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Last active November 28, 2023 20:59
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MS teams attendee log to jira user name list
param (
function Get-Participants ($file) {
$allLines = Get-Content -Path $InputFile
$participants = @()
$found = $false
foreach ($line in $allLines) {
if ($found) {
if ($line -eq "") {
$mailAddress = Get-MailAddress($line)
$userName = ConvertTo-UserName($mailAddress)
$participants += $userName
if (!$found -and $line -like "Name*First Join*") {
$found = $true
return $participants
function Get-MailAddress ($text) {
$fields = $text -split "\t"
return $fields[4]
function ConvertTo-UserName ($MailAddress) {
# no regex today
$NameAndDomain = $MailAddress -split "@"
$FirstNameAndLastName = $NameAndDomain[0] -split "\."
$UserName = $FirstNameAndLastName[0][0]
$UserName += $FirstNameAndLastName[1]
return "[~$($UserName.ToLowerInvariant())]"
#$UserNameTestCases = @(
# @{"MailAddress" = ""; "UserName" = "[~mchecker]" },
# @{"MailAddress" = ""; "UserName" = "[~lbecker]" },
# @{"MailAddress" = "Annette.Droste-Hü"; "UserName" = "[~adroste-hülshoff]" }
#Describe "ConvertTo-UserName" {
# It "should convert <MailAddress> into <UserName>" -TestCases $UserNameTestCases {
# param($MailAddress, $UserName)
# ConvertTo-UserName $MailAddress | Should Be $UserName
# }
#Describe "Get-MailAddress" {
# It "should parse the mail address from a csv row" {
# Get-MailAddress "Marco Checker 11/08/23, 9:28:57 AM 11/08/23, 11:37:37 AM 2h 8m 39s Organizer" | Should Be ""
# }
if ($null -eq $InputFile -or $InputFile.Trim().Length -eq 0) {
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{
InitialDirectory = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop')
Filter = "CSV (*.csv)|*.csv|All Files|*.*"
Title = "Please select the attendance report file"
Multiselect = $false
if ( "OK" -eq $FileBrowser.ShowDialog() ) {
$InputFile = $FileBrowser.FileName
else {
exit 1
$participants = Get-Participants $InputFile | Sort-Object
if ( $null -eq $(Get-Command -CommandType Cmdlet "set-clipboard")) {
Write-Host "If Set-Clipboard woul be available, the list is added to the clipboard."
Write-Host $participants
else {
Set-Clipboard $($participants -join "`n")
Write-Host "List copied to clipboard."
Copy link

Replaced VB dialog with .net OpenFileDialog.

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