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Created August 10, 2016 21:41
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Cart Vue example
<div id="bix-cart">
<v-modal v-ref:modal modifier="uk-modal-dialog-blank">
<partial :name="modal_template"></partial>
var md5 = require('md5');
var defaultAddress = {
first_name: '',
middle_name: '',
last_name: '',
company_name: '',
email: '',
address_1: '',
address_2: '',
zipcode: '',
city: '',
county: '',
state: '',
country_code: 'NL',
phone: '',
mobile: ''
var defaultItem = {
id: '',
sku: '',
title: '',
quantity: 1,
price: 0,
currency: 0,
quantity_options: [],
data: {},
template: 'default-product'
var defaultCart = {
delivery_address: _.assign({}, defaultAddress),
items: [],
delivery_options: [],
payment_options: [],
delivery_option_id: '',
card: {},
confirmed: false
module.exports = {
name: 'bix-cart',
data: function () {
return _.merge({
modal_template: 'default-cart-modal',
error: '',
filter: {
currency: 'EUR'
order: {},
cart: {}
}, window.$bix_cart);
created: function () {
var storedCart = localStorage.getItem('bixcart.cart');
this.cart = storedCart ? JSON.parse(storedCart) : _.assign({}, defaultCart);
this.Cart = this.$resource('api/cart/cart{/id}', {}, {terms: {method: 'GET', url: 'api/cart/cart/terms'}});
events: {
'address.saved': 'saveCart'
watch: {
'cart': {handler: function (cart) {
localStorage.setItem('bixcart.cart', JSON.stringify(cart));
}, deep: true},
'total_price': 'saveCart'
methods: {
openCart: function () {
closeCart: function () {
addItem: function (item) {
var existing = _.find(this.cart.items, 'sku', item.sku);
if (existing) {
this.addQuantity(existing, item.quantity);
} else {
this.cart.items.push(_.merge({}, defaultItem, item, {id: md5(item.sku + item.title)}));
addQuantity: function (item, quantity) {
var des_option = _.find(item.quantity_options, 'quantity', (item.quantity + quantity));
if (des_option) {
item.quantity = des_option.quantity;
item.price = des_option.price;
item.currency = des_option.currency;
} else {
//todo refine this. now goto next option
var idx = _.findIndex(item.quantity_options, 'quantity', quantity);
if (idx < item.quantity_options.length) {
item.quantity = item.quantity_options[(idx + 1)].quantity;
item.price = item.quantity_options[(idx + 1)].price;
item.currency = item.quantity_options[(idx + 1)].currency;
removeItem: function (item) {
saveCart: function () {
console.log('save ' + this.cart.items.length);{}, {cart: this.cart}).then(function (res) {
console.log('saved ' +;
if ( { //valid result?
this.cart =;
}, function (res) {
this.setError( ||;
emptyCart: function () {
this.cart = _.assign({}, defaultCart)
getTerms: function () {
return this.Cart.terms().then(_.noop(), function (res) {
this.setError( ||;
placeOrder: function () {
console.log('save ' + this.cart.items.length);{id: 'checkout'}, {cart: this.cart}).then(function (res) {
if ( { //valid result?
this.order =;
}, function (res) {
this.setError( ||;
resetError: function () {
this.error = '';
setError: function (error) {
this.error = error;
if (UIkit.notify) UIkit.notify(error, 'danger');
computed: {
currency: function () {
return this.filter.currency;
nr_items_format: function () {
return this.$transChoice('{0} %count% items|{1} %count% item|]1,Inf[ %count% items',
this.nr_items, {count: this.nr_items}
nr_items: function () {
return this.cart.items.length || 0;
delivery_price: function () {
var delivery_option = _.find(this.cart.delivery_options, 'id', this.cart.delivery_option_id);
if (delivery_option) {
return delivery_option.price;
return 0;
total_price: function () {
var item_total = _.reduce(this.cart.items, function (sum, item) {
return sum + item.price;
}, 0);
console.log('total_priceCalx', item_total);
return item_total + this.delivery_price;
cart_valid: function () {
return !!(this.cart.delivery_option_id && this.cart.confirmed)
partials: {
'default-product': require('./templates/product/default-product.html'),
'default-cart-modal': require('./templates/cart/modal.html'),
components: {
'cart-item': require('./components/cart-item.vue'),
'cart-address': require('./components/cart-address.vue'),
'cart-delivery': require('./components/cart-delivery.vue'),
'cart-payment': require('./components/cart-payment.vue'),
'cart-terms': require('./components/cart-terms.vue')
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