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Creates an ExecutionContext inside an Actor that will execute the runnables inside the Actor receive block, so that the risk of closing over Actor internals is less problematic.
//Warning: Uses Akka internal APIs (not binary compatible),
//can be written not to depend on that but implemented like this for brevity.
package akka.util
trait CallbackExecutionContext { this: ⇒
// Defines our signal for callback execution
case object Execute
// ``SerializedSuspendableExecutionContext`` is Akka-internal
private[this] final val ssec: SerializedSuspendableExecutionContext = {
val d = this.context.dispatcher
val s = this.self
// The ``5`` is the throughput setting for the EC, e.g. the number of callbacks that will be
// executed per sweep, the parametrization of this is left as an exercise for the reader.
SerializedSuspendableExecutionContext(5 /*Chosen by fair dice roll*/)(new ExecutionContext {
override def execute(runnable: Runnable) = s ! Execute
override def reportFailure(t: Throwable) = d reportFailure t
// This is the ``ExecutionContext`` that you'll use
final def callbackExecutionContext: ExecutionContext = ssec
// Must be used in the extending Actor's ``receive`` definition
def handleCallbacks: Receive = {
case Execute ⇒
// Contrived example
class Foo extends Actor with CallbackExecutionContext {
var mutable = 0
def receive = handleCallbacks orElse {
case "pigdog" =>
implicit val ec = callbackExecutionContext
Future { if(mutable == 0) "Foo" else "Bar" } map { _.toUpperCase } map {
case "FOO" => mutable = 1
case "BAR" => mutable = 0
} foreach { _ => println("Current mutable: " + mutable)}
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