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Created March 5, 2009 09:53
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Demonstrates the concepts of covariance and contravariance in the Java type system
import java.util.*;
* Covariance and contravariance.
* A type operator (an operator which takes as input a type and returns another type as output) is
* said to be
* 1) `covariant` if it preserves the ordering of types and orders types
* from more specific ones to more generic ones.
* 2) `contravariant` if it preserves the ordering of types and orders types
* from more generic ones to more specific ones.
* 3) `invariant` if no ordering of types is preserved.
* Example of covariance:
* String <= Object (`<=` means lhs is more specific than rhs).
* and String[] <= Object[] (hence array operator [] is covariant in Java).
* Example of invariance:
* String <= Object
* and List<String> =/= List<Object> (no ordering is preserved in generic types in Java hence invariant).
* Why would you care about covariance and contravariance while programming? Answer: "substitutability".
* For instance if a Java generic type was covariant, you can subsitute a more specific generic type
* in place of a more generic generic type.
* Example:
* List<Object> = someObj.someMethod(); // someObj.someMethod returns List<String>
* Similarly if a Java generic type was contravariant, you can substitute a more generic generic type
* in place of a more specific generic type.
* Example:
* someObj.someMethod(List<Object>); // someMethod expects List<String> as argument
* Arrays in Java and C# are covariant by design. This would be fine if arrays were
* immutable (ie only supported get() operation). But arrays are mutable in Java and C# (ie)
* they support reading/get() and writing/set() elems in the array.
* Example:
* String[] a = new String[1];
* Object[] b = a;
* Object o = b[0]; // get(0) does not break type-safety
* b[0] = 1; // set(0) will break type-safety (raises runtime error).
* In order to ensure type-safety, either arrays should be made "immutable and covariant" or "mutable and invariant".
* Generic types both in C# and Java are invariant by default. In C#4.0, they're adding support so that generic types
* can be made covariant and contravariant as necessary provided the generic interfaces obey certain rules.
* Read more:
public class CovarianceTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// allowed
String s1 = "foobar";
Object o1 = s1;
// allowed
// but breaks type-safety (read above for explanation)
String[] arr1 = new String[2];
Object[] arr2 = arr1;
// allowed
ArrayList<String> al1 = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> l1 = al1;
l1.add(new String("foo"));
// not allowed
// ArrayList<Object> al2 = al1;
// allowed - generics with wildcard ?
ArrayList<?> al3 = al1;
Object o2 = al3.get(0);
// not allowed
// al3.add(new String("foo"));
// allowed - generics with wildcard extends
List<Integer> l2 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<? extends Number> l3 = l2;
Number n1 = l3.get(0);
// not allowed
// l3.add(new Integer(1));
// allowed - generics with wildcard super
List<Number> l4 = new ArrayList<Number>();
List<? super Integer> l5 = l4;
l5.add(new Integer(1));
// not allowed
// Number n2 = l5.get(0);
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