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Forked from chrisjohnson00/GearmanClusterAdmin.php
Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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namespace FTW\GuildBundle\Services;
* Monitoring Gearman over telnet port 4730
* So the only way to monitor Gearman is via doing a telnet to port 4730. The
* current monitoring supported commands are fairly basic.
* There are plans to include more set of commands in the next release.
* @version 1.1 (Modified by Lior Ben-Kereth)
* A class that contains seperated and aggragated workers and status data from all gearman server in a cluster
* @author liorbk
* @author
* @category PHP
* @package GearmanTelnet
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 Patrick Reilly (
class GearmanClusterAdmin
private $accumaltiveJobs = array();
private $accumaltiveWorkers = array();
private $serversJobs = array();
private $serversWorkers = array();
private $hosts;
private $orderFunction;
* @param array $hosts - array of host:port strings
* @param closure $orderFunction - a function that gets serversJob array return a manipulated array (for example, change job names, sort, etc)
public function __construct(array $hosts, $orderFunction = null)
$this->hosts = $hosts;
$this->orderFunction = $orderFunction;
public function getAccumaltiveJobs() {return $this->accumaltiveJobs;}
public function getAccumaltiveWorkers() {return $this->accumaltiveWorkers;}
public function getServersJobs() {return $this->serversJobs;}
public function getServersWorkers() {return $this->serversWorkers;}
private function init()
// Run on all gearman servers and collect data and accumalate it
foreach ($this->hosts as $_server)
$gm = new GearmanHost($_server);
catch(Exception $ex)
$serverWorkers = $gm->getWorkers();
$serverJobs = $gm->getJobs();
if (!empty($this->orderFunction) && is_callable($this->orderFunction))
$serverJobs = call_user_func($this->orderFunction,$serverJobs);
$this->serversJobs[$_server] = $serverJobs;
$this->serversWorkers[$_server] = $serverWorkers;
foreach ($serverJobs as $jobName => $job)
$total = $job[GearmanHost::WORKER_TOTAL];
$running = $job[GearmanHost::WORKER_RUNNING];
$available = $job[GearmanHost::WORKER_AVAILABLE];
if (!isset($this->accumaltiveJobs[$jobName]))
$this->accumaltiveJobs[$jobName][GearmanHost::WORKER_TOTAL] = 0;
$this->accumaltiveJobs[$jobName][GearmanHost::WORKER_RUNNING] = 0;
$this->accumaltiveJobs[$jobName][GearmanHost::WORKER_AVAILABLE] = 0;
$this->accumaltiveJobs[$jobName][GearmanHost::WORKER_TOTAL] += $total;
$this->accumaltiveJobs[$jobName][GearmanHost::WORKER_RUNNING] += $running;
$this->accumaltiveJobs[$jobName][GearmanHost::WORKER_AVAILABLE] = max($this->accumaltiveJobs[$jobName][GearmanHost::WORKER_AVAILABLE], $available);
foreach ($serverWorkers as $type => $worker)
$available = $worker[GearmanHost::WORKER_TOTAL];
$running = $worker[GearmanHost::WORKER_RUNNING];
$free = $worker[GearmanHost::WORKER_AVAILABLE];
$queued = $worker[GearmanHost::WORKER_QUEUED];
if (!isset($this->accumaltiveWorkers[$type]))
$this->accumaltiveWorkers[$type][GearmanHost::WORKER_TOTAL] = 0;
$this->accumaltiveWorkers[$type][GearmanHost::WORKER_RUNNING] = 0;
$this->accumaltiveWorkers[$type][GearmanHost::WORKER_AVAILABLE] = 0;
$this->accumaltiveWorkers[$type][GearmanHost::WORKER_QUEUED] = 0;
$this->accumaltiveWorkers[$type][GearmanHost::WORKER_TOTAL] = max($available, $this->accumaltiveWorkers[$type][GearmanHost::WORKER_TOTAL]);
$this->accumaltiveWorkers[$type][GearmanHost::WORKER_RUNNING] += $running;
$this->accumaltiveWorkers[$type][GearmanHost::WORKER_QUEUED] += $queued;
foreach ($this->accumaltiveWorkers as $type => $worker)
$this->accumaltiveWorkers[$type][GearmanHost::WORKER_AVAILABLE] = ($worker[GearmanHost::WORKER_TOTAL] - $worker[GearmanHost::WORKER_RUNNING]);
class GearmanHost
private $host;
private $port = 4730;
private $jobs = array();
private $workers = array();
private $rawStatus;
private $rawWorkers;
const FACER_WORKER = "facer";
const OTHER_WORKER = "other";
public function __construct($host, $port = null)
if (strstr($host,":") !== false)
$server = explode(":", $host);
$this->host = $server[0];
$this->port = $server[1];
$this->host = $host;
if ($port != null)
$this->port = $port;
$gearman_telnet = new GearmanTelnet($this->host, $this->port);
$this->rawStatus = $gearman_telnet->getStatus();
$this->rawStatus = explode(PHP_EOL, $this->rawStatus);
$this->rawWorkers = $gearman_telnet->getWorkers();
$this->rawWorkers = explode(PHP_EOL, $this->rawWorkers);
public function getJobs()
if (empty($this->jobs) || count($this->jobs) == 0)
return $this->jobs;
public function getWorkers()
