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Created February 15, 2010 21:35
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;; beer.lisp
;; simple opengl playground
;; Load this in Lispworks, or Lispworks Personal, and type Ctrl+Shift+B
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute :load-toplevel)
(let ((lwdir (concatenate 'string (namestring *lispworks-directory*) "lib/6-0-0-0/")))
(load (concatenate 'string lwdir "examples/opengl/defsys"))
(load (concatenate 'string lwdir "examples/opengl/examples/defsys"))
(compile-system 'opengl :load t :force nil)
(compile-system 'opengl-examples :load t :force nil)))
(capi:define-interface beer ()
(fps capi:title-pane)
(view opengl:opengl-pane
:configuration '(:depth-buffer 32 :rgba t :double-buffer t)
:display-callback 'display)
(b1 capi:check-button
:text "Real-time Update"
:callback-type :interface
:selection-callback (lambda (beer)
(slot-value beer 'frame-timer) 0 30))
:retract-callback (lambda (beer)
(slot-value beer 'frame-timer))))
(editor capi:editor-pane :buffer-name "beer.lisp" :echo-area t)
(listener capi:listener-pane))
(main capi:row-layout '(gadgets ide))
(ide capi:switchable-layout '(editor listener))
(gadgets capi:column-layout '(fps view b1)))
:title "OpengGL Beer!"
:visible-min-width 1024
:visible-min-height 768))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((beer beer) &key &allow-other-keys)
(setf (slot-value beer 'frame-timer)
(mp:make-named-timer "Update Frame Timer"
beer (lambda (canvas)
(let ((real-time (get-internal-real-time))
(run-time (get-internal-run-time)))
(display canvas
(first (slot-value canvas 'gp::origin))
(second (slot-value canvas 'gp::origin))
(slot-value canvas 'gp::width)
(slot-value canvas 'gp::height))
(let ((real-time (- (get-internal-real-time) real-time))
(run-time (- (get-internal-run-time) run-time)))
(setf (capi:title-pane-text (slot-value beer 'fps))
(format nil "~A ~A" real-time run-time))))
(t (error) (format t "ERROR: ~A~&" error))))
(slot-value beer 'view))))
(defmacro with-gl-block (mode &body body)
`(progn (opengl:gl-begin ,mode)
(defun display (canvas &rest rest)
(opengl:rendering-on (canvas)
(apply 'opengl:gl-viewport rest)
(opengl:gl-clear-color 1.0 0.5 0.25 0.0)
(opengl:gl-clear (logior opengl:*gl-color-buffer-bit* opengl:*gl-depth-buffer-bit*))
(opengl:gl-shade-model opengl:*gl-smooth*)
(opengl:gl-enable opengl:*gl-depth*)
(opengl:glu-perspective 90.0d0 1.0d0 0.10d0 20.0d0)
(with-gl-block opengl:*gl-triangles*
(let ((x0 (random 2.0))
(y0 (random 2.0)))
(dotimes (n 30)
(let ((x (+ (* x0 0.8) (* 0.1 (random 2.0))))
(y (+ (* y0 0.9) (* 0.1 (random 2.0)))))
(opengl:gl-color4-f (random 1.0)
(random 1.0)
(random 1.0)
(random 1.0))
(opengl:gl-vertex3-f (1- x0)
(1- y0)
(opengl:gl-color4-f (random 1.0)
(random 1.0)
(random 1.0)
(random 1.0))
(opengl:gl-vertex3-f (1- x)
(1- y)
(opengl:gl-color4-f (random 1.0)
(random 1.0)
(random 1.0)
(random 1.0))
(opengl:gl-vertex3-f 0.0
(opengl:swap-buffers canvas)))
(when (and (boundp '*beer*)
(eq (class-of *beer*)
(find-class 'beer)))
(capi:destroy *beer*)
(setf *beer* nil)
(makunbound '*beer*))
(defparameter *beer* (capi:display (make-instance 'beer)))
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