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import json
import multiprocessing as mp
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import List, Optional, Set
from datasets import load_dataset
from datasketch import MinHash, MinHashLSH, minhash
from dpu_utils.utils.iterators import ThreadedIterator
from tqdm import tqdm
mallamanis / repos.json
Last active December 30, 2022 20:01
MSR 2021 "Fast and Memory-Efficient Neural Code Completion" Dataset
mallamanis / useWithCxManager.ql
Created May 1, 2020 08:07
* @name Use with open() as
* @description Consider using a context manager
* @kind problem
* @tags maintainability
* @problem.severity recommendation
* @sub-severity low
* @precision medium
* @id py/use-context-manager
mallamanis / usePathJoin.ql
Last active May 6, 2020 13:21
Use platform-independent path joining
* @name Join paths correctly
* @description use os.path.join or an alternative to correctly join paths.
* @kind path-problem
* @tags maintainability
* @problem.severity recommendation
* @sub-severity low
* @precision medium
* @tags speed
* @sub-severity low
mallamanis / useItemsToIterateDict.ql
Created April 30, 2020 19:44
Use dict.items() instead of explicitly accessing the values within the loop.
* @name Iterate of the items of a dictionary using `.items()`.
* @description instead of iterating over the keys of a dictionary and the indexing the dictionary,
use `.items()` to retrieve the key-value pairs.
* @kind problem
* @tags maintainability
* @problem.severity recommendation
* @sub-severity low
* @precision medium
* @tags speed
mallamanis / preferISlice.ql
Created April 30, 2020 18:19
Prefer islice instead of list(...)[slice]
* @name Use islice() to slice an iterable.
* @description instead of converting an iterable to a list and then slicing it
use `islice` for efficiency.
* @kind problem
* @tags maintainability
* @problem.severity recommendation
* @sub-severity low
* @precision high
* @tags speed
mallamanis / useHash.ql
Created April 30, 2020 18:11
Prefer invocation to hash()
* @name Use hash()
* @description use hash() instead of __hash__
* @kind problem
* @tags maintainability
* @problem.severity recommendation
* @sub-severity low
* @precision high
* @tags style
* @sub-severity low
mallamanis / preferIGlob.ql
Created April 30, 2020 18:01
Prefer iglob instead of glob
* @name Prefer iglob
* @description Use iglob instead of glob
* @kind problem
* @tags speed
* @problem.severity recommendation
* @sub-severity low
* @precision high
* @id py/use-iglob
mallamanis / NoModuloForLeapYear.ql
Created April 30, 2020 17:42
Do not check for leap year with modulo.
* @name Do not check leap year using modulo
* @description Use the system functions to check for leap years instead of modulo. Very low precision.
* @kind problem
* @tags reliability
* maintainability
* @problem.severity recommendation
* @sub-severity low
* @precision low
* @id py/no-leap-check-with-modulo
mallamanis / noParseFloatInfOrNan.ql
Created April 30, 2020 17:14
No string parsing for inf/nan
* @name Use math.inf or math.nan
* @description Prefer using math.inf instead of parsing infinity
from a string
* @kind problem
* @tags maintainability
* @problem.severity recommendation
* @sub-severity low
* @precision high
* @id py/no-float-inf