if (empty($this->workers) || count($this->workers) == 0)
return $this->workers;
private function initJobs()
$this->workers = $this->getWorkers();
$status = $this->rawStatus;
for($i=0; $i<count($status); $i++)
@list($job, $total, $running, $available) = explode(" ", $status[$i]);
if (!empty($job))
$available = trim($available);
$total = trim($total);
$running = trim($running);
$this->jobs[$job] = array(
GearmanHost::WORKER_AVAILABLE => $available,
GearmanHost::WORKER_TOTAL => $total,
GearmanHost::WORKER_RUNNING=> $running
$workerType = self::OTHER_WORKER;
if (strpos($job, self::FACER_WORKER) !== false)
$workerType = self::FACER_WORKER;
$this->workers[$workerType][GearmanHost::WORKER_RUNNING] += $running;
$this->workers[$workerType][GearmanHost::WORKER_AVAILABLE] -= $running;
$this->workers[$workerType][GearmanHost::WORKER_QUEUED] += ($total - $running);
// print_r($this->workers);
private function initWorkers()
$workers = $this->rawWorkers;
$this->workers[self::FACER_WORKER] = array(
GearmanHost::WORKER_AVAILABLE => 0,
GearmanHost::WORKER_TOTAL => 0,
GearmanHost::WORKER_RUNNING => 0,
GearmanHost::WORKER_QUEUED => 0
$this->workers[self::OTHER_WORKER] = array(
GearmanHost::WORKER_AVAILABLE => 0,
GearmanHost::WORKER_TOTAL => 0,
GearmanHost::WORKER_RUNNING => 0,
GearmanHost::WORKER_QUEUED => 0
for($i=0; $i<count($workers); $i++)
@list($ip, $jobTypes) = explode(" : ", $workers[$i]);
if (!empty($jobTypes))
$workerType = self::OTHER_WORKER;
if (strpos($jobTypes, self::FACER_WORKER) !== false)
$workerType = self::FACER_WORKER;
$this->workers[$workerType][GearmanHost::WORKER_TOTAL] += 1;
$this->workers[$workerType][GearmanHost::WORKER_AVAILABLE] += 1;
class GearmanTelnet {
* Default Values
private $_gearmand = null;
private $_gearmand_host = 'localhost';
private $_gearmand_port = 4730;
private $_timeout = 3;
private $_errno = null;
private $_errstr = '';
private $_buffer = array();
public function __construct($gearmand_host = null, $gearmand_port = null, $timeout = null) {
$this->_gearmand_host = (!empty($gearmand_host)) ? $gearmand_host : $this->_gearmand_host;
$this->_gearmand_port = (!empty($gearmand_port)) ? $gearmand_port : $this->_gearmand_port;
$this->_timeout = (!empty($timeout)) ? $timeout : $this->_timeout;
private function _connect() {
$this->_gearmand = fsockopen($this->_gearmand_host, $this->_gearmand_port, $this->_errno, $this->_errstr, $this->_timeout);
if(!$this->_gearmand) {
throw new Exception("Failed to connect to gearmand_host at " . $this->_gearmand_host);
* Command: STATUS
* The output format of this function is tab separated columns as follows,
* below are the columns shown:
* - Function name : A string denoting the name of the function of the job
* - Number in queue : A positive integer indicating the total number of
* jobs for this function in the queue. This includes currently running ones
* as well (next column)
* - Number of jobs running : A positive integer showing how many jobs of
* this function are currently running
* - Number of capable workers : A positive integer denoting the maximum
* possible count of workers that could be doing this job. Though they may
* not all be working on it due to other tasks holding them busy.
public function getStatus() {
if ($this->exec('STATUS')) {
$get_status = $this->_getBuffer();
return implode("", $get_status);
* Command : Workers
* This command show the details of various clients registered with the
* gearmand server. For each worker it shows the following info:
* - Peer IP: Client remote host
* - Client ID: Unique ID assigned to client
* - Functions: List of functions this client has registered for.
public function getWorkers() {
if ($this->exec('WORKERS')) {
$get_status = $this->_getBuffer();
return implode("", $get_status);
private function _getBuffer() {
return $this->_buffer;
* The output format of this function is tab separated columns,
* followed by a line consisting of a full stop and a newline (".\n") to
* indicate the end of output.
* Any other command text throws a error "ERR unknown_command Unknown+server+command"
private function exec($command) {
$this->_buffer = array();
if($this->_gearmand) {
fputs ($this->_gearmand, $command . PHP_EOL);
while (!feof($this->_gearmand)) {
$l = fgets($this->_gearmand, 128);
if ($l === '.' . PHP_EOL) {
else {
$this->_buffer[] = $l;
return true;
else {
throw new Exception("Failed to connect to gearmand_host at " . $this->_gearmand_host);
private function _disconnect() {
* Destructor. Cleans up socket connection and command buffer
* @return void
public function __destruct() {
// cleanup resources
$this->_buffer = array();
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