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Last active October 6, 2016 18:09
use "promises"
use "ponytest"
class val IPEndpoint
"""Represents a host and service name.
The endpoint can be resolved to an IP address.
let _host: String
let _service: String
let _promise: Promise[IPAddress] = _promise.create()
new create(host: String, service: String) =>
_host = host
_service = service
fun ref resolve(): Promise[IPAddress] =>
// To-Do: Actually spawn an asynchronous `getaddrinfo_a` call and
//somehow connect the result to the promise.
class iso _IPEndpointTest is UnitTest
fun name(): String => "net/IPEndpoint"
fun ref apply(h: TestHelper) =>
let endpoint = IPEndpoint("localhost", "25")
let p = endpoint.resolve()
recover lambda(ip_address: IPAddress)(x: U32 = 42): String => ip_address.string() end end
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