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Forked from timabell/boxstarter.ps1
Last active February 24, 2016 20:31
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Save malog84/523870647bd8844c0cda to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. script for .net development in a vm
# boxstarter script
# source:
# originally tested on win7 x64
# wip on win 8.1 build
# This is a start of a build of a box I'm using at the moment.
# Fork this to your own gist, then comment/uncomment/add stuff to suit you.
# Some context: I hate windows, and only use it for work, the rest of the time
# I'm on linux; so when I'm doing client work on my kit that needs windows (I'm
# a .net contract dev) I run windows in virtualbox. As a result this build
# doesn't have a lot of tools you might use like dropbox etc as all that lives
# on my host machine and is all installed with apt-get (see my dotmatrix on
# github for the list).
# I'm also a vim user, so you won't see notepad++ or other common things of that ilk.
# Actually scratch that, notepad++ is too useful for looking into encoding problems.
# To run, paste this into internet explorer's address bar (doen't work in firefox) and hit enter:
# If IE is your default browser you can simply paste into start > run without firing up IE first.
# Install log ends up in C:\Users\tim\AppData\Local\Boxstarter
# Note: last time I checked boxstarter installed an outdated version of chocolatey.
# I've been giving some thought to this approach, and it seems to me that while it's a good start, the variation
# in the needs for building a dev machine for different circumstances is such that you'll spend half your time
# fiddling with these script files to get them right for whatever situation you have on the day. I think we need
# another layer on top that allows you to pick the bits you want at the time, and add extra bits on demand.
# doesn't seem to work on win 10
# From Event Log: "Display driver VBoxVideoW8 stopped responding and has been successfully disabled."
cinst VBoxGuestAdditions.install -version 4.3.20
# - latest version, awaiting moderation so have to specify
# needs updating, my virtualbox install provides v4.3.28 which does work with my win10 vm
### windows UI config
Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -EnableShowProtectedOSFiles -EnableShowFileExtensions
# always show all items in system tray
Set-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer -Name EnableAutoTray -Value 0 -Type DWord
# turn off stupid integrated CILLIT BING! search in start menu
Set-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Search -Name BingSearchEnabled -Value 0 -Type DWord
# use procmon to find more annoying reg key settings, filter to Operation="RegSetValue"
# more windows options:
### windows components & config
cinst -source windowsfeatures IIS-WebServerRole IIS-WebServer IIS-Security IIS-WindowsAuthentication
cinst powershell4
# - shouldn't be needed on win 8, but should be harmless, and will upgrade win 7
### programs
# to see the details of any of the following go to
# find more package names here:
# and here `choco list`
# and here `choco list -source windowsfeatures`
cinst 7zip firefox pdfcreator notepadplusplus
# 7zip - needed to be able to unzip AES encrypted zip files
IIS-WindowsAuthentication - enable integrated auth in IIS
### big slow installs
# visual studio #
cinst visualstudio2015professional -packageParameters "--Features SQL" -version 14.0.23107.0
# the RTM version is awaiting moderation so have to specify version for now
# cinst VisualStudio2013Ultimate -InstallArguments "/Features:'WebTools SQL'"
# cinst visualstudio2015community -packageParameters "--Features SQL"
# - 2015 community works, but doesn't upgrade to pro when you enter a key
# package options here:
# cinst vs2013.4 # fixme: got a write error. odd. do I need the rc first? can never tell with ms package names
# visual studio 2015 is in RC at the moment
# cinst VisualStudio2015Professional -pre #broken
# visual studio extensions (vsix)
# multi-version
#cinst editorconfig.vs
#cinst vsvim -version # have to set version till moderated I think, I just created it
# vs 2015
# cinst poshtools-visualstudio2015 -version 3.0.177 # install failed, commented on package page
# vs 2013
# cinst visualstudio2013-webessentials.vsix
# cinst poshtools-visualstudio2013
# resharper has to be installed after visual studio otherwise it doesn't show up
cinst resharper
# sql server + tools #
# errors if run twice :-(
cinst mssqlserver2014express # think this might be installed by VS already
cinst mssqlservermanagementstudio2014express
### folders
# somewhere to put code I'm working on
mkdir c:\tfs
### notes
# need packaging
# - visual studio addons
# - ghostdoc
# - color theme editor
# - ready-roll
# redgate data suite
# - twittered, download is behind registration form :-(
# - response! :-)
# - sql dev suite direct download 3dd4b1ed4cddf100a3b0f1a4150b16f5
# latest localdb
# need packaging for VS 2015
# - posh tools - powershell editing support in VS
# - web essentials
# todo: automatically upgrade chocolatey install to latest
# cache github & gist ssh server keys (gitext/putty/plink)
# config todo:
# dotmatrix - windows branch, clone, checkout, install vimbundles, install config
# git configuration - partially through dotmatrix, prompts for language, no sh configured
# gvim font and colour
# default file extension handling
# vs keyboard config - resharper, vsvim, other customisations
# vs - reload silently
# customised VS solarized theme, in dotmatrix - needs fixup for vs2015
# disable the screensaver (it's a vm, the host has a timed screen-lock)
# tell windows update to go fuck itself
# set git editor to gvim
# command-prompt-here
# windows 10
# - knee-cap the privacy destroying auto-web search start box
# host key for github ssh
# ssh key - with putty, not ssh-keygen, add to github
# stuff I can't publish, but not too hard to do manually
# - visual studio sign-in
# - resharper license key
# - firefox sync sign-in - gets all the extensions installed
# - ready-roll license
# - ssh keys: generate with gitextensions/putty, add to bitbucket/github - keep on shared folder outside vm
# - git username / email (could publish it but don't want people committing as me by mistake)
# minor annoyances
# firefox - don't import, set default browser
# setup task bar & start menu
# don't hide tray icons
# pin vs to taskbar
# enable kdiff3 quit via esc
# kill crappy IE homepage
# maybe
# virtualbox guest additions
# updated chocolatey install
# better console - less important in win10 than win7
# - console2? does it work with git...
# - ConEmu
# msdn subscriber specific variation - load from already downloaded isos in shared folder instead of re-downloading
# automate initial install of windows from iso into virtualbox (not really part of boxstarter but is part of my process)
# obsolete with windows 10
# windows console - quick edit, size, buffer
# refs and inspirations:
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# also worth a look
# - VS "Roaming Extension Manager" Extension:
# golang dev requirements
#cinst golang
#cinst mingw
# todo: set $GOPATH
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