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Last active February 11, 2020 21:40
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Plugin name: SameSite Cookies
Description: A WordPress plugin for using SameSite=Lax with auth cookies
add_filter('send_auth_cookies', function () {
return false;
add_action('set_logged_in_cookie', function ($logged_in_cookie, $expire, $expiration, $user_id, $logged_in, $token) {
$secure = is_ssl();
$secure_logged_in_cookie = $secure && 'https' === parse_url( get_option( 'home' ), PHP_URL_SCHEME );
$secure = apply_filters( 'secure_auth_cookie', $secure, $user_id );
$secure_logged_in_cookie = apply_filters( 'secure_logged_in_cookie', $secure_logged_in_cookie, $user_id, $secure );
setcookie_samesite(LOGGED_IN_COOKIE, $logged_in_cookie, $expire, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN, $secure_logged_in_cookie, true, apply_filters('samesite_cookie', 'Lax'));
setcookie_samesite(LOGGED_IN_COOKIE, $logged_in_cookie, $expire, SITECOOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN, $secure_logged_in_cookie, true, apply_filters('samesite_cookie', 'Lax'));
}, 10, 6);
add_action('set_auth_cookie', function ($auth_cookie, $expire, $expiration, $user_id, $scheme, $token) {
$secure = is_ssl();
$secure = apply_filters( 'secure_auth_cookie', $secure, $user_id );
if ( $secure ) {
$auth_cookie_name = SECURE_AUTH_COOKIE;
$scheme = 'secure_auth';
} else {
$auth_cookie_name = AUTH_COOKIE;
$scheme = 'auth';
setcookie_samesite($auth_cookie_name, $auth_cookie, $expire, PLUGINS_COOKIE_PATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN, $secure, true, apply_filters('samesite_cookie', 'Lax'));
setcookie_samesite($auth_cookie_name, $auth_cookie, $expire, ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN, $secure, true, apply_filters('samesite_cookie', 'Lax'));
}, 10, 6);
// Below taken from:
// This function should be rewritten from scratch as there is no licence
* Setcookie function with support for SameSite
* @param string|null $samesite 'Lax' or 'Strict'
function setcookie_samesite($name, $value = '', $expire = 0, $path = null, $domain = null, $secure = false, $httponly = false, $samesite = null)
$params = array(
rawurlencode($name) . '=' . rawurlencode($value),
if ($expire)
$params[] = sprintf('expires=%d', $expire);
if (!is_null($path))
$params[] = sprintf('path=%s', $path);
if (!is_null($domain))
$params[] = sprintf('domain=%s', rawurlencode($domain));
if ($secure)
$params[] = 'secure';
if ($httponly)
$params[] = 'httponly';
if ($samesite)
$params[] = sprintf('samesite=%s', rawurlencode($samesite));
$header = sprintf('Set-Cookie: %s', implode('; ', $params));
return header($header, false);
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soderlind commented Aug 6, 2018

According to, SameSite is available in Windows build version 16299+. Can confirm that it's not working on Windows build 16299.547

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