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Last active March 12, 2018 16:34
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Got Linux - shell commands
# File Transfer
# Copy files through ssh
scp deployer@fake-server:/var/log/mongodb/mongod.log.2.gz /Users/name/Documents/temp/logs/
# Copy a file from your workstation to a server behind a bastion host
scp -oProxyCommand="ssh -AW %h:%p bastion_user@bastion_ip" file_destination user@destination_IP:/path
scp -oProxyCommand="ssh -AW %h:%p ubuntu@bastion-production" ubuntu@fake-server:/home/ubuntu/
## Speed up secure file copying (scp) by tarring files before copying them to another server.
# Local > Remote
tar cvzf - -C /Users/nickivons/Documents/temp/dbpath/ . | ssh deployer@fake-server tar xzvf - -C /home/deployer/backups
# Remote > Local
ssh deployer@fake-server "tar czvf - -C /var/lib/mongodb/ ." | tar xzvf - -C /Users/user/Documents/temp/newDbpath
# Remote > Remote
ssh deployer@fake-server "tar czvf - -C /var/lib/mongodb/ ." | pv | ssh deployer@fake-server-2 tar xzvf - -C /home/deployer/backups
# Rsync to copy very large files
rsync -vh -rlptD --chmod=g+w --info=progress2 -e ssh deployer@fake-server:/var/lib/mongodb/ /var/lib/mongodb-bear
# Analyzing File Systems
#See size of directories
du -sh *
#See space on server
df -h
#See space on individual directories
du -h --max-depth=1
du -h --exclude=./home/user1/nas | grep -E \[0-9]G
#See file sizes in GB
ls -lh
# Find top directories
du -a / | sort -n -r | head -n 5
# Process Management
# See if mongod (or any process) is running
ps -deaf | grep mongod
ps -aux | grep mongod
# Get details about a process id
ps -Fp $pid
# See what process is running on port 8000
lsof -t -i :8000
# Server Administration
# show env variables
# see what ports are open
netstat -plnt
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