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Created July 29, 2010 15:20
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# Import Fake data on the entire project
namespace :fake_data do
# Tasks #
desc "Import fake date on each part (HR, Production, Commerce, Finance)"
task :create => :environment do
# Require librairies
require 'faker'
require 'factory_girl'
# Init locale
I18n.default_locale = :en
# Listing referencial models which not need Factory generation
referencial = %w(feedback departure_type country division agency account assignment account_type skill function stage service delivery subcontract_type collaborator)
models_to_exclude = %w(project feeling user feedback user_session)
models_one_per_feedback = %w(book feeling_agency claim_collection cost_number day_rate interco_collaborator production_day distribution_day pipe interview production_number collaborator_number knowledge_management )
# Instanciate array
models_excluded = referencial + models_to_exclude
factory_models = %w()
# Retrieves Factories template from test directory
factories = Dir["#{RAILS_ROOT}/test/factories/*.rb"]
# Require Factories
factories.each do |file|
# Require the factory template
require file
# Exclude referencial model from the list of files
factory_name = File.basename(file, "_factory.rb")
unless models_excluded.include?(factory_name)
factory_models << factory_name
# For each agency
Agency.agencies.each do |agency|
# 5 Feedbacks
Feedback.find(:all, :limit => 5).each do |feedback|
puts "##### Faking data for \"#{}\" and \"#{I18n.t('date.month_names')[feedback.feedback_time.month].titleize} #{feedback.feedback_time.year}\""
# Each model
factory_models.each do |model|
models_one_per_feedback.include?(model) ? loop = (1..1) : loop = (1..5)
puts "### Processing #{model}"
loop.each do |i|
Factory(model.to_sym, :agency => agency, :feedback => feedback)
rescue Exception => e
puts "# Errors Factory(#{model.to_sym}) with :agency_id => #{} and feedback_id => #{}"
puts "#{e.message}"
##### Faking data for "Sud" and "April 2000"
### Processing trouble_project
### Processing book
### Processing alert_collaborator
### Processing delivery_distribution
### Processing feeling_agency
# Errors Factory(feeling_agency) with :agency_id => 10 and feedback_id => 4
Validation failed: Level has already been taken
### Processing cost_number
### Processing prospect
### Processing claim_collection
### Processing small_company
### Processing major_company
### Processing collaborator_function
### Processing arrival_collaborator
### Processing knowledge_management
### Processing collaborator_number
### Processing departure_collaborator
### Processing production_number
### Processing interview
### Processing pipe
### Processing distribution_day
### Processing training
### Processing offer
### Processing big_deal
### Processing subcontract_number
### Processing production_day
### Processing interco_collaborator
### Processing ask_help
### Processing day_rate
##### Faking data for "Sud" and "May 2000"
### Processing trouble_project
### Processing book
### Processing alert_collaborator
### Processing delivery_distribution
### Processing feeling_agency
# Errors Factory(feeling_agency) with :agency_id => 10 and feedback_id => 5
Validation failed: Level has already been taken
### Processing cost_number
### Processing prospect
### Processing claim_collection
### Processing small_company
### Processing major_company
### Processing collaborator_function
### Processing arrival_collaborator
### Processing knowledge_management
### Processing collaborator_number
### Processing departure_collaborator
### Processing production_number
### Processing interview
### Processing pipe
### Processing distribution_day
### Processing training
### Processing offer
### Processing big_deal
### Processing subcontract_number
### Processing production_day
### Processing interco_collaborator
### Processing ask_help
### Processing day_rate
##### Faking data for "Sud-Ouest" and "January 2000"
### Processing trouble_project
### Processing book
### Processing alert_collaborator
### Processing delivery_distribution
### Processing feeling_agency
# Errors Factory(feeling_agency) with :agency_id => 8 and feedback_id => 1
Validation failed: Level has already been taken
### Processing cost_number
### Processing prospect
### Processing claim_collection
### Processing small_company
### Processing major_company
### Processing collaborator_function
### Processing arrival_collaborator
### Processing knowledge_management
### Processing collaborator_number
### Processing departure_collaborator
### Processing production_number
### Processing interview
### Processing pipe
### Processing distribution_day
### Processing training
### Processing offer
### Processing big_deal
### Processing subcontract_number
### Processing production_day
### Processing interco_collaborator
### Processing ask_help
### Processing day_rate
##### Faking data for "Sud-Ouest" and "February 2000"
### Processing trouble_project
### Processing book
### Processing alert_collaborator
### Processing delivery_distribution
### Processing feeling_agency
# Errors Factory(feeling_agency) with :agency_id => 8 and feedback_id => 2
Validation failed: Level has already been taken
### Processing cost_number
### Processing prospect
### Processing claim_collection
### Processing small_company
### Processing major_company
### Processing collaborator_function
### Processing arrival_collaborator
### Processing knowledge_management
### Processing collaborator_number
### Processing departure_collaborator
### Processing production_number
### Processing interview
### Processing pipe
### Processing distribution_day
### Processing training
### Processing offer
### Processing big_deal
### Processing subcontract_number
### Processing production_day
### Processing interco_collaborator
### Processing ask_help
### Processing day_rate
##### Faking data for "Sud-Ouest" and "March 2000"
### Processing trouble_project
### Processing book
### Processing alert_collaborator
### Processing delivery_distribution
### Processing feeling_agency
# Errors Factory(feeling_agency) with :agency_id => 8 and feedback_id => 3
Validation failed: Level has already been taken
### Processing cost_number
### Processing prospect
### Processing claim_collection
### Processing small_company
### Processing major_company
### Processing collaborator_function
### Processing arrival_collaborator
### Processing knowledge_management
### Processing collaborator_number
### Processing departure_collaborator
### Processing production_number
### Processing interview
### Processing pipe
### Processing distribution_day
### Processing training
### Processing offer
### Processing big_deal
### Processing subcontract_number
### Processing production_day
### Processing interco_collaborator
### Processing ask_help
### Processing day_rate
##### Faking data for "Sud-Ouest" and "April 2000"
### Processing trouble_project
### Processing book
### Processing alert_collaborator
### Processing delivery_distribution
### Processing feeling_agency
# Errors Factory(feeling_agency) with :agency_id => 8 and feedback_id => 4
Validation failed: Level has already been taken
### Processing cost_number
### Processing prospect
### Processing claim_collection
### Processing small_company
### Processing major_company
### Processing collaborator_function
### Processing arrival_collaborator
### Processing knowledge_management
### Processing collaborator_number
### Processing departure_collaborator
### Processing production_number
### Processing interview
### Processing pipe
### Processing distribution_day
### Processing training
### Processing offer
### Processing big_deal
### Processing subcontract_number
### Processing production_day
### Processing interco_collaborator
### Processing ask_help
### Processing day_rate
##### Faking data for "Sud-Ouest" and "May 2000"
### Processing trouble_project
### Processing book
### Processing alert_collaborator
### Processing delivery_distribution
### Processing feeling_agency
# Errors Factory(feeling_agency) with :agency_id => 8 and feedback_id => 5
Validation failed: Level has already been taken
### Processing cost_number
### Processing prospect
### Processing claim_collection
### Processing small_company
### Processing major_company
### Processing collaborator_function
### Processing arrival_collaborator
### Processing knowledge_management
### Processing collaborator_number
### Processing departure_collaborator
### Processing production_number
### Processing interview
### Processing pipe
### Processing distribution_day
### Processing training
### Processing offer
### Processing big_deal
### Processing subcontract_number
### Processing production_day
### Processing interco_collaborator
### Processing ask_help
### Processing day_rate
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