rapid decay."
"name": "Bass",
"prompts": [
"A deep, resonant bass line, providing a solid foundation and groove for a track.",
"A punchy, aggressive bass with a powerful, driving rhythm.",
"A smooth, melodic bass line, with expressive bends and slides.",
"A funky, rhythmic bass groove, with a syncopated, danceable feel.",
"A dark, ominous bass drone, with deep, rumbling low frequencies.",
"A bright, slapping bass, with sharp, percussive hits and popping strings.",
"A growling, distorted bass, with a gritty, aggressive tone.",
"A smooth, flowing bass line, with a laid-back, relaxed groove.",
"A dynamic, pulsating bass rhythm, with a driving, energetic feel.",
"A mellow, jazzy bass line, with a warm, rounded tone and subtle, intricate rhythms."
"name": "Guitar",
"prompts": [
"A smooth, melodic electric guitar solo, with expressive bends and vibrato.",
"A powerful, distorted guitar riff, with heavy, aggressive chords.",
"A bright, acoustic guitar strumming, with a rhythmic, percussive feel.",
"A clean, arpeggiated guitar pattern, with a clear, resonant tone.",
"A funky, rhythmic guitar groove, with syncopated, danceable riffs.",
"A dark, ambient guitar drone, with deep, rumbling tones and eerie overtones.",
"A bright, jangly guitar riff, with a crisp, cutting sound.",
"A dynamic, expressive guitar lead, with fluid, soaring melodies.",
"A mellow, jazzy guitar chord progression, with a warm, rounded tone.",
"A driving, energetic guitar rhythm, with powerful, propulsive chords."
"name": "Keys",
"prompts": [
"The delicate, intricate sound of a piano being played, with each note clear and resonant.",
"A bright, sparkling glockenspiel melody, with a crisp, percussive tone.",
"A warm, mellow electric piano chord progression, with a smooth, rounded tone.",
"A sharp, cutting synthesizer lead, with a high-pitched, piercing sound.",
"A deep, resonant organ drone, with rich, harmonic overtones.",
"A bright, arpeggiated key pattern, with a rhythmic, melodic sequence.",
"A soft, ambient key pad, with gentle, ethereal textures.",
"A dynamic, expressive key solo, with fluid, soaring melodies.",
"A dark, ominous key drone, with deep, rumbling bass and eerie overtones.",
"A bright, shimmering key pluck, with a crisp, percussive attack and rapid decay."
"name": "Strings",
"prompts": [
"The rich, full sound of a string orchestra, with soaring violins and deep cellos.",
"A dramatic, powerful string staccato, with sharp, crisp attacks.",
"A soft, legato string melody, with smooth, flowing notes.",
"A dark, ominous string drone, with deep, rumbling tones and eerie overtones.",
"A bright, pizzicato string pattern, with a rhythmic, percussive feel.",
"A dynamic, expressive string solo, with fluid, soaring melodies.",
"A mellow, warm string chord progression, with a rich, harmonic texture.",
"A bright, shimmering string arpeggio, with a rhythmic, melodic sequence.",
"A soft, ambient string pad, with gentle, ethereal textures.",
"A powerful, dramatic string crescendo, with a gradual build and a soaring, climactic finish."
"name": "Brass",
"prompts": [
"The powerful, majestic sound of a brass section, with bold trumpets and warm trombones.",
"A bright, energetic trumpet fanfare, with a crisp, clear tone.",
"A deep, resonant tuba bass line, with a solid, grounding presence.",
"A smooth, melodic French horn solo, with expressive bends and vibrato.",
"A dramatic, powerful brass staccato, with sharp, crisp attacks.",
"A mellow, warm brass chord progression, with a rich, harmonic texture.",
"A bright, shimmering brass arpeggio, with a rhythmic, melodic sequence.",
"A soft, ambient brass pad, with gentle, ethereal textures.",
"A powerful, dramatic brass crescendo, with a gradual build and a soaring, climactic finish.",
"A dark, ominous brass drone, with deep, rumbling tones and eerie overtones."
