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Forked from geoffleyland/ray-stack.lua
Created July 5, 2012 05:21
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Raytrace avoiding vector objects
local sqrt = math.sqrt
local huge = math.huge
local delta = 1
while delta * delta + 1 ~= 1 do
delta = delta * 0.5
-- vectors -------------------------------------------------------------------
local function length(x, y, z) return sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z) end
local function vlen(v) return length(v[1], v[2], v[3]) end
local function mul(c, x, y, z) return c*x, c*y, c*z end
local function unitise(x, y, z) return mul(1/length(x, y, z), x, y, z) end
local function dot(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2)
return x1*x2 + y1*y2 + z1*z2
local function vsub(a, b) return a[1] - b[1], a[2] - b[2], a[3] - b[3] end
local function vdot(a, b) return dot(a[1], a[2], a[3], b[1], b[2], b[3]) end
-- spheres -------------------------------------------------------------------
local sphere = {}
sphere.__index = sphere
function sphere:new(centre, radius)
return setmetatable({centre=centre, radius=radius}, self)
local function sphere_distance(self, origin, dir)
local vx, vy, vz = vsub(self.centre, origin)
local b = dot(vx, vy, vz, dir[1], dir[2], dir[3])
local r = self.radius
local disc = r*r + b*b - vx*vx-vy*vy-vz*vz
if disc < 0 then return huge end
local d = sqrt(disc)
local t2 = b + d
if t2 < 0 then return huge end -- sphere is behind us
local t1 = b - d
return t1 > 0 and t1 or t2
function sphere:intersect(origin, dir, best)
local lambda = sphere_distance(self, origin, dir)
if lambda < best[1] then
local c = self.centre
best[1] = lambda
local b2 = best[2]
b2[1], b2[2], b2[3] =
origin[1] - c[1] + lambda * dir[1],
origin[2] - c[2] + lambda * dir[2],
origin[3] - c[3] + lambda * dir[3])
-- groups --------------------------------------------------------------------
local group = {}
group.__index = group
function group:new(bound)
return setmetatable({bound=bound, children={}}, self)
function group:add(s)
self.children[#self.children+1] = s
function group:intersect(origin, dir, best)
local lambda = sphere_distance(self.bound, origin, dir)
if lambda < best[1] then
for _, c in ipairs(self.children) do
c:intersect(origin, dir, best)
-- tracing -------------------------------------------------------------------
local hit = { 0, 0, 0 }
local ilight
local best = { huge, { 0, 0, 0 } }
local function ray_trace(light, camera, dir, scene)
best[1] = huge
scene:intersect(camera, dir, best)
local b1 = best[1]
if b1 == huge then return 0 end -- no object intersecting ray
local b2 = best[2]
local g = vdot(b2, light)
if g >= 0 then return 0 end -- not facing the light
-- check we're not in shadow
hit[1] = camera[1] + b1*dir[1] + delta*b2[1]
hit[2] = camera[2] + b1*dir[2] + delta*b2[2]
hit[3] = camera[3] + b1*dir[3] + delta*b2[3]
best[1] = huge
scene:intersect(hit, ilight, best)
if best[1] == huge then
return -g
return 0 -- there was another object between us and the light
-- create the scene ----------------------------------------------------------
local function create(level, centre, radius)
local s = sphere:new(centre, radius)
if level == 1 then return s end
local gr = group:new(sphere:new(centre, 3*radius))
local rn = 3*radius/sqrt(12)
for dz = -1,1,2 do
for dx = -1,1,2 do
gr:add(create(level-1, { centre[1] + rn*dx, centre[2] + rn, centre[3] + rn*dz }, radius*0.5))
return gr
-- main ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if arg[1] == "--help" then
io.stderr:write("Usage: ", arg[-1], " ", arg[0], " [scene complexity (5)] [image size (512)] [anti-aliasing (4)] > output.pnm\n" )
local level, n, ss = tonumber(arg[1]) or 5, tonumber(arg[2]) or 512, tonumber(arg[3]) or 4
local iss = 1/ss
local gf = 255/(ss*ss)
io.write(("P5\n%d %d\n255\n"):format(n, n))
local light = { unitise(-1, -3, 2) }
ilight = { -light[1], -light[2], -light[3] }
local camera = { 0, 0, -4 }
local dir = { 0, 0, 0 }
local scene = create(level, {0, -1, 0}, 1)
for y = n/2-1, -n/2, -1 do
for x = -n/2, n/2-1 do
local g = 0
for d = y, y+.99, iss do
for e = x, x+.99, iss do
dir[1], dir[2], dir[3] = unitise(e, d, n)
g = g + ray_trace(light, camera, dir, scene)
io.write(string.char(math.floor(0.5 + g*gf)))
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