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Created May 5, 2013 14:59
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A bot used to tweet one Ludum Dare game per hour, over on Twitter at @LudumLegacy
import json, pprint, subprocess, urllib, urllib2, re, sys
import json as simplejson
import urllib2
import xml.sax.saxutils
from getpass import getpass
from urllib import urlencode
import time, getopt
#sys.path = [ #Load of stupid path amendments for Dreamhost ]
import tinyurl, twitter, tweepy
data = json.loads(json_data)
baseurl = data['base_url'] + "?action=preview&uid="
f = open('lastgametweeted.txt', 'r')
lastgame = f.readline()
thisgame = data['games'][0]['title']
i = 0
while(lastgame != thisgame):
i = i+1
thisgame = (data['games'][i]['title'])
i = i+1
thegame = data['games'][i]
charsremain = 140
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler("SECRET", "SECRET")
auth.set_access_token("SECRET", "SECRET")
api = tweepy.API(auth)
gametitle = thegame['title']
gameurl = (tinyurl.create_one((baseurl+thegame['uid'])))
charsremain = charsremain - len(gameurl)
if(len(gametitle) + len(gameurl) + 8 > 140):
tweet = gametitle[:charsremain-3]
api.update_status(tweet+" - "+gameurl+" #ld48")
charsremain = charsremain - len(gametitle) - 3
gamedesc = thegame['description'][:(charsremain-10)]
print(gametitle+' - '+gamedesc+'... '+gameurl+' #ld48')
api.update_status(gametitle+' - '+gamedesc+'... '+gameurl+' #ld48');
f = open('lastgametweeted.txt', 'w')
gameshoturl = ""+thegame['shots'][0]['thumb']
image = urllib.URLopener()
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