Quick Steps for Impatient Users Like Me Enable the OpenSSH Authentication Agent service and make it start automatically. Add your SSH key to the agent with ssh-add on the command line. Test git integration, if it still asks for your passphrase, continue on. Add the environment variable $ENV:GIT_SSH=C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe to your session, or permanently to your user environment. Detailed Steps: Overview Windows has been shipping with OpenSSH for some time now. It includes all the necessary bits for ssh to work alongside Git, but it still seems to need some TLC before it works 100% seamlessly. Here's the steps I've been following with success as of Windows ver 10.0.18362.449 (you can see your Windows 10 version by opening a cmd.exe shell and typing ver).
I assume here that you already have your SSH key setup, and is located at ~/.ssh/id_rsa