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Last active April 30, 2019 11:47
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  • Save maltsev/80a0aedcacf09c23aeaea779892c1eeb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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My git config for fish shell
## Diff ##
abbr -a gd "git diff --ignore-all-space"
abbr -a gdc "git diff --ignore-all-space --staged"
## Commit ##
abbr -a gc "git commit"
abbr -a gcn "git commit --no-verify"
abbr -a gca "git commit --amend"
abbr -a gcan "git commit --amend --no-verify"
abbr -a gcah "git commit --amend --reuse-message=HEAD"
abbr -a gcm "git commit --message "
# Temporary commit with current time in its message
abbr -a gcmt "git commit --message (date '+[ci skip] %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')"
## Add ##
abbr -a ga "git add"
abbr -a gau "git add --update"
abbr -a ga. "git add ."
abbr -a gap "git add --patch"
set -ul git_status_changes "git status --porcelain=v1 | \
grep --invert-match \
--extended-regexp \
'^[MADR] '"
set -ul fzf_git_status_select "fzf --print0 \
--multi \
--exact \
--preview 'git diff --ignore-all-space --color -- {2} | tail -n +5' | \
gcut --zero-terminated --characters=4-"
# Select files to stage
alias gas="$git_status_changes | $fzf_git_status_select | xargs -0 git add --"
# Select files and then hunks to stage
alias gaps="$git_status_changes | $fzf_git_status_select | xargs -0 -o git add --patch --"
## Push ##
abbr -a gp "git push --follow-tags"
abbr -a gpf "git push --follow-tags --force"
abbr -a gpd "git push --delete origin "
alias gpu="git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD | \
xargs git push --set-upstream origin"
## Pull ##
abbr -a gpl "git pull"
abbr -a gplr "git pull --rebase"
## Reset ##
abbr -a grs "git reset"
abbr -a grsh "git reset HEAD"
# Select staged files to reset HEAD
abbr -a grshs "git status --porcelain=v1 | \
grep --extended-regexp '^(M |MM) ' | \
fzf --print0 \
--multi \
--exact \
--preview 'git diff --staged --ignore-all-space --color -- {2}' | \
gcut --zero-terminated --characters=4- | \
xargs -0 git reset HEAD"
## Rebase ##
abbr -a gr "git rebase"
abbr -a grc "git rebase --continue"
abbr -a gri "git rebase --interactive"
abbr -a grm "git rebase master"
abbr -a grio "git rebase --interactive origin/master"
set -ul git_log_oneline_format '%C(green)%h%C(red)%d %C(blue)%s %C(black)%C(dim)(%cr)%Creset'
set -ul git_log_short_format '%C(green)%h %C(blue)%an %C(black)%C(dim)%cr%C(reset)%C(red)%d%C(reset)%n%w(80, 4, 4)%s%n%+b'
# Select a start commit for rebase
alias gris="git --no-pager log \
--max-count=500 \
--color \
--format='$git_log_oneline_format' | \
fzf --exact \
--ansi \
--print0 \
--layout=reverse \
--nth='2..-4' \
--preview 'git show --color --stat {1}' | \
gcut --zero-terminated \
--delimiter=' ' \
--fields=1 | \
xargs -0 -o -I {} git rebase --interactive {}^"
## Revert ##
abbr -a grv "git revert"
abbr -a grvn "git revert --no-commit"
## Stash ##
abbr -a gt "git stash"
abbr -a gtk "git stash --keep-index"
abbr -a gtp "git stash pop"
abbr -a gts "git stash show --patch"
abbr -a gtd "git stash drop"
## Branch ##
abbr -a gb "git branch"
abbr -a gbd "git branch --delete"
abbr -a gbdf "git branch --delete --force"
# Select branch to delete
alias gbds "git branch --list | \
fzf --print0 | \
xargs -0 git branch --delete"
# Select branch to force-delete
alias gbdfs "git branch --list | \
fzf --print0 | \
xargs -0 git branch --delete --force"
## Merge ##
abbr -a gm "git merge"
## Checkout ##
abbr -a ge "git checkout"
# Switch to previous branch
abbr -a ge- "git checkout -"
abbr -a ge. "git checkout ."
alias ges "git diff --name-only | \
fzf --print0 --exact | \
xargs -0 git checkout"
alias gebs "git branch --list --color | \
fzf --exact \
--ansi \
--print0 \
--preview 'echo \"{}\" | \
tr -d \"* \" | \
xargs git log --color --format=\"$git_log_short_format\" --max-count=5' | \
xargs git checkout"
abbr -a geb "git checkout -b"
## Log ##
abbr -a gl "git log --format='$git_log_short_format'"
abbr -a glg "git log --format='$git_log_short_format' --grep"
## Bisect ##
abbr -a gbi "git bisect"
abbr -a gbir "git bisect reset"
abbr -a gbi+ "git bisect good"
abbr -a gbi- "git bisect bad"
## Other ##
# List stashed changed + git status
function gs
git --no-pager stash list
git status $argv
# Create new local branch and set upstream to origin/$branch
function gbn
git checkout -b $argv
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/$argv
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