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Created March 15, 2023 13:17
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  • Save maliMirkec/aa3f042f7fd2c55b265a78a9d9795d5d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save maliMirkec/aa3f042f7fd2c55b265a78a9d9795d5d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# reload source
alias brc="source ~/.config/fish/.bashrc"
# open explorer in current folder
alias e.="explorer ."
# git: log pretty
alias gl="git log --oneline --graph"
# git: status condensed
alias gs="git status -s"
# git: add all
alias ga.="git add ."
# git: tag display all
alias gt="git tag"
# git: tag display latest
alias gtl="git describe --abbrev=0 --tags"
# git: branch all local and remote
alias gba="git branch -a"
# git: fetch all branches and tags
alias gfa="git fetch --all"
# git: fetch and purge old data
alias gfp="git fetch -p"
# git: push all
alias gpa="git push --all"
# git: push tags
alias gpt="git push --tags"
# git: reset --hard
alias gr="git reset --hard"
# git: checkout master
alias gcm="git checkout master"
# git: pull origin master
alias gpom="git pull origin master"
# git: checkout develop
alias gcd="git checkout develop"
# git: pull origin develop
alias gpod="git pull origin develop"
# git: checkout staging
alias gcs="git checkout staging"
# git: pull origin staging
alias gpos="git pull origin staging"
# git: checkout production
alias gcp="git checkout production"
# git: pull origin production
alias gpop="git pull origin production"
# git: commit with message
function commitWithMessage
git commit -m $argv
alias gc=commitWithMessage
# git flow: init
alias gfi="git flow init"
# git flow: feature start
function flowFeatureStart
git flow feature start $argv
alias gfs=flowFeatureStart
# git flow: feature finish
function flowFeatureFinish
git flow feature finish $argv
alias gff=flowFeatureFinish
# git flow: hotfix start
function flowHotfixStart
git flow hotfix start $argv
alias ghs=flowHotfixStart
# git flow: hotfix finish
function flowHotfixFinish
git flow hotfix finish $argv
alias ghf=flowHotfixFinish
# git flow: release start
function flowReleaseStart
git flow release start $argv
alias grs=flowReleaseStart
# git flow: release finish
function flowReleaseFinish
git flow release finish $argv
alias grf=flowReleaseFinish
# code-insiders
alias ci="code-insiders"
# bower: install
alias bi="bower install"
# bower: install force
alias bi="bower install --force"
# bower: update
alias bu="bower update"
# bower: update force
alias bu="bower update --force"
# native: ls -la
alias ll="ls -la"
# native: rm -rf
alias rr="rm -rf"
# ssh: add new ssh key
function sshAddKey
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C $argv
alias sshkey=sshAddKey
# ssh: start agent and add farmeron key
function sshStart
eval ssh-agent -s
ssh-add ~/.ssh/$argv[1]
alias sshuser=sshStart
function ggDevelop
gfs $argv[1]
gc $argv[2]
gff $argv[1]
git push origin develop
alias ggdd=ggDevelop
function ggStaging
gfs $argv[1]
gc $argv[2]
gff $argv[1]
git push origin staging
alias ggss=ggStaging
# ssh: test connection to github
alias sshpingg="ssh -T"
# ssh: test connection to bitbucket
alias sshpingb="ssh -Tv"
alias pls=fuck
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