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Created July 28, 2022 19:29
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A partial StereoKit camera controller
using System;
namespace StereoKit.Framework
class Camera : IStepper
public delegate bool IntersectionDelegate(Ray worldRay, out Ray worldIntersection);
float _headHeight = 1.5f;
float _floor = 0;
Vec2 _rotation = new Vec2(0,0);
float _prevStick = 0;
IntersectionDelegate IntersectWorld;
public Vec3 Position { get; set; }
public float Speed { get; set; } = 2;
public float RunSpeed { get; set; } = 4;
public float MouseSensitivity { get; set; } = .25f;
public float SnapIncrement { get; set; } = 30;
public bool Grounded { get; set; } = true;
public bool Enabled => true;
public Camera(IntersectionDelegate intersectWorldDelegate)
IntersectWorld = intersectWorldDelegate;
public bool Initialize()
if (World.HasBounds)
_floor = World.BoundsPose.position.y;
_headHeight = Input.Head.position.y - _floor;
_headHeight = 1.5f;
_floor = Input.Head.position.y - _headHeight;
return true;
public void Step()
// Raycast teleportation
Pointer p = Input.Pointer(0, InputSource.HandRight);
Vec3 fingertip = Input.Hand(Handed.Right)[FingerId.Index, JointId.Tip].position;
p.ray = new Ray(fingertip, fingertip - Input.Head.position);
p.state = Input.Hand(Handed.Left).grip;
p.ray.direction = p.ray.direction.Normalized;
if ((p.state & (BtnState.Active | BtnState.JustInactive)) > 0)
Lines.Add(p.ray.position, p.ray.position + p.ray.direction * 2, Color32.White, new Color32(255, 255, 255, 0), 0.02f);
if (IntersectWorld(p.ray, out Ray at))
Lines.Add(at.position, at.position + Vec3.Up, Color32.White, new Color32(255, 255, 255, 0), 0.2f);
if (p.state.IsJustInactive())
Position = at.position + V.XYZ(0, _headHeight, 0);
// Keyboard/controller stick movement
Vec2 move = Vec2.Zero;
// If the MR sim is enabled, it has some of its own keyboard/mouse
// movement code.
if (SK.Settings.disableFlatscreenMRSim)
if (Input.Key(Key.W).IsActive()) move.y += 1;
if (Input.Key(Key.S).IsActive()) move.y -= 1;
if (Input.Key(Key.D).IsActive()) move.x += 1;
if (Input.Key(Key.A).IsActive()) move.x -= 1;
if (Input.Key(Key.MouseRight).IsActive())
_rotation.y -= Input.Mouse.posChange.x * MouseSensitivity;
_rotation.x -= Input.Mouse.posChange.y * MouseSensitivity * 0.7f;
// Controller movement input
Controller leftController = Input.Controller(Handed.Left);
if (leftController.stick.MagnitudeSq > 0.01f)
move = leftController.stick;
move.x = -move.x;
float rightStick = Input.Controller(Handed.Right).stick.x;
if (Math.Abs(rightStick) >= 0.75f && _prevStick < 0.75f)
// Rotation here should happen around the Head pose, rather
// than around the center position
_rotation.y += Math.Sign(rightStick) * SnapIncrement;
_prevStick = Math.Abs(rightStick);
// Apply movement data to the position
if (move.LengthSq > 1)
bool running = Input.Key(Key.Shift).IsActive() || leftController.IsStickClicked;
float speed = (running ? RunSpeed : Speed) * Time.Elapsedf;
Quat orientation = Input.Head.orientation;
Position += orientation.Rotate(Vec3.Forward) * move.y * speed;
Position += orientation.Rotate(Vec3.Right ) * move.x * speed;
// Update the floor value
if (Grounded == true)
if (move.LengthSq > 0.0001f && IntersectWorld(new Ray(Position, -Vec3.UnitY), out Ray floorAt))
_floor = floorAt.position.y;
Position = new Vec3(Position.x, _floor + _headHeight, Position.z);
Renderer.CameraRoot = Matrix.TR(Position, Quat.FromAngles(_rotation.x, _rotation.y, 0));
Lines.Add(V.XYZ(0, _floor, 0), V.XYZ(0, _floor+0.5f, 0), Color.White, 0.01f);;
public void Shutdown() { }
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