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Last active May 11, 2021 16:09
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PostgreSQL - Set up databases & permissions
\c postgres
\set search_path public
Create roles. This is a group to make things easier.
create user researcher with nosuperuser nocreatedb nocreaterole nologin noreplication;
Create users.
create user user_a with
password 'pass_a'
login in role researcher;
create user user_b with
password 'pass_b'
login in role researcher;
Create database.
create database data owner postgres;
\c data
create extension postgis;
Tune permissions.
-- Drop default privileges for public
revoke all privileges on database data
from public;
revoke all privileges on schema public
from public;
-- Drop default privileges for users
revoke all privileges on database data
from researcher;
revoke all privileges on schema public
from researcher;
-- Grant connect to database data to users
grant connect on database data
to researcher;
-- Permissions for public schema
grant all privileges on schema public
to researcher;
grant usage on schema public
to researcher;
grant select on all tables in schema public
to researcher;
-- Grant creation
grant create on database data to researcher;
Create a database with a owner with full privileges and a
read-only additional user.
This is to be run as the "postgres" superuser.
With this permissions, dbowneruser is able to create new schemas
with full ownership and create functions and types at public.
From this point, dbowneruser should be able to connect to the DB
and execute any psql script defining any kind of DB object.
Permissions to dbreadonlyuser, however, must be detailed object
by object (see last section on how to add permissions to schemas
and all tables in them).
-- Set the name of the database and the owner and read-only user
\set dbname thedbname
\set dbowneruser thedbowneruser
\set dbreadonlyuser thedbreadonlyuser
\set search_path public
\c postgres postgres
create user :dbowneruser with
password 'thepassword'
create user :dbreadonlyuser with
password 'thepassword'
-- Create database cannot be run in a transaction
create database :dbname
owner :dbowneruser;
\c :dbname
-- Create extensions here
create extension postgis;
-- Drop default privileges for public
revoke all privileges on database :dbname
from public;
revoke all privileges on schema public
from public;
-- Drop default privileges for the read-only user
revoke all privileges on database :dbname
from :dbreadonlyuser;
revoke all privileges on schema public
from :dbreadonlyuser;
grant connect on database :dbname
to :dbreadonlyuser;
-- Permissions for public schema
grant all privileges on schema public
to :dbowneruser;
grant usage on schema public
to :dbreadonlyuser;
grant select on all tables in schema public
to :dbreadonlyuser;
-- This allow the user to create schemas in the database with his/her ownership
grant create on database :dbname to :dbreadonlyuser;
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