"name": "Woodwinds",
"prompts": [
"The sweet, lyrical sound of a flute playing a gentle melody, with soft breaths between notes.",
"A bright, energetic clarinet solo, with a crisp, clear tone.",
"A deep, resonant bassoon bass line, with a solid, grounding presence.",
"A smooth, melodic oboe solo, with expressive bends and vibrato.",
"A dramatic, powerful woodwind staccato, with sharp, crisp attacks.",
"A mellow, warm woodwind chord progression, with a rich, harmonic texture.",
"A bright, shimmering woodwind arpeggio, with a rhythmic, melodic sequence.",
"A soft, ambient woodwind pad, with gentle, ethereal textures.",
"A powerful, dramatic woodwind crescendo, with a gradual build and a soaring, climactic finish.",
"A dark, ominous woodwind drone, with deep, rumbling tones and eerie overtones."
"name": "UI Elements",
"prompts": [
"A series of clean, modern UI sounds, including button clicks, notifications, and error alerts.",
"A soft, gentle notification sound, with a pleasant, melodic tone.",
"A sharp, crisp button click, with a satisfying, tactile response.",
"A dynamic, expressive alert sound, with a clear, attention-grabbing tone.",
"A subtle, ambient background sound, with gentle, ethereal textures.",
"A bright, energetic success sound, with a positive, uplifting feel.",
"A dark, ominous error alert, with deep, rumbling tones and a sense of urgency.",
"A smooth, flowing transition sound, with fluid, seamless movement.",
"A powerful, dramatic warning sound, with a gradual build and a climactic finish.",
"A high-energy, dynamic notification sound, with a rapid, staccato rhythm."
"name": "Sports",
"prompts": [
"The energetic sounds of a sports event, with the crowd cheering, whistles blowing, and the game in play.",
"The sound of a basketball bouncing, with the swish of a successful shot.",
"The crack of a baseball bat hitting a ball, with the roar of the crowd.",
"The rhythmic thud of a soccer ball being kicked, with players shouting and the referee's whistle.",
"The swish of a tennis ball being hit, with the grunt of the players and the crowd's applause.",
"The clatter of ice skates on ice, with the slap of a hockey puck and the roar of the crowd.",
"The sound of a swimming race, with the splash of water and the cheers of spectators.",
"The rhythmic clatter of a track meet, with runners' footsteps and the starter's pistol.",
"The roar of a car race, with engines revving and tires screeching.",
"The sound of a gymnastics meet, with the thud of landings and the applause of the crowd."
"name": "Vehicles",
"prompts": [
"The roaring engine of a race car, with shifting gears and tires screeching on the asphalt.",
"The hum of a motorcycle engine, with the revving and acceleration.",
"The sound of a car door opening and closing, with the click of the lock and the thud of the door.",
"The beep of a car horn, with a quick, sharp sound.",
"The rumble of a truck engine, with the sound of gears shifting and the hiss of air brakes.",
"The clatter of a bicycle chain, with the whir of the wheels and the click of gears.",
"The hum of a boat motor, with the splashing of water and the creak of the hull.",
"The roar of a jet engine, with the whine of the turbines and the rush of air.",
"The clatter of a train on tracks, with the sound of the whistle and the rumble of the wheels.",
"The gentle swish of a hot air balloon, with the sound of the burner and the rustle of the fabric."
"name": "Misc",
"prompts": [
"A variety of miscellaneous sounds, including bells ringing, clocks ticking, and random ambient noises.",
"The soft, rhythmic ticking of a clock, with the occasional chime.",
"The cheerful ring of a bicycle bell, with a bright, clear tone.",
"The gentle rustle of pages being turned in a book.",
"The click of a pen being opened and closed, with the sound of writing on paper.",
"The clinking of glassware, with the sound of liquid being poured.",
"The hum of a refrigerator, with occasional clicks and pops.",
"The distant sound of traffic, with the hum of engines and the occasional honk.",
"The gentle patter of rain on a window, with the sound of distant thunder.",
"The soft, ambient noise of a busy café, with the murmur of voices and the clinking of cups."
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