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What if there was an RFC style specification for tracking "player game state" of EDH magic the gathering games? Welp I guess this might be kinda what that would be like...

MTG EDH Game State Tracker Specification

Status of this Memo

This document is created purely for entertainment purposes and is not meant to imply any authoratative stance. The memo has been created by a fan of the EDH game format and is not at all associated with the EDH rules committee.


This document serves as a specification for the properties of a single player's "Game State" in the context of an EDH Commander Magic: The Gathering game.

The intention of this specification is to provide a comprehensive overview of the game state elements that should be tracked for each player during gameplay. It is important to note that this document is not authoritative and is independent of the EDH Rules Committee.

1. Introduction

EDH Commander is a multiplayer variant of Magic: The Gathering that emphasizes social interaction, epic multiplayer battles, and deck customization. In this game mode, each player leads a deck with a legendary creature known as their "Commander." The purpose of this specification is to outline the properties that constitute a player's "Game State" within an EDH Commander game.

The Game State specification encompasses the various aspects of an EDH game's player state. These are expressed as two main property types: static properties and dynamic properties.

Static properties are game state elements that are tracked for each player and can change over turns within a game. These properties are considered "static" because their values are not dependent on external factors once the game has started. In contrast, dynamic properties are influenced by various global state elements and can change throughout the course of a game.

2. Game State Specification

The Game State Specification outlined in this section applies to each player within an EDH Commander game.

2.a. Static Properties

Static properties are inherent to each player's game state and serve as a foundation for gameplay. They include default starting values and may change as the game progresses.

The following static properties are tracked:

  • Life Total (Defaults to 40 at game start),
  • Turn counter: tracks how many turns the player has taken,
  • Phase Tracker: Ensure the phase structure of a turn is followed (e.g., untap, upkeep, draw, main phases, combat, and end step),
  • Turn Time Tracker: Optional, generally EDH games are 30min per player,
  • Counter Tracker: For tracking various types of counters that might be applied to the player,
  • (TBD, more to add?)

2.a.i. Commander Entity Tracker Specification

Each player has at least one commander entity, representing their leader in the game. In certain cases, a player may have a second commander if they utilize the Partner or Friends-Forver mechanic.

The Commander Entity Tracker Specification tracks the following properties for each commander:

  • Number of times the commander has been cast from the command zone

2.a.ii. Dynamic Commander Tracker Properties

In addition to tracking the commander entities, dynamic properties associated with the commanders are also recorded. These properties are influenced by global state elements and can change throughout the game.

The dynamic properties for commanders are:

  • Commander tax: A value calculated as "2 Any Color mana" multiplied by the "number of times a commander has been cast".
  • A key-value list tracking each opponent and the combat damage they have recieved from this commander.

2.b. Dynamic Properties

Dynamic properties are game state elements influenced by various global state elements. These properties are subject to change throughout the game and are specific to each player.

The following dynamic properties are tracked:

  • Monarch status: Indicates whether the player is currently the Monarch.
  • Commander damage received: Tracks the amount of commander damage received from each commander (and the owner of each commander).

The Game State Specification serves as a comprehensive reference for tracking the relevant properties that constitute a player's game state in an EDH Commander game.

3. Global Game State Specification

The Global Game State Specification outlines the elements of the game state that are shared across all players in an EDH Commander game. These elements provide a cohesive framework for gameplay and include the following:

  • Turn Order: The game moves in clockwise by default - however cards (like Aeon Engine) can reverse the game order.
  • List of Players: The game maintains a list of all players participating in the EDH Commander game, along with their respective game states.
  • Current Turn Owner: Tracks the player who's turn in the game it currently is.
  • Priority Tracker: Within each Turn players must pass priority in order for spells to fully resolve and progress the game. Can be dynamic based on player list and current player turn phase state.
  • Turn Counter: The global game turn counter.
  • Continuous Effects Tracker: Tracks the state of continusous effects; their controller, their targets, their triggers.
  • Day/Night Cycle (if applicable): If the game employs a Day/Night cycle mechanic, the current phase of the cycle is tracked. This information helps determine the availability or restriction of certain game actions based on the cycle's state.

The Global Game State Specification ensures consistency and synchronization among all players by providing a shared reference for these fundamental aspects of the game state.

4. State Based Actions

State-based actions are automatic checks performed by the game to ensure the game state remains legal. These checks occur in situations such as lethal damage, creatures with 0 or less toughness, or players with 0 or negative life totals. State-based actions maintain a healthy and balanced game state by resolving these conditions.

When executing State-based Actions, whether analog or digital, consider relevant continuous effects that may modify the outcomes. Continuous effects from cards can change the normal course of state-based actions and prevent specific outcomes.

Considering the impact of continuous effects on State-based Actions ensures accurate and consistent gameplay, accounting for relevant card abilities and rules that affect the game state. This allows both analog and digital implementations to interpret and enforce State-based Actions effectively, ensuring a fair and enjoyable EDH Commander experience.

5. Implementations

The specifications outlined in this document can be implemented through either physical (analog) means or digital means, depending on the preferences and resources available to the players. Both approaches are valid, and the goal is to ensure clarity and ease of understanding for all players involved.

In physical/analog implementations, the specifications provide flexibility, allowing players to use their creativity to track the static and dynamic properties of their game state. However, it is crucial to maintain transparency and clarity so that all players can easily interpret and understand the state of the game.

In digital implementations, the specifications can be used to populate dynamic properties automatically, simplifying the tracking process. However, it is important to ensure that the digital tools used are user-friendly and provide a clear representation of the game state. In some cases, players may opt to manually "seed" data in disconnected digital trackers, especially when using offline digital trackers that don't share the global state by default among app instances.

Regardless of the implementation approach chosen, the overarching principle is to make the game state properties easily comprehensible for all players involved. By doing so, the specifications enable a smooth and enjoyable EDH Commander gameplay experience.

6. Acknowledgements

We would like to extend our gratitude to the following individuals whose contributions have paved the way for the EDH Commander format and Magic: The Gathering:

  • Sheldon Menery: For creating the Elder Dragon Highlander (EDH) format, which later became known as Commander. His vision and dedication to fostering a vibrant multiplayer experience have shaped the EDH Commander community.
  • Richard Garfield: For designing and creating Magic: The Gathering, the revolutionary trading card game that continues to captivate players worldwide. Garfield's innovative game mechanics laid the foundation for countless hours of enjoyment and strategic gameplay.
  • Our dear friends: For their encouragement and support in introducing us to the world of MTG EDH as adults. Their enthusiasm and camaraderie have enriched our gaming experiences and created lasting memories.

We acknowledge the immense influence and inspiration these individuals have provided, and we express our heartfelt appreciation for their contributions to the world of EDH Commander and Magic: The Gathering.

Addendum: RFC Name

The name of this RFC, RFC 77847132696872, carries both practical and symbolic significance. The choice of this specific number was deliberate to avoid overlapping with existing IETF RFCs and to provide a unique identifier for this document.

However, there is a deeper meaning hidden within the numerical value. When converting the decimal representation of RFC 77847132696872 to ASCII characters, the result spells out "MTG EDH." This alphanumeric arrangement holds a special significance as it represents the acronym for Magic: The Gathering (MTG) and the Elder Dragon Highlander (EDH) format.

This dual interpretation of the RFC number pays homage to the game that inspired this document and the community surrounding it. It serves as a subtle tribute to the joy and camaraderie experienced through EDH Commander games.

While the name RFC 77847132696872 may appear random at first glance, it carries a meaningful connection to the world of MTG EDH, reflecting the spirit of creativity and enjoyment shared by players worldwide.

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