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Created September 17, 2010 23:10
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;; Lispworks 6.00 required and p4 executable
;; Tested only under Vista 64 bit with Lispworks Professional 32-bit
(defpackage "P4BEE" (:use "CL"))
(in-package "P4BEE")
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(let ((dir (or *compile-file-truename* *load-truename* *default-pathname-defaults*)))
(format t "*compile-file-truename* = ~A~&" *compile-file-truename*)
(format t "*load-truename* = ~A~&" *load-truename*)
(format t "*default-pathname-defaults* = ~A~&" *default-pathname-defaults*)
(load (merge-pathnames "asdf/asdf" dir))
(mapcar (lambda (name)
(load (merge-pathnames name dir)))
(funcall (find-symbol "LOAD-SYSTEM" "ASDF") "cl-ppcre")))
;;(load (merge-pathnames "asdf/asdf")
(setf (lw:environment-variable "P4HOST") "malkiaBook.local")
(setf (lw:environment-variable "P4PORT") "")
;;; Silly things done with LispWorks CAPI and Perforce
;;; sys:open-pipe is Lispworks specific
(defmacro with-pipe ((stream command &rest rest) &body body)
"Opens a pipe, by executing the 'command'. Captures the output in 'stream'. Expands the 'body'. At the end closes the pipe."
`(let ((,stream (sys:open-pipe ,command ,@rest)))
(prog1 ,@body
(close ,stream))))
(defmacro for-each-line ((stream line) what &body body)
"Wrapper around 'for'. Iterates through each line while there is line and does 'what' to the 'body'"
`(loop for ,line = (read-line ,stream nil nil)
while ,line
,what ,@body))
(defun tabulate-line (line &key keep-function)
"Splits a sequence. If (keep-function item index)"
(let ((list (lw:split-sequence " " line :coalesce-separators t)))
(format t "~S~&~S~&~%" list keep-function)
(if keep-function
(loop for index from 0
for item in list
do (print index)
do (print item)
when t;;(apply keep-function index item)
collect item)
(defun tabulate-list (list &rest rest)
"Splits a list of sequences"
(loop for line in list
collect (apply 'tabulate-line (cons line rest))))
(defun split-change (change)
(let* ((split2 (lw:split-sequence "'" change :coalesce-separators t))
(split1 (lw:split-sequence " " (first split2) :coalesce-separators t))
(split (append split1 (rest split2)))
(result (list (nth 1 split) (nth 3 split) (nth 4 split)
(nth 6 split) (nth 7 split))))
(defun split-changes (changes)
(loop for change in changes
collect (split-change change)))
;;; Perforce specific macros & functions
(defmacro with-p4 ((stream command &optional (arguments "") &rest rest) &body body)
`(with-pipe (,stream (format nil #+mac "/opt/local/bin/p4 ~A ~A" #-mac "p4 ~A ~A" ,command ,arguments) ,@rest)
(defun parse-p4-info-line (line)
(let ((p (position #\: line)))
(cons (intern (string-upcase (substitute #\- #\Space (subseq line 0 p))) "KEYWORD")
(string-trim " " (subseq line (1+ p))))))
(defun p4-info ()
(with-p4 (s "info")
(for-each-line (s line) collect
(parse-p4-info-line line))))
(defun p4 (command &optional (arguments ""))
(with-p4 (s command arguments)
(for-each-line (s line)
collect line)))
;;; Some default information
(defvar *info* (p4-info))
(defvar *user* (cdr (assoc :USER-NAME *info*)))
(defvar *client* (cdr (assoc :CLIENT-NAME *info*)))
(defvar *root* (cdr (assoc :CLIENT-ROOT *info*)))
(defvar *host* (cdr (assoc :CLIENT-HOST *info*)))
(defvar *version* (cdr (assoc :SERVER-VERSION *info*)))
;;; Some CAPI stuff
;;; Simple "p4 monitor show" tabular display
(capi:define-interface monitor-interface ()
(panel capi:multi-column-list-panel
:columns '((:title "ID")
(:title "A")
(:title "User")
(:title "Time")
(:title "Operation"))
:title "p4 monitor show")
(refresh capi:push-button
:callback-type :interface
:callback 'refresh-monitor
:text "Refresh"))
:visible-min-width 320
:visible-min-height 200))
(defmethod refresh-monitor ((monitor-interface monitor-interface))
(with-slots (panel) monitor-interface
(setf (capi:collection-items panel)
(tabulate-list (p4 "monitor show")))))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((monitor-interface monitor-interface) &rest rest)
(refresh-monitor monitor-interface)
(with-slots (auto-refresh-timer) monitor-interface
(setf auto-refresh-timer
(mp:make-timer 'capi:execute-with-interface-if-alive
monitor-interface 'refresh-monitor monitor-interface))
1 5)))
(defun show-monitor ()
(capi:display (make-instance 'monitor-interface)))
(capi:define-interface submitted-changelists-interface ()
(panel capi:multi-column-list-panel
:columns '((:title "Changelist")
(:title "Date")
(:title "Time")
(:title "User")
(:title "Description"))
:title "p4 monitor show")
(refresh capi:push-button
:callback-type :interface
:callback 'refresh-submitted-changelists
:text "Refresh"))
:visible-min-width 640
:visible-min-height 480))
(defmethod refresh-submitted-changelists ((submitted-changelists-interface submitted-changelists-interface))
(with-slots (panel) submitted-changelists-interface
(setf (capi:collection-items panel)
(split-changes (p4 "changes -m 300 -t -s submitted")))))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((submitted-changelists-interface submitted-changelists-interface) &rest rest)
(refresh-submitted-changelists submitted-changelists-interface))
(defun show-submitted-changelists ()
(capi:display (make-instance 'submitted-changelists-interface)))
(defun test1 (num &key k)
(format t "~A ~A" num k))
(defun test2 (num &rest rest)
(apply 'test1 num rest))
(capi:define-interface combined-test-interface ()
(monitor monitor-interface)
(changes submitted-changelists-interface))
:visible-min-width 1024
:visible-min-height 768))
(defun combined-test ()
(capi:display (make-instance 'combined-test-interface)))
(defparameter *p4-changes-1*
'("Change <number1> on <date1> <time1> <user1> {*status*}<nl><nl><tab><description><nl><tab>"))
(defparameter *text*
"Change 5677 on 2006/09/26 07:27:28 by tony_smith@tony_smith-barney-public
Rework P4Perl build script to support 2006.1 API. There were
some sweeping changes in the 2006.1 API which did away with the
old const_char definition. Unfortunately, since P4Perl has to
build with older APIs, I can't quite do the same. This change
Change 5676 on 2006/09/25 17:27:25 by richard_geiger@richard_geiger-ip-alison2
Add $CONVUSER to set owner for label and depot specs create dby the
(defparameter *regex*
;; "^Change [0..9]* on [0-9/]+ [0-9:]+ by [a-zA-Z@-_.]+"
"\\(Change\\) \\([0-9]+\\)"
(defun regtest ()
(loop with pattern = (lw:precompile-regexp *regex*)
with pos = 0
with len = 0
while pos
do (multiple-value-setq (pos len)
(lw:find-regexp-in-string pattern *text*
:start (+ pos len)))
when pos do (format t "~&Match at pos ~D len ~D~%"
pos len)))
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