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Last active December 15, 2020 05:08
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TextFileStream - An implementation of the Parsica Stream interface for text files.
namespace MallardDuck\ConfigParser;
use Verraes\Parsica\Internal\EndOfStream;
use Verraes\Parsica\Internal\Position;
use Verraes\Parsica\Internal\TakeResult;
use Verraes\Parsica\Stream;
class TextFileStream implements Stream
private string $filePath;
private $fileHandle;
private int $bytePosition;
private int $unreadBytes;
private Position $position;
public static function createAtPosition(int $bytePosition, string $filePath, ?Position $position = null): self
$new = new self($filePath, $position);
return $new->setPosition($bytePosition);
public function __construct(string $filePath, ?Position $position = null)
$this->filePath = $filePath;
$this->fileHandle = fopen($this->filePath, 'r');
$this->position = $position ?? Position::initial($this->filePath);
private function setPosition(int $bytePosition): self
fseek($this->fileHandle, $bytePosition);
return $this;
protected function updatePosition(): void
$this->bytePosition = ftell($this->fileHandle);
$this->unreadBytes = filesize($this->filePath) - ftell($this->fileHandle);
public function __destruct()
if (is_resource($this->fileHandle)) {
* @throws EndOfStream
private function guardEndOfStream(): void
fseek($this->fileHandle, $this->bytePosition);
if ($this->isEOF()) {
throw new EndOfStream("End of stream was reached in " . $this->position->pretty());
* Extract a single token from the stream. Throw if the stream is empty.
* @throw EndOfStream
public function take1(): TakeResult
$token = fgetc($this->fileHandle);
$position = $this->position->advance($token);
return new TakeResult(
self::createAtPosition(ftell($this->fileHandle), $this->filePath, $position)
* Try to extract a chunk of length $n, or if the stream is too short, the rest of the stream.
* Valid implementation should follow the rules:
* 1. If the requested length <= 0, the empty token and the original stream should be returned.
* 2. If the requested length > 0 and the stream is empty, throw EndOfStream.
* 3. In other cases, take a chunk of length $n (or shorter if the stream is not long enough) from the input stream
* and return the chunk along with the rest of the stream.
* @throw EndOfStream
public function takeN(int $n): TakeResult
if ($n <= 0) {
return new TakeResult("", $this);
$chunk = fread($this->fileHandle, $n);
$position = $this->position->advance($chunk);
return new TakeResult(
self::createAtPosition(ftell($this->fileHandle), $this->filePath, $position)
* Extract a chunk of the stream, by taking tokens as long as the predicate holds. Return the chunk and the rest of
* the stream.
* @TODO This method isn't strictly necessary but let's see.
* @psalm-param callable(string):bool $predicate
public function takeWhile(callable $predicate) : TakeResult
if ($this->isEOF()) {
return new TakeResult("", $this);
* Variable to track if loop breaks due to EOF.
* @var bool $eof
$eof = false;
$chunk = ""; // Init the result buffer
$nextToken = fgetc($this->fileHandle);
while ($predicate($nextToken)) {
$chunk .= $nextToken;
if (!feof($this->fileHandle)) {
$nextToken = fgetc($this->fileHandle);
} else {
$eof = true;
// If the loop breaks because EOF then skip this.
if (!$eof) {
// However if the loop breaks because the predicate, then step one byte back.
fseek($this->fileHandle, -1, SEEK_CUR);
$position = $this->position->advance($chunk);
return new TakeResult(
self::createAtPosition(ftell($this->fileHandle), $this->filePath, $position)
* @deprecated We will need to get rid of this again at some point, we can't assume all streams will be strings
public function __toString(): string
if (0 === ($size = filesize($this->filePath))) {
return "<EMPTYFILE>";
$stringData = fread($this->fileHandle, $size);
fseek($this->fileHandle, $this->bytePosition);
return $stringData;
* Test if the stream is at its end.
public function isEOF(): bool
return feof($this->fileHandle);
* @inheritDoc
public function position() : Position
return $this->position;